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Sophia's POV:
I got on the bus to Jersey city, it was 4 miles away. I knew I had to get out of New York but I couldn't stray to far it would take to long. I fell asleep and the bus driver shouted at me to get off as Jersey city was the last stop. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran off the bus, In Jersey city you can be a new women...

Emily's POV:
I woke up to see that Sophia wasn't in her bed sketching as she usually did, I assumed she'd gone to the bathroom or to get a glass of water. I walked into the kitchen and noticed a note I read it out loud:

Dear Lin,Vanessa,Emily,Sebastian and the cast,
thank you for everything you've done for me these past few weeks but I know you can't care for me forever so I shall make our parting easier, I hope I shall find luck in the foster system and I'm very sorry but to make my journey to an orphanage I must borrow some food and money I'm terribly sorry.
Thank you and goodbye forever.

"Lin! Vanessa! She's gone!!" I screamed not really knowing what to do. Lin and Vanessa walked into the kitchen sleepily "emily what's wrong why are you screaming the neighbourhood down?" Lin asked me as Sebastian waddled in. I couldn't get any more words out I just shoved the note in their faces. At first they were confused but as they read the note I saw their facial expressions turn into a mixture of pity and sorrow. "She knew we couldn't care for her forever" Lin said with sorrow "we were going to ask one of the cast members to adopt her or find her a home that we knew would take care of her" Lin continued we all looked down upset hoping she'd be ok. Vanessa suddenly looked up determined "we'll find her she can't of gotten too far all she took was a couple slices of bread, an apple and about $20 as far as I can tell." We all nod in agreement but I was afraid for her she was small as it is she wouldn't survive a week if she was put in an abusive home.

                                                                            Sophia's (last) POV:

I arrived at an orphanage and took a deep breath. I knocked on, a friendly looking women opened the door "hello sweetie, what are you doing here?" She asked me concerned. "Please I need a home my parents are gone I'm so sorry to bother you at your orphanage but I have no place to go and I came here all alone" I said quickly, she gave me a look of pity "you best come in then sweetie" she says as she leads me in this was my life now this orphanage was my home I had to forget my past and look forward.

Emily's POV:
We contacted every orphanage we could find in NYC she wasn't in any of them we searched for days but the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into a month. Our hope faded we had to move on maybe we'd see her again one day but for now we had to stop looking.

School was starting soon so Lin and Vanessa enrolled me into Lauren's high I was afraid to go to a new school where I had no friends but I was ready.
We went school shopping and I got some new clothes, a new phone since my old one was kinda crappy now and just general school supplies.

When we got home I started to set up my new phone and Lin looked over my shoulder "child where is your twitter" he said "oh I've never really had twitter" he gasped looking offended and he grabbed my phone and ran into his room locking the door. I hear Vanessa saying "Lin what are you doing " and I also hear Lin screaming "THE CHILD NEEDS TWITTER" I laugh and sit on the floor with Sebastian "hey sebby what you doing?" I ask him "I'm playing trains!" He replied with a big smile. I picked up a train and started to play with him.

Around 20 minutes later Lin ran in and passed me my phone I gave him a suspicious look as I unlocked it. Twitter was open my username was @the_4th_schuyler_sister_emily
And my only tweet was @linmanuel_miranda (I think that's his twitter handle) is the bestest father in the world and I absolutely love him he's amazing at everything he does he's awesome and better then me at Mario cart.
I have him a 'are you serious look' and he laughed as a notification popped up 'Lin had retweeted your tweet' then 'Anthony has retweeted your tweet' then 'jazzy has retweeted your tweet and commented "whoooo new Schuyler sister" ' and within a matter of minutes everyone in the cast had retweeted it and I had managed to gain 2345 followers and many people had commented few were mean but most found the tweet funny.

I couldn't sleep tomorrow was my first day of school I always thought I'd go to Sophias school but she was gone now so it wasn't possible I wanted to see her again at least once I wanted is to have a real goodbye but I knew it wasn't possible but it was possible to speak to her again. I typed in her number, I hesitated then pressed call I rang once twic- she picked up I heard her groaning sleepily "hello?" She said groggily "hey is that SophiaJohnston?" I asked nervously "it is now who's this?" She questioned "it's emily" I tell her "do I know an emily?" She replies and it breaks my heart she'd already forgot me. "Yes you do I'm an old friend, I just want to know are you ok? Are you safe wherever you are?" I ask "I'm..." she hesitates "I'm fine thank you please don't call again I don't know you!" I hear a bang then she hangs up. It'd only taken her a month to forget me. I sighed and went to sleep.

Bit of a short chapter today sorry 😅 I'm going to do a spin off book about what happens to Sophia that's why this chapter contain her last POV (for now) so yeah head over to that book too. See ya later!

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