Be My Boyfriend |Kookjin|

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"Jungkook, staring won't help you get him."
Yugyeom said taking a seat besides the said boy on the hood of his car, following his gaze, landing on the boy, who was about to get inside his car.

"I can't help it."
He replied nonchalantly, gaze still lingering on that beautiful boy.

"Then ask him out."
Yugyeom suggested, now having his friend's full attention.

"As if he will ever agree."

"That's where you're wrong Kookie, you see, you're the most popular guy in school, from academics to sports you top it all and are flithy rich, while Seokjin is also the most popular boy cause of his beauty and-


"Exactly, you see my point over here, plus all the students already ship you guys, why not put a stamp on it."
Yugyeom explained, wriggling his brows, making his friend roll his eyes at his lame point.
"Hands off Jeon."
Seokjin said trying to remove Jungkook's hands from his waist, as the other saved him from falling down just a moment ago.

"And what if I don't Princess."
Jungkook retorted, grabbing his waist more firmly, pulling the younger close to him, making Jin to placed his palms flat on Jungkook's hard chest.

"Firstly, my name is Kim Seokjin and secondly, because I said so."
Seokjin countered, pushing Jungkook a bit, but not hard enough for the other to loose his grip.

"Today 10pm, party at my house, wear something sexy."
Jungkook whispered not really replying to what the younger said earlier, still breathing in Seokjin's neck, feeling the younger's heat.

"Don't be late."
He whispered again, couragingly placing a soft kiss on the younger's splendid neck.
"Do you think he is going to come."
Yugyeom questioned, grabbing the drink outta Jungkook's hand, gulping it wholly in a go.

"Honestly I don't know, but my heart says he will, and I don't quite trust it, so-
Jungkook dragged his sentence, eyes following towards the person who just showed up, looking all sexy for Jeon.
"You came."
Seokjin bounced on his feet, feeling the other's breath near his ear.

"Not for you Jeon, but for my friend, you see he has a little crush on your friend and wanted to see him, so I just tagged along."

"Sure, that's a valid reason, but not enough for you to, look exactly as I asked."
Jungkook said caging the younger in his arms, if anyone to see them, and only conclusion they did come up would be is, that they are in love.

"Jungkook stop putting your hands on me."

"As if you don't like it."
Jin didn't said anything, except for looking in the taller's eye.

"You know Jin, how exactly I feel about you, yet you try to ignore my existence, except when we are alone."

"I don't-

"Don't lie Jin, everytime I hold you, you like it, like to be touched by me, like my arms around you, the feathery kisses on your nape, you love it, yet you try to resist me, tell me Jin, am I wrong?"
Jungkook questioned nuzzling his neck, almost making Jin loose his balance.

"Be my boyfriend, Jin."
Seokjin gasped, never expecting Jungkook to actually ask him to his boyfriend.

"You know I really love you and won't ever hurt you, please Jin give me a chance."
Jungkook pleaded, not because he was desperate, but because he really loved Jin and wanted to show him, not all the boys are bad, some are good too.

"It's not that easy Jeon, to make me yours."
Jin said, finally pushing Jungkook away, walking outside the other's house.

"The moment you walk out of here, I won't ever look your way, Jin and whatever it was between us would be over."
Jin heard every word loud and clear, yet he kept walking, stomping the older's heart on his way.
"Why did you do that Jin?"

"I can't trust him hyung, he's a playboy."
Jin told his Yoongi hyung, pulling his knees up to his chest, as they sat beneath a maple tree.

"He genuinely loves you Jin-

"No hyung he doesn't, he is just attracted to me, and just you see in few days he'll already have someone new by his side."
Seokjin said, staring at the dry leaves, mind wandering to the moments spend with Jungkook.

"I hope you won't ever regret your decision Jin."
"It's already been five months Jin, yet Jungkook is still single, please rethink about this Jin."
Yoongi was really concerned about his dongsaeng, he felt like Jin is protecting himself rather than accepting Jungkook, he feels deep down that Jin too loves him, but is scared to be broken again, but this pabo needs to know, not everybody is like him.

"Hyung I-

"You will loose him forever, if you don't make a move now Jinnie."
Seokjin looked at Yoongi, then Jungkook who just entered the class, with his friends trailing behind him.
He really wanted to talk to Jungkook, wanted to feel the other's kisses, but stopped even before he could make a move.
Seokjin called out, stopping the other from entering his car.

"Can I have a minute to talk."

"If you are again going to reject me, then know that I-
Seokjin's lips came crashing down on Jungkook's, catching the other off guard making him stumble on his feet.


"I'll be your boyfriend."


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