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Emily's POV:

After Sophia was discharged she obviously gave Lin his wallet back and she wouldn't stop apologizing even though Lin didn't mind as he understood why she'd done it. I was actually glad shed done it if she hadn't we wouldn't have found her again.We went to MacDonalds and she looked so small as she ate her chicken nuggets quickly you could tell she hadn't eaten in a while, I felt terrible it was my fault shed run in the first place I should've noticed she was acting strangely I should've kept an eye on her it's all my fault! Tears brimmed in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away " I'm going to the bathroom ill be right back" I told Lin and Sophia they both nodded and I stood up and headed over to the bathrooms. Empty. Perfect. I rushed into a stall and quickly locked it allowing my trapped tears to flow freely down my face as I grabbed my hamilton pin from my jacket and sat helplessly on the bathroom floor, my hands shook as I pulled down my sock.

~cutting warning I'm sorry. if you're cutting or thinking about it I know its hard but please reach out to someone. Try  KOOTH a free online councilling website that's completely anonymous.~

I brought the pin to my ankle. 1 for letting Sophia go. 1 for her getting hurt. 1 for letting her down. 1 for crying. 1 for being a disappointment. I lost all control and just kept cutting my ankle covering up all the old scars from past things I'd caused. I only stopped when I heard the bathroom door swing open. "Emily is that you crying? You've been in here for over an hour are you alright?" a chill went down my spine as Sophia called out to me I must've lost track of time I quickly pulled my sock over my ankle that was bleeding a lot, I picked a perfect day to wear white socks and a fucking skirt. I never wear skirts why today!? I quickly wiped my eyes and stepped out the stall with a wide smile "oh I'm fine I asleep? On the toilet hahahahaha sorry to worry you and Lin." I said and she looked me up and down taking the bait until her eyes wandered down to my ankle which was hidden by a previously white sock that was bright red. Her eyes widened and I heard her mumble something along the lines of no not her, she looked me dead in the eye. "pull down you sock" she said in a deadly serious tone. "w-what" I stumbled over my words but she just gave me a look that said bitch you know what I said now do it. Damn, she was scary when she was serious I quickly pulled down the sock that covered my clean ankle and smiled at her but she didn't return the smile."the.other.sock." is all she said and I defeatedly pulled down my other sock as tears began to cascade out of my eyes again. She gasped and quickly hugged me while I cried. "please don't tell Lin"I whispered as I began to calm down but she gave me a sad look "Emily I've got to and you know it"I did know it so I didn't argue with her and instead just sadly nodded.

She agreed to tell Lin later and helped me to clean my ankle, she lent me her socks to cover it up for the time being and we headed out the bathroom smiling though both our smiles were fake. "Emily what happened? i thought you'd beentaken away again!" Lin asked me frantically "i am sooo sorry Lin i didn't get much sleepm last night and i may have fell asleep on the toilet" i said and anxiously waited for his response; luckily he believed it and began to laugh and we all headed out and towards the car. Next stop Sophias foster home. Sophia and I stayed in the car and watched Lin argue with Sophias foster parents. He fought his way into the house to collect all Sophias things. He re-emerged around half an hour later and put Sophias things in the boot.He got in and looked back at us, specically at Sophia "um Sophia i found this in your room care to explain?" her face went bright red as Lin held up a little metal object and i quickly recognised it as a razor, she took a deep breath "oh that was just there w-when i m-moved in i promise" she said smiling but her smiled wavered slightly when Lin smiled and threw it out of the window. Next stop Sophias old orphanage.

As we pulled up to the orphanage Sophias smile completely dropped and she seemed slightly worried so i squeezed her hand to let her know it'd be ok. We got into the orphanage and Sophia showed me around while Lin explained the situation to owner. Withen an hour we were on the road again finally heading home. I was happy to have Sophia back but incrediably nervous she'd tell Lin tonight that i'd been cutting my ankle, worrying about this caused my mind to wander back to that razor Lin had found in Sophias room had she cut at some point? I decided i'd have to bring this up when we got to the theatre as thats where we were headed as Lin had a show soon.

When we arrived at the theatre Lin rushed to get ready and i pulled Sophia into a private room."ok spill whats up with that razor?" she rolled her eyes "i already told you and Lin!" she said heading towards the door but before she could i grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve. Neat rows of scars lined her wrist and she had gone bright red "i'm sorry, it's like an addiction for me i can't stop thats why my family was embarrassed of me.I'm sorry" i hugged "your quite the hypocrite you know? i can't do it yet you can"she laughed and i felt safe."i won't tell Lin as he's not your guardian but everytime you feel the urge to do it you've gotta tell me ok?" she told me and i smiled "ok".

meh my phones still broke but i had an itch to update i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee writing my laptop though but meh i do it for you few people who actually lke my crappy book!

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