I'll steal your heart |Kookjin|

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"How do I look Song biseo?"

"You look very handsome sah-jang-nim."
A flustered secretary replied, tucking her strands behind her ear.

The CEO said checking himself through the reflective glass panels outside the conference room.

"Let's head in."
The CEO entered the room dashingly causing the hearts of people to thump  louder against their ribcage and no, it wasn't because they were scared rather they would never get over how devilishly handsome their CEO was along with his generous heart and lovable persona.

No matter how many hearts fell for the handsome CEO, but the superior's heart was already stolen by an equally handsome and a beautiful person inside out.
And right now the CEO was waiting not so patiently for that lovely human to arrive as he kept checking his watch.

"Miahne yeo-leo-bun."
The CEO Jung said now entering the conference room.
The other CEO who goes by the name of Jeon Jungkook smiled to himself for almost waiting for two long minutes to finally be able to see the stealer of his heart.

"Miahne Jeon sah-jang-nim."
CEO Jung said taking a seat opposite the said man, while the other nodded in return.

Jungkook's eyes trailed from the CEO to behind him where the beauty stood, files in his delicate hands, glasses on the bridge of his perfectly sculpted nose, eyes casted down.
An absolute justice to definition of perfection he is, the secretary of CEO Jung, the most beautiful person and the stealer of Jungkook's heart, Kim Seokjin.

"Today Kim biseo would be explaining the layout of project Casa, as you'll can see I'm having a sore throat, which also lead me to be late."
CEO Jung said in a bit dramatic way as the others shared a laugh.

"You may start Kim biseo."
Seokjin came forward, introducing himself as he stood beside the screen explaining the project.
One must say, the said secretary was handsome, but his voice was melodious too, everytime sending a tingling sensation to Jungkook's ear as he would hear Seokjin's voice.

Jungkook's lips whispered looking at Seokjin, eyes never leaving his form as the others voices fell deaf on his ears.
Seokjin who heard Jungkook's inaudible whispered blushed, not looking at the said CEO from the time they arrived and he wouldn't even dare to.
After the conference was over with Jungkook mostly concentrating on Seokjin, but the CEOs were now in Jungkook's cabin sharing chai.

"Ya, Jungkook-ah why do you keep staring at the door, do you want to go home?"

"Ani, hyung-nim, it's just that-

"That you want to see Kim biseo."

"Hyung-nim I-
CEO Jung laughed loudly seeing how easily Jungkook would get flustered every time Kim biseo was mentioned.

"You like him, don't you."

"Ani hyung-nim... I love him."
Jungkook confessed wholeheartedly earning a genuine smile from the other CEO.
But someone else's smile dropped upon hearing the last line.

"Oh, so he loves someone."
It would be a lie if Seokjin's heart didn't cracked a little hearing that, he thought all those little stares, smiles, praises and definitely the tension between him and Jeon sah-jang-nim ment something but hearing the other confess that he loves someone definitely hurts.
Seokjin kept the tray of cookies on the floor as he ran away from their catching a taxi to his home.
Two days after the meeting, Jungkook would be able to see Kim biseo again as the top businessmen, celebrities and also politician where gathered to attend the charity auction, about raising the funds, which will be used for the betterment of the one's which were in need.

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