My Ex Husband (1) |Taejin|

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"Jin, you sure, you can do this?"

"Don't worry Hoseok-ssi, I won't disappoint you."
Jin smiled at the Director, patting his shoulder as he adjusted the mic on his collar.

"I am not talking about the show Seokjin."
Hoseok whispered seeing as how the people in the green room now stared at the two, mumbling within themselves.

"I'm fine Hoseok hyung, don't worry about me, let's go the show is about to begin."
"And Roll"

"Hello and Welcome to The Talk Show with Kim Seokjin."
Jin spoke looking straight ahead, bracing himself to utter his next words.

"Today we have a very special guest with us in the studio, the one everyone been waiting to have a exclusive chat with, the one who broke records with every film he released, South Korea's heartthrob and now having the title of 'Most Handsome Man 2017', please welcome, Kim Taehyung."

Loud cheers and clapping were heard as now the cameras shifted from show's host to talked actor, Kim Taehyung.
The actor waved at the audiences showing off his infamous boxy smile, swooning their hearts.
Taehyung bowed to them as well as to the host taking a seat planted slightly diagonally as he now had both the views of audiences and the show host.
"Welcome to show Taehyung-ssi."
Jin spoke without an ounce of hesitation or nervousness in his voice, moulding his lips into a long stretched smiled.

Taehyung courtly replied nodding his way.

"First of all many congratulations for your wedding, Taehyung-ssi."
Jin's voice was all excited but his eyes were sad, but he quickly masked away his expressions, when the he noticed the camera zooming on his face.
Taehyung too noticed the other's eyes, but remained quiet unbothered, after all the other deserved it.

"Thank you."

"Before talking about your wedding, I'm sure your fans are pretty excited about your comeback, which again to our sources is confirmed to have at the start of twenty eighteen, are we right Taehyung-ssi?"
And Jin was back to being professional, no sadness, no hurt just pure work.

"You're abousoulutely right Mr Kim-
Oh... it is okay to call you Mr Kim or shall I call you by your name?"
Taehyung purposely asked this question, noticing how the younger hesitated to answer.

"Which ever you prefer Taehyung-ssi."
Jin laughed it out, scratching his nape while answering.

"How about Jin?"

"I'd like it"
He said briefly glancing at Taehyung, whose eyes were glued to Jin's.

'So innocent yet so cruel'
Taehyung thought.

'Don't do this Tae'

The interview went on with them speaking about his new work and winning about the said title, with a lot of awkwardness, yet the worse was them not looking at each other, to which the director, Hoseok would make them aware by giving out signals, he just hoped this would end calmly, but who was he kidding, the spouse was yet to come.

"And now please welcome on stage actor/model and also Taehyung-ssi's beautiful husband Park Jimin."

The said man entered, waving his hand delicately, giving out the bright and cheerful personality vibe, with which he has been winning hearts for years now.
Jimin hugged his husband dearly, followed by a peck on his lips, and of course the cameraman zoomed on their lips, making the audiences coo at that display of affection.
But on the other hand, the show's host diverted his eyes, a painful memory flashed before his eyes.
Jimin moved to hug the host, making the host finally look at Jimin and then past him towards Taehyung, who still had an intense gaze on JIn.

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