Welcome back, Sophia!

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Emily's POV:

After the show, we had a mini welcome back party for Sophia with the cast. Of course, they were all ecstatic to see Sophia again somewhat healthy.We put out some camping tables on the stage and put out pizza and snacks that we'd quickly run out to buy.Lin put on a musical playlist and everyone was having a great time eating, singing, dancing etc I almost thought Sophia had forgotten about telling Lin until I saw herb walking backstage with him. I sighed sadly I was such a disappointment I couldn't even cut without getting caught and becoming even more of a burden to poor Lin and Vanessa. I was dragged from my thoughts by Groffsauce tapping on my shoulder "Lin wants to talk to you in his changing room said it's important or something." I thanked Groff and slowly headed off stage it was clear what Lin wanted to speak about, he wouldn't want you now you had become too much of an annoying burden to him and he'd want to take you back to the orphanage. I began to freak out as I headed to his dressing room I couldn't deal with going back to the orphanage just to be put in another abusive home. My fight or flight response kicked in and I ran out of the theatre and I kept running and running.

I stopped for a break and realised it was dark now, really dark I'd run from the theatre around 9:00 and the sun had only just gone down then, I'd been running for hours now I assumed it was around 1 am. The cold wind snarled and bit at me I completely regretted running. I broke down crying on the floor I just wanted to go home and be in my safe warm bed. I calmed myself and reached for my phone but that's when I realised I had left it in Lins car. Well shit. I sat down on a bench and weighed my options.

Lins POV: 

I was shocked when Sophia had told me Emily had been cutting I felt a mixture of emotions bubble up inside me; anger, sorrow, empathy, love and most of all worry.I knew I couldn't talk to Emily with all these people so I asked Groff to tell her to meet me in my dressing room because I needed to talk to her, he of course agreed and I went to wait for her in my changing room geez she was taking awhile had she forgot where my changing room was? No that's impossible she comes into it nearly every day perhaps shes just a little nervous to talk about it. I decided to wait a few more minutes.

10 mins.





After 2 hours of waiting I was livid but also hurt she completely disregarded me but at the same time, she must've felt like she couldn't talk to me which upset me the most.I headed back down to the stage, everyone was tidying up from the party Sophia noticed me and waved. "how'd it go? Where is she?" I gave her a confused look. "she never came up isn't she with you guys?" I asked but they all shook their heads and said they either hadn't seen her or they saw walking off stage and heading to my dressing room. We all split up and searched the whole theatre. She was nowhere to be seen though so in assumed she'd headed home. I took Sophia home as Jazzy and Anthony were still getting their house ready and doing paperwork.When we got inside I kissed Vanessa and asked where Emily was but she just stared blankly. "shes..with you right?" well shit. "no she left the theatre I assumed she'd come home," I told Vanessa. Sophia went to sleep in Emily's room and I explained the whole situation to Vanessa and shes just as shocked about Emily cutting as I was. We both stay up late in case she tries to sneak in but at 1 am I send Vanessa to bed as she had a big case in the morning.

Emily's POV:

I decided to knock on a random house and ask to use their phone but I soon realised I was in a very secluded area without many houses so I just chose the closest and only one.I knocked on and prayed they were still awake and to my luck, the door swung open a strange looking middle-aged man was stood before me and though he sent off a bad vibe I spoke up. "excuse me may I use your phone to call my guardian I'm a little lost"he looked down at me then his eyes lit up "your that famous Broadway guys kid aren't you?"i nodded and he let me in. A wave of regret wash over me when he smiled and locked the door." I think I'll go somewhere else sir" I said quickly and he just smiled while walking towards me. "no you won't sweetheart your staying right here" he grabbed my arm and dragged me "LET ME OUT PLEASE"I begged but he just picked me up and covered my mouth. He threw me into a dingy basement and locked it. I scratched and banged the door for what seemed like hours. He eventually opened it and held a gun to my head "you better shut the fuck up sweetheart we've got a video to film" he said leading me to a chair and tieing me to it. I began to cry why couldn't I just have a nice life? Why did I have to run? Why me? Why?

He set up a camera and held up cards for me to read from "hello Lin, I've been kidnapped and they'll only set me free if you pay $5000- wait no Lin don't pay it this is my fault!" the man shot my leg and told me to keep reading the cards I obliged in extreme pain "If you do not pay within 2 weeks I will be sold as sex slave... WAIT WHAT Lin I'll be fine I'm sure I'll escape don't pay I love you!" he shot my leg again and I screamed out in pain. He turned off the camera and sent it to Lin I hoped to god Lin wouldn't pay the money I wasn't worth it, he should save it for a holiday or something better.The man bandaged my bullet wounds as I cried, he left me tied to the chair and locked in the basement again.Lin wouldn't want me back any way I was just a burden he was probably ecstatic that I was gone.

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