Enamored (1) |Taejinkook|

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*Italics - Jungkook's mind*
*Italics/Underlined - Seokjin's mind*
The wedding chapel was beautifully decorated with rose gold theme.
Pink roses littering everywhere, with a hint of gold strings. The soft silk tapestry covering the wooden chairs were also pink along with the tables.
It was the other groom's wish to be in pink, after all you don't get married everyday, do we?

"Seokjin, come on baby, it's time, Taehyung is waiting for you."

"Give me a minute umma."
Seokjin muttered as he turned around to look at himself in the mirror to check is suit or at least pretended.
His mother hummed in response and close the door behind her leaving Seokjin and his best friend Jimin.

"Jin, are you sur-
"I'm Chim, now let's go I don't wanna be late for my wedding."
Seokjin said plastering a big smile on his face.
As the groom Seokjin walked down the aisle every pair of eyes where on him including the other groom and his best man.
It was unbelievable for Taehyung to believe, Seokjin was completely going to be his in matter of minutes, a sly smirk on his face.
If not the complete empire then, he does have Seokjin to himself fully and that's enough for Taehyung to rub his victory on his elder brother's face, who was also his best man.

When Seokjin stood in front of of Taehyung is eyes meet Jungkook's who held a poker face as if it does not bothers him who his love is marring, but deep down their were sparks of flame ready to bust out.

Taehyung turned around to note his hyung's expressions but found none, but he knows his hyung is burning in rage and how badly he want to slaughter the younger.
Taehyung turned back to look at Seokjin only to noticed love in his eyes but not for Taehyung, instead for his hyung, which made him mad and harshly turned Seokjin's chin so that he only look at him.

I sacrificed myself in your desire, in your love only to be betrayed.
I'm enamored on your charms,faithfulness as well as unfaithfullness, prayed for you and to be betrayed.

Taehyung held Seokjin's hands softly in his as he spoke with nothing but love in his eyes.
"Seokjin, I promise you my deepest love and my fullest devotion and in present but also in the uncertainities of future, I promise you to be faithful to you, to hold you in my arms forever and never let you go."
The last line was directed towards his hyung as if letting him know that after this Seokjin will be forever his and no matter what his hyung does,one thing was sure Seokjin was tied down to Taehyung, forever.

"I give you my heart to hold and my life to keep, today I take you as my best friend, my partner in life, my everything."
Clappings were heard as Taehyung took his vows, some murmuring how lucky Seokjin is to have someone like Taehyung who love him deeply.
And how good of a husband he would be.

It was time for the other groom Seokjin to take his vows, who was still looking at the groom's best man.
Clearing of someone's throat broke Seokjin's trance.

"Taehyung, 'Jungkook'-
"You're the dream which I always chased, my world, the joy in my heart, the air that I breath."
"But unfortunately I can't be yours"

"I promise that I'll be always there for you, when our love is simple and when it is an effort."
"Even when you will hate me."

"Promise to laugh with you in good times and be with in bad."
"Would never leave your hand even if you want to."

"Will never forget how we felt when we stared in each others eyes and shared our first kiss, may it be the strength that blinds us and love until the end if eternity, these are my solemen vows to us as I take you as my best friend and partner."

A tear went down Seokjin's cheeks, as each word said was for his first and only love Jungkook.
"Please forgive me Jungkook."

The atmosphere of happiness starts burning due to your betrayal,
You are in front of me, but not with me, my world is lonely without you.
I kept asking for a reason to die before you came, but now, not need any as my reason to live is being someone else's.

"You may now kiss each other."

As the words ushered out of priest, Taehyung took hold of Seokjin's waist and kissed his husband deeply, completely burning the last hope in his hyung's heart.
Jungkook who could not see his Seokjin being kissed by someone he turned his back at the now newly married couple and left the altar.

My every desire and my every tale would have been completed with you been in it, but now that you're gone am nothing but a walking corpse.
I end, that's where you begin form.

"Don't leave me Jungkook, even though I have already left you."
"Leave me Taehyung-ssi"
Seokjin wriggled in Taehyung's arms as the other dragged him towards his bedroom and pushed Seokjin on the bed, who crawled at the far end.
Taehyung dragged him by his ankle and took hold of Seokjin's neck blocking his air.

"It hurts"
Seokjin chocked.

"You are mine now Seokjin, not his, I married you not him."
"You belong to me, your soul, your body belongs to me, I own you Jeon Seokjin, you're mine.?
Taehyung said he dragged his finger from Seokjin's eyes to his lips, tugging at them.

"I was never yours and will never be, you can have my soul my body, but heart will only belong to Jeon Jungkook and will only love him."
Seokjin spat in Taehyung's face, angering him.

"Don't forget, Jungkook's life is in my hands, one mistake and your precious Jungkook will be gone forever."
Venom dripping his voice as he slapped Seokjin hard across his face and left him, storming out.

"Forgive me Jungkook, but I rather be with Taehyung than let you die."

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