LOVE me Again |Taejin|

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Seokjin and Taehyung were once a happily married couple. They meet each other during their college days and fell in love.
Taehyung come from a very wealthy family whereas Seokjin's family barely made it. Despite Seokjin's flaws Taehyung loved him unconditionally and proposed to marry him. Seokjin being the lovesick puppy, said yes without realizing the consequences of the deed.
Taehyung's mother always opposed their marriage and feed him lies about Seokjin, saying that he married him only for money and one day Jin would run away with the money.
But he never doubted Jin. He knew his love would never do such kind of thing.
But one day Taehyung's mother's word became reality, Seokjin really did took a lot of money from Taehyung's bank account.
When Taehyung came to know about this deed and remembering his mother's words he threw Seokjin out of his house without any explanations. Seokjin begged and begged, but it all went in vain.

Taehyung's POV

It's been a year since the person I loved the most betrayed me, leaving me with nothing but pain and suffering.
And here I am celebrating my 2 year Anniversary alone at some shitty strip club. Weed and smoke oozing in the air. I wish he would not have done it. I could have gave him my life, he just had to ask. I loved him so much.
I still do.
I made my ways towards stage where all drunkards were gathered around, probably enjoying some stripper's Ten minute show.. Too bad.
But what I saw next made the ground beneath me slip.
My Jinnie was the one giving them the show which was only meant for my eyes. Dammit! Such a slut he is.
But am gonna show him who he really belongs to. Just you wait whore.

I dragged Jin out of the club, and throwed him over my shoulder. "Put me down you asshole." he shouted.
I didn't said anything just took him towards my car and dropped him the passenger's seat.
"Let me go please am not the one you what please, let go." He was full on crying mode now.
"Don't even think of escaping, and oh darling your are definitely the one I want. " I said with a deadly voice.
"T-Taehyung.." He shuttered. Well somebody has a good memory. A little smirk playing on my lips.
"Where are to taking me, please let me go I swear I didn't do anything. "
Without replying to him I made my ways towards my newly owned penthouse, cause the old house reminded me too much about my good times with Seokjin and his betrayal. Tears were streaming down his face, hurt and pain was displayed on his beautiful face. I hated to see my Jinnie like this.
Once we reached, I ushered him inside but not before attaching my lips to his full blown one.
I picked him up bridal style without removing my lips from and gently land him on the bed.
I fucked my baby all night along, in every position possible, so next time when he would go whoring around he would remember who's whore he really is. He still was so shy as if I have seen nothing at all just like the first night I made love to him on my birthday.

Somewhere in the middle of night Jin fall asleep cause of exhaustion. Well I went too rough on him, how can I not when I was seeing him whole after one year three months seven days and four hours and thirty two seconds later, I counted each any every minute I was without my Seokjin.
I kept on asking myself where I went wrong was my love not enough that he had steal, if only he did not had lied, we could have been together.
"Why did you do it Jinnie? "
"I'm sorry Tae." A small voice spoke besides me. I got up to see Jin fully awake besides me, tears in his eyes.
I sat up with my back against the backrest and Jinnie sat in front of me.

"I'm sorry Taehyung for hurting you but believe me I would have never done if it wasn't for an emergency." He spoke while taking my hands in his.
"What was so important that you had to steal from me, mom was always right, you married me only for my money, did you even loved me or was it just a facade to rob me more, huh? "
I shouted / yelled at him.
"No Tae I was going to ask you but I didn't had the time to do so. "
He replied sadly without meeting my eyes, when I did not say anything he continued..
"J-Jisoo she was badly hurt in a accident,the onlookers brought her to hospital, they informed dad about it and later he called me up saying that the doctor wouldn't do her operation if we didn't deposited the money as soon as possible, I tried calling you but it was unreachable, I even called your secretary but she said you were busy in a meeting, I didn't knew what to do so I withdraw the money from your account hoping to tell you about it when I got back home, I am really sorry Tae, please forgive me."

My mind went blank from Jin's confession, how could have I not trusted someone so precious to me.
By the time he was finished he was sobbing and knowing that I was the behind this bought a rage inside me, I so badly wanted to hurt myself, I don't deserve someone like my Jin.

"Where are you going Taehyung?" Jin asked.
"Some where I won't hurt, and I don't deserve you to. " I replied sadly.
"Don't go please, I admit you did hurt me, but if only you knew the truth.. He dragged on.
"I love you, please don't leave me again."
"You do??"
"Love me still??"
"Of course you pabo I do and will always."
"I love you too Jin, and I am extremely sorry for not believing in you and your love, I promise to never hurt you again." I promise...
"Oh shut up and love me again already. " He replied. A cute pout forming on his kissable lips. Oh how much I really miss them.
"Oh and just to be clear I am still angry on you."
"What did I do now." He asked, confusing lacing his face.
"You have been a very bad boy lately, showing others what is only meant for my eyes, and you know what bad boys get?" I asked with a smirk forming on my lips.
"They get punished." He slurred in my ear.
And that's all I wanted to hear from him to an endless night.
I'm such a hoe for Taejin.

I know all told you'll that I might write smut, but everytime I think of it my mind goes blank.
There is so much going on in my mind but am not able to express it in words.
Am such a disappointment 😔😔

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