YOU? |Jinkook|

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Jungkook was feed up of his papa trying to set in up with a random stranger, not quite a stranger, in fact his papa's best friend's only son, whom he did never see, not even a slightest glimpse of the said man, then how was he supposed to marry him and rather than meeting the man himself, he ran away to Paris.

Right now Jungkook was sipping on a coffee outside the cafe enjoying the stunning view of the city.

Papa calling...

"Can't you just let me live"
Jungkook groaned as saw his papa's name flashing on the screen.

Accept / Decline

"Sorry Papa but your candidate talks can wait."
Jungkook mumbled as he decline his papa's call, while doing his eyes caught the glimpse of beauty crossing the road heading towards the same cafe he was.

The only word this man could say when he sawed that beauty.
"Mister can I sit here?"
The angel whom Jungkook saw a while ago asked, dumbfounded he shook his head and let the latter sat opposite to him.
Jungkook couldn't help bur stare at the beauty and was itching to know his name.
Soft fair skin, big doe eyes filled with black color, full plum lips, making him desired
to kiss the other passionately and never let them go.

"I know this is sudden but may I know your name."
Jungkook asked as he waited for his beauty to reply.

"Just because I asked to sit here does not mean I'm interested in you."
The beauty retorted, not liking stranger men been interested in him, for sure the stranger sitting in front of him was hot and all, and he could also tell that man has some muscles under in black shirt, which could definitely manhandled him just the way he likes.

"No you got me wrong, I was ju-

"I don't want to know, plus you gotta earn my name."
The beauty sassed as he picked his bag and went the other direction.

"Feisty, gonna be fun taming you."
Jungkook muttered, smirking when he saw his beauty swaying their hips as he walked on.

Later that night Jungkook was wandering around the streets when he heard someone crying for help, upon reaching he saw two goons trying to harassing someone, he shrugged it off stating it's none of his business and went back.
(A/N - Guys don't feel offended, it's just the requirement of plot (from my POV), I know it's wrong, and I sincerely apologize)

"HELP! Somebody plea-

Jungkook stopped in his tracks when he heard that somewhat familiar voice.
He rushed towards them and pushed the goons away from his angel.

"Hey dude, we saw him first"
The fist goon said.

"But we sure can share him, if you give us some bucks."
The second goon added.

"Well the ideas not bad but-
The angel as Jungkook called him looked furious when the other said so.
"Is this his away of taking revenge on our earlier conversation."
That angel bitterly thought as how he was right by not telling the stranger his name.

"But the thing is, he is my husband."

"Do you take us for fools, he clearly is not and if so then why don't I see a wedding band on his hand."
The first goon asked, doubting Jungkook's statement.

"Well so, see my angel was mad at me for some reason and chased himself away from leaving behind his wedding band."
Jungkook explained as he pulled the angel towards him holding his waist and even dropping a kiss on his head and continued.

"I'm sorry angel, I won't do that same mistake again, please forgive me baby"
Jungkook sincerely apologized, with heart eyes making the goons believe his lie, and even the angel who was astonished by the stranger's acting.

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