Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

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I woke up on the Sofa with Lin also asleep next to me and the credits of the little mermaid rolling. I checked the time 6:30 I yawned then realised Lin had a show at 7:00 LIN WAKE UP PLEASE OMG YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!!!!!!" I screamed and he awoke startled "WHATS GOING ON????" He screamed frightened "ITS 6:30 YOU HAVE A SHOW AT 7:00!!!!" I screamed back and we both jumped to our feet and raced down to Lins car practically leaping into it.

When we arrive Anthony is waiting at the door "Lin where were you I called like 23 times!"  Lin looked down like a child in trouble "I was asleep" then he ran into the theatre and went to change leaving me with Anthony outside. "I'm going to go pick up some doughnuts for everyone I'll be back tell Lin where I am if he gets worried or something," I tell Anthony walking off before he had time to tell me I couldn't go.

When I arrived at Denny's Delish Doughnuts I saw a very familiar face sitting at a table sketching. "Sophia? Is that you?" She looked up at my flustered and surprised. "Emily!" She replied in her posh British accent. "I came to pick up doughnuts for the cast want me to text Lin see if he'll let you hang at the theatre for a bit?" I ask proceeding to take out my phone not really giving her a choice. "Oh uh sure" she replied.

Emily: hey Lin you know the girl from the night you found me can she come over to hang while you do the show?

Lin: yes sure child plz don't text I'm busy

Emily:k thx ❤️

"Sophia he said you could come hang out! " I say ecstatic I'd have someone to hang with during the show. Sophia closes her sketchbook and smiles, I pick up the doughnuts and we head off to the theatre. Our walk was silent but not awkward more like peaceful.

When we get to the theatre the opening song has just started so we quietly walking over to the table and I place the doughnuts down leaving a not saying 'from the doughnut fairy'

Me and Sophia then head up to the roof  the air is cool and a soft breeze hits us the weather is perfect, everything was perfect then I hear a firework go off and a bloodcurdling scream I swiftly turn to see a man holding a gun he talks into a walkie-talkie "target eliminated boss" and with that he's gone.

For a second I'm frozen then my instincts kick in I pick Sophia up bridal style she's surprisingly light. She looked so small and innocent in my arms, I felt a pulse there was still time I begin to run with her down the stairs looking for anyone to help while keeping pressure on the wound. I try to find someone but they're all on stage or in the wings, I couldn't stop the show that's when Vanessa walks through the backstage entrance. By this point Sophia was on the floor unconscious while I covered her wound crying m, I look up to Vanessa "help" she instantly gets her phone and calls for an ambulance.

When the ambulance arrives we both go with her, we didn't know her parents, no one did except for the unconscious girl who'd just got shot. By the time we arrive at the hospital, it was 8:23 Lin would be done around 9:00 so I text him to let him know where we'd disappeared to.

They took Sophia into emergency surgery to attempt to save her life, I couldn't help but feel like it was all my fault, I'd taken her to the roof, I forced her to come to the theatre, I'd talked to her, I may have caused her death. I cried while Vanessa tried to comfort me.

I eventually fell asleep crying and Lin woke me up a few hours later. "Emily, Sophia got out of surgery a few hours ago you're allowed to see her niñta," he told me with a comforting smile. I immediately jumped up and burst into her room tears streaming from my eyes, she was laying awake " you don't need to be upset Emily it's only me" she yawned her blue eyes closed and her heart stopped for a second but that deafening beep felt like it lasted for an eternity but it only took a second for her heart to restart again and I breathed a sigh of relief through my tears.

I sat in her hospital room watching her she was so still, she looked like a porcelain doll, hollow and void of life. I hated the deafening silence in her hospital room but the occasional beeps were worse, each tiny beep causing me to cry harder until eventually, I was in a ball crying on the floor. Lin and Vanessa came in and I fell asleep on their laps.

Sophia's POV:(starting from when Emily walks into her room)

Emily walked into my hospital room she was in tears, I felt terrible I'd caused all this bother I'd been an inconvenience to everyone and for some reason Emily was sad. I wondered why would she really care if I died anyway? "You don't need to be upset Emily it's only me," I say before yawning and falling asleep. I see a bright light, freedom, I walk towards it but after a second I'm dragged back into the dark by Emily I hear her sobs and I feel so bad again.

I was exhausted my dreams were haunted by Emily's painful sobs. But even worse my nightmares were infested by Emily cackling at my grave and I awoke crying. I look over to the seats in my room Emily is asleep on Lin and Vanessa. Vanessa moves Emily fully onto Lins lap and walks over to me and enveloping me in a hug "shhh sweetie it's ok everything's ok" she says trying to comfort me. I give her a weak smile to show I appreciate her efforts. "Sophia do you have your parents number?" She asks me I shake my head "no I'm sorry" I was sorry because I did have there number but I didn't want to call them, not yet anyway... 

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