Are you safe?

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Emily's POV:
I woke up in a strange room, my heart beat so fast it felt as if it was it would burst out of my chest. I slowly got out of the strange bed and walked slowly towards the door, when suddenly the door swung open I jumped back and screamed.

When I opened my eyes Lin was laughing "are you ok?" He asked "I'm fine" I said realising that this strange room was probably part of Lins house though I still wondered how I'd gotten here, before I could think it over properly Lin had lead me to the dining room a plate of pancakes waiting for me. "Oh thank you!" I exclaimed he smiled at me drinking a cup of coffee.

~lil time skip brought to you by polar bears that antisocialblob  rides to school~

Later Lin sat down with me looking nervous but also trying to look serious. "Emily I need you to tell me the truth are you safe?" He asked me. I didn't know how to answer so I just looked down, he sighed "I knew it" he hugged me "we're going to try and foster you we're going to keep you safe Emily I promise"   

He held me in his arms for a few seconds longer then went back to his normal bubbly self "so do you want to come to the theatre today?" He asked "oh am I allowed I wouldn't want to invade?" He laughed at my reply "of course your allowed child your almost my daughter, Vanessa is just sorting the paperwork so we can officially foster you today" (I know it probably doesn't work like that but meh this is a story so yeah) I stared at Lin "y-you want to foster me?" I said surprised "of course i do!" He replied picking me and spinning me round "wow your so light, how old are you I never actually asked?" As I landed back on the floor I stabilised myself then replied "I'm 14" he grinned excitedly "when's your birthday?" He looked like a child on Christmas morning "it's on the 18th of October" he pouted I'd disappointed him "that's months away I want to celebrate your birthday nowwww" I laughed at him then we headed to the theatre.

When we arrived I sat on the sofa while Lin talked to the rest of the cast I felt very out of place so I decided to explore the theatre so I slipped off and began to look around.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder I slowly turned around met by oaks smiling face "hey your Lins new child right? I'm Okieriete But you can call me oak everyone does" he held out his hand with a large grin on his face I took it and shook it "yes I am Lins new child I think. I'm Emily but you can call me Emily everyone does" I replied imitating hid sentence causing us both to fall into fits of laughter.

"You wanna do something fun to delay  rehearsals?" He asked eagerly "I don't know will Lin be mad at me" I question uncertainly he just laughed "of course not child" i thought for a minute I didn't want to dissapoint oak if only just met him "hmm ok let's go then" as soon as I agreed he grabbed my hand and lead me to his dressing room then he shut the door. (I PROMISE THIS ISNT WHAT YOU THINK CALM DOWN!!!!!)

Soon Lin began calling me frantically "Emily, emily? Child are you playing a prank? Where's oak did he put you up to this?" As he passed the dressing room I swung the door open and leaped onto his back he put me down and gave me a Stern look.

I began to lower my body in order to dodge any attacks "I'm so so sorry oak said you wouldn't get mad with me please don't hurt me" I pleaded Lins stern look turned to sympathy and he hugged me "I would never hurt you emily I'm sorry I was trying to pretend to be mad I wasn't really mad I could never get mad or even think about hurting you" I breathed a sigh of relief thankful he wasn't mad.

Soon Lin had to start rehearsals and I sat backstage with some pizza and glass of water Lin had given me i listened to them rehearse, they were all amazing performers it was like having a live soundtrack on shuffle.

When  they practiced stay alive (reprise the one where Phillip dies I think) I was in tears and I think I was a bit to passionate as Lin came running back stage "emily are you ok?" He asked concerned "I'm fine it's just so sad that Phillip dies" I said laughing through the tears, he gave me a quick hug then headed back to the rehearsals.

~timeskip brought to you by a random person I'm going to tag it's like a raffle! Mistygosa  wins 😂😅 sorry if I annoyed you but you were randomly picked so......~

Rehearsals took around 2 hours and by the end of it I'd fallen asleep on the sofa only to soon be woken up by Lin." time to wake up we're going out for a meal we're meeting Vanessa and Seb there" he told me gently. "Seb?" I repeated confused. "Oh that's right you haven't my son Seb,your little brother!" He exclaimed clearly excited for me to me this Seb.

As we drove to the restraint we listened to be more chill,it wasn't a very popular musical compared to musicals like Hamilton,wicked etc but I introduced Lin to it and we both listened to it in the car; I quietly sung along to it but so quiet only I could hear myself as I wasn't a very good singer and didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Lin because he was such a great singer.

The restaurant was quite busy so it took is a minute to see Vanessa and Seb sat at a table waiting for us. As soon as I sat down next to Seb he looked up at me confused "who are you?" I giggled "I'm Emily your new fos- sister" I almost said foster but realised it would confuse him he just smiled. "Do you like chugginton?" He asked eagerly I didn't want to disappoint him but I had no idea what a chugginton was "umm of course" I instantly knew I'd said the right thing as he smiled and threw himself into me wrapping his small arms around me.

After my hug from Seb the waiter took our orders, I ordered the cheapest meal as I didn't want to waste Lin and Vanessa's money. When the waiter left from behind her it was revealed to me that a table of strange looking man as well as a women, with them a teenage boy and a teenage girl.

How did I not notice them. They looked angry, it was Mr and Mrs Archer with Bella and Jack. My old foster family! What were they doing here? They never ever ate out but I guess it was because I wasn't there to cook for them anymore.

My thought was interrupted by Lin, "Emily, the foods here are you ok? You keep staring, do you know them?" He asked me quietly. I broke out of my trance "oh no I don't know them, I was just daydreaming about stuff" I nervously replied, he seemed to buy it I sighed with relief and began to eat making conversation with Lin and Vanessa while laughing at Sebs childlike tendencies.

That's all for tonight probably so
~goodnight and goodbyeeeeeee~

~luck~ an adopted by Hamilton storyWhere stories live. Discover now