Dance to this (2) |Jinkook|

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"Seems like you already forgot your Jin?"
Yoongi chuckled as he took a seat besides his boss.

"Hyung, what he did to me is engraved in my heart, and I promise, you the moment I find him, that would be his worst nightmare."
Jungkook replied determinedly, but Yoongi just shook his head.
Cause Jungkook's words did not matched with what he actually feels.
He is in love with Sparkle and Yoongi knew the moment Jungkook lays his eyes on Jin, the Mafia leader would be a goner.

"OK fine, do as you wish, but we have a meeting today with Kim Woo-shik."
Yoongi said handling him the file regarding the dealing of illegal drugs.

"Aish! That scum, I don't wanna go."
Jungkook whined, as a smile almost broke on Yoongi's thin lips.

"Apparently he is been trying to join forces with Black Silver's, and you know how dangerous they are, and how fiendish their leader Lay is."

"Do I fucking look like a scared cat hyung, we can very well overshadow them, we are more powerful than him, and one more thing hyung, Jeon Jungkook never losses."
Jungkook, Yoongi and other gang members reached the location where Kim Woo-shik held the meeting.
Unlike all the locations he had been, this one was different, rather it was a huge mansion, surrounded by a beautiful garden, it was grand and well kept.
Jungkook entered the mansion where he saw Woo-shik already seated on plush grey sofa, on arm resting on the armrest while his legs criss crossed.

"What is that you wanted to talk about Woo-shik?"
Jungkook asked coming straight to the point.

"Easy, last time I remember you did not even spare me a glance."
Woo-shik retorted, sipping on his rich wine.

"Cause unlike you, I have real business to attend."

"Ah! The ever so valiant Jeon Jungkook."
A orotund voice belonging to the owner of mansion was heard as the three heads turned his direction.

"Lay-nim, he is the one I was talking about."
Woo-shik immediately butted in as the elder and most superior Mafia came down.

"I can see, but he is nothing like you described Woo-shik, I would rather say he is gutsy enough to walk in the lion's den."
The superior Mafia said, taking his seat at the throne.

"I'm impressed Jeon."
He continued looking at Jungkook's direction who had a huge question mark on his face.

"I'm not."
He replied as Lay chortled at his reply.
"Lay-nim he is the one who took your baby brother's virgini-"
Woo-shik again started as Lay stopped him by putting his finger in air.

"First he is my baby brother, second you're suppose to call him younger master and third, when two superiors are speaking a scum like you should not interfere."
All the color drained my Woo-shik's face as his leader insulted him, he couldn't believe his leader was being so lenient with Jungkook, when at the first place he should have shoot him dead, learning about how Jungkook took his brother's virginity.
Well that was not the actual truth, but half of it, and it was enough to get Jungkook killed by Lay, according to him.

"And as for knowing the remaining truth, I think it's better if my baby brother would come down solve and this mystery."

"I didn't took anybody's virginity, at least not without their content, and Lay-nim I don't even know your brother, heck I haven't even seen him."
Jungkook said, on the verge of pulling his hair, not quite understanding what was going on or what fucking game was played on him.

"Oh! Trust me you know him and have definitely seen him."

"Lay-nim -"
Jungkook stopped abruptly as his eyes followed the direction where Lay was looking at, making Jungkook's eyes widen three times, than it already were.
On the top step was the beauty which Jungkook swear to make his, the same beauty with whom he a steamy night, a month ago, the beauty who left him, the one for whom Jungkook searched every corner of Seoul.
There he was covered from head to toe making it almost unbelievable for Jungkook, that it's the same person who wears slutty clothes and dances on pole, in front of hundreds of lust hooded men.

Jungkook whispered, wanting to desperately pull Jin in arms and smoother him with kisses, long forgetting about his revenge.

"You see, Seokjin over here likes be a little rebellious, but never knew he would go to such an extent and be a slut for hundreds, not even that, but to loose his virginity to a Mafia leader, none other than Jeon Jungkook, so dearest baby brother pry tell your hyung what made you do so?"
Seokjin fidgeted with his fingers, feeling eyes on him, he wanted to tell his brother the truth when for the first time he asked, but Jin was afraid his hyung would kill Jungkook or worse torture him. Jin would not be able to live if any of these were happen to Jungkook.
But now lying was not an option as Jungkook was standing right in front of him.

"I love him hyung."
Jin spoke softly, getting two different reactions from the men he loves the most. Jungkook stood baffled whereas his hyung looked completely fine.

"About time you confessed baby brother."
Lay chuckled patting the younger's head.

"You love me."
Jungkook spoke.

"Jin, you love me then why the fuck did you leave me."

"I was scared that my hyung would harm."
Lay spoke as soon as Jin completed his statement.

"Do you think so little of your hyung Seokjin-ah, you think I world have hurt Jungkook, knowing how much you love him."
Lay sounded sad, his own brother could not trust him.

"No hyung, I trust you, but Jungkook-ssi he is your rival and how can I be with and against my own brother."
Jin sobbed as his hyung pulled him in a warm brotherly embrace.

"Seokjin-ah, Jungkook was never my rival, we just never crossed each other's paths, he stayed in his limit, while I did in mine, the only reason he is over here right know because this scum Woo-shik wanted to trap Jungkook and have him killed by my hands, but this fucker does not knows who he was feeding lies."

"Hyung I don't understand."

"Me too, Lay-nim."

"Long story short, Woo-shik told me you kinda rape my baby brother and Seokjin not answering only confirmed my doubts, but thanks to your right hand Min Yoongi, he explained me everything and now we are here."
Jungkook smiled at hyung to which Yoongi shrug his shoulders, making a 'Genius Yoongi' face.
After a whole tiring day of events and finally getting rid of Woo-shik, Jungkook stayed at the Kim's mansion, on insists of the superior Mafia, which he galdly accepted.

Jungkook said testing the younger's name on his lips.

"Jin, I love it when you call me Jin."Jin said motioning Jungkook to join him on the bed.

"Did you really loved me so much, that you decided to be a pole dancer."
Jungkook asked settling besides his beauty.

"Yes, or else how was I supposed to gain your attention."

"You could have simply stumbled upon me rather than doing something so reckless, you know it was torture watching all those men looking at you with lustful eyes."

"And you, didn't you did the same."
Jin said moving his finger down Jungkook's clothed chest.

"There's a difference, the craving for your body was less than the need I felt to make you mine or why I would come every night to see you dance so sensually, looking at me. As if all of it was for my eyes only to see."
Jungkook said as he flipped Jin, hovering over his form, arm around Jin's slim and sexy waist.

"Jungkook, I love you."
Jin said, once again looking at the Mafia leader with the same eyes, which he did before leaving him.

"I love you too Jin, from the moment I saw to first and I promise to never let you go."
The Mafia leader replied, nuzzling the beauty Jin, and vow to protect his Jin and be with him always and forever.
The Mafia leader was no longer alone, he had his beauty by his side.


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