Like I would |Taejinkook|

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"I see you are lonely again?"
Seokjin got startled, as the wine glass almost slipped from his hand, hearing the familiar gruff voice, right near his left ear. Seokjin knew it in a heartbeat who's voice it was, but he dare not turn around.

"I know Jin, that you know it's me, your Jungkookie."
The intruder spoke again, making sure to touch Seokjin's ears with his is lips.

"Speak up baby, or, oh my bad, how could I forget your husband is... um... right over there, talking to those foreigners, poor baby, all alone and lonely even without his husband, that too on his own honeymoon-

"They are his clients, and we are not on a honeymoon, it's a business trip."
Seokjin finally, swirling around suddenly, making sure to hit the other man in his gut with his knees.

"Oh sorry, but you deserve it."
Seokjin smirked, standing up, moving away from the man, who did nothing but use the younger for his selfish needs.
Jungkook grabbed Seokjin's wrist, dragging him to further most corner, twisting his arm behind his back.

"Let go"
Seokjin said in a painful whisper as the other's grip tightened.

"Shut it Jin, does it look like I'm here to let you go again, or does it seems like I care that Taehyung is just few meters away from us."
Jungkook spoke, looking at Jin the same way he did when they were together.

"I know I hurt you baby, but you should have understood that I had to let you go, otherwise my Appa would have disowned me, throwing me on the streets, I'm sorry that I couldn't stand with you, but please baby know that I love you so fucking much, please Jin, leave Taehyung and come back to me, I've got everything now, money, house, cars, power everything love."
Jin swatted Jungkook hands, creating a distance between them, looking up showing no signs of weakness as he spoke.

"So what, Taehyung-ssi, too has all of these, oh and yes he also has a heart which unlike him you don't."

"Oh I see, but can that heart love you like I do, or does his heart makes you go crazy for him, hmm tell me Jin."


"He would never love you like I do, never would touch you like I do, would never turn you on like I do."
Jungkook leaned down, lips just a centimeter away from Jin's, aching to touch the plum ones so badly, wanting to taste them again, but before he could fully lean in Jin placed his palm on his chest, moving his lips near Jungkook's ear, saying the words, which the older was dying to hear.

"10pm, Room 1501.
Five minutes more till the clock would strike ten, excitement building up to its fullest, making the older's member harden already in his dress pants. Jungkook held his knuckle up, knocking on the door, but thought otherwise and twisted the knob I instead, surprising as the door was not locked.
He came inside, making sure to lock the door, searching through the doors to find exactly where his Jin was.
Faint moaning noises were heard from the room on his left, a smirk forming, thinking that maybe Jin was prepping himself.
He happily walked towards the door, triumphetly smiling over his victory at winning Jin back against his own husband.

"Ah, Taehyung."
A loud moan, inside from room was heard, making the other halt action.
Still, gathering his thoughts he peeked inside, the scene in front of his was completely devasting, his ego and confidence was all busted. Seokjin gave him false hope, he double crossed, made him a fool, made the older believe, he still craved for his touch, but in reality it was all his husband he wanted. All was in the past, his relationship with Jungkook, his feelings, his love.
But now his life begin with his husband Taehyung and ended with him. All Seokjin ever wanted was love, which he got, maybe a lot more than he expected, from his husband, Taehyung, and never in a million years would he ever try to hurt his loving husband.

Seokjin knew, he should not have led Jungkook on, down in the hall, but he wanted to teach the older a lesson, he wanted to show the older, that he had moved on, that his touches no longer hold any meaning.
He wanted to break the myth where Jungkook thought no one could ever make Jin moan louder as he did, wanted to show him, that yes there was someone whose touch could set Jin's body on fire and mostly importantly there was someone who did love Jin more than anybody in this world.

Seokjin caught Jungkook's sight as he pulled his husband impossiblely closer to him by wrapping his legs around his waist, while Taehyung nuzzled his face in Jin's crook, thrusting faster, being balls deeper into his sweet husband's tight hole.

"More harder Tae, please..."
Seokjin cried harder, as each thrust send him to the core.

"If I go any harder than this baby, I might hurt you."
Taehyung tried to reasoned out, wiping of the tears streaming down his beautiful husband's deep flushed cheeks.

"I just want to feel you-

"I know baby, but not at the cost of hurting you."
Taehyung looked at the wrecked state of his husband, feeling proud.
He indeed was the luckiest man, not because he had the most beautiful husband, but also because his husband was the most caring and loving, a precious gem he vowed to cherish.

Jungkook who still stood frozen averted his gaze from scene, turned on his heels, clenching his heart at finally losing Jin forever.
Hearing a soft 'I love you Taehyung-ssi'
broke his heart into pieces than it already was.

When we take things for granted, we don't usually realize their value until it's gone, and that's what happened with Jingkook.
He always took Jin's love for granted, always thought that the younger would never move on from him, no matter with whom he married, and that was Jungkook's biggest mistake, Seokjin not only moved on but also found someone who truly loved him, and just because of his ego and arrogance Jungkook lost his love to someone else.


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