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Emily's POV:
I felt so useless I had only just been fostered by Lin and Vanessa and I'd already screwed it up as well as getting Seb taken too. I really wanted to be the hero in this but I was helpless there was no where I could go.go.go...

After the Jones family had eaten breakfast they came upstairs me Jones unlocked my door and I hugged Seb tightly but not tight enough. Bella ripped Seb from my arms and covered his mouth muffling his screams;jack grabbed me and covered my mouth but I didn't scream or put any fight like Seb tried to do.

They shoved me and Seb in the back of a black van they must've stole while they all got in the front. I fell asleep with Seb for awhile and woke up a few hours later. I noticed that the vans door had a small gap in the middle where I could see that latch. I crawled over to it trying not to fall every time the van shook. I stuck my finger through the small gap and unhooked the latch. I then grabbed the sleeping Seb and jumped out rolling on the empty gravel path protecting Seb with my body.

I quickly lead the now awake Seb over to a near tree until the van was completely out of sight I was very relieved until I noticed we were in the middle of nowhere...

Lins POV:
The police had a lead on where Seb and Emily could be we went to Emily's old foster parents house and burst down the door. I was feeling relieved that I had a chance to see the kids again but no one was home they were gone. According to a neighbour they'd took off in a black van earlier with my Emily and Seb.

I felt helpless I couldn't do anything to help them, they could be being tortured it even dead right now and we had no idea where these sickos took my children, my precious children. I'd only just given Emily a better life and it had been ripped away from her, I felt like it was all my fault Emily could've had a better life where she was safe with another family and Seb could be safe too. NO! I wouldn't trade emily and Seb for anything I loved them they were my family and I was determined to find them!

Emily's POV:
I held Sebs hand and started to walk the opposite way in which their van went. We walked for a few hours with intervals of me having to carry Seb, but after those few hours we came across a small village and we practically ran to the local police station.

I walked up to front desk with Sebastian pretty much hugging onto my leg. "Excuse me please would you mind helping us " I said quietly trying to get the ladies attention. She looked at me "sure sweetie how can I help you" she said sweetly "we were kidnapped we need to go home" I said with more confidence while Seb burst into tears "mummy daddy" he walked for them it  broke my heart and I thought I was so smart.

The lady sat us in the waiting room and called NYC police to let them know we'd been found and where they could pick us up. Meanwhile I sung blow us all away quietly to Seb and he gently drifted of to sleep, I held him close I didn't want to lose him.

~Time skip brought to you by a random person Ima tag antisocialblob you win~

A few hours pass before 2 NYC state police officers come in, they first speak to the woman at desk then take me to the police car while I'm holding the still soundly sleeping Seb in my arms.

It's a long drive back but as soon as we arrive at NYC I wake up Seb "we're almost home now bug come on" and with that we both leap out of the police car and he runs into Lin and Vanessa's arms I stand back a little though I didn't know if they'd still want me I'd put their sons life in danger and caused everyone bother. But Lin and Vanessa soon realised Id hung back and they proceeded to envelope me in their arms. I had a lump in my throats and it was hard to speak "d-do you s-still want me-e?" I asked then burst into tears."of course we still want your sweetie!" Vanessa exclaimed. "B-but I put Sebby in d-danger" I wailed. "That wasn't your fault emily we'll still love you no matter what your our daughter now" Lin told me.

They both calmed me down and i eventually stopped crying. "We should probably head back to the apartment" Lin said looking at the time on his phone, we all agreed and got into Lins car; I fell asleep on the way as I'd stayed up all night in the police station and police car in order to watch over Sebby.

Lin or Vanessa  must've carried inside because when I woke up I was in the guest room again only this time the walls had been painted over white and most of the old furniture had gone other then the bed. I got out of the bed and walked into the living room where Lin was sat he smiled at me "what happened to your guest room?" I asked nervous that they'd decided to throw me out after all. "Oh well we decided it would be your room and we wanted you to decorate it so it would really show who you are and you deserve to decorate it yourself as this is your house too now" he said with a big grin on his face "wow thank you I've never decorated a room before" I said excited. "The Schuyler sisters (pippa and Renee etc you get it) will take you shopping tomorrow lemme give their numbers" he said kindly but then I remembered my phone had gotten smashed. "Oh thats ok you see my phone may have gotten smashedpleasedonthurtme"I said quickly while flinching thinking he'd be furious. "Emily I would never ever hit you even if you killed someone I'd be mad obviously but I'd never hit you, don't worry about it you can get a new phone while shopping tomorrow" he told me hugging me. I naturally pulled out the hug "oh no no please phones are expensive I don't want to waste you money" I tried to tell him. "Your getting a new phone emily" he told me sternly but in a funny joke way we both laughed and he put on the little mermaid for us to watch together.

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