Enamored (2) |Taejin|

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It's been six months since Taehyung blackmailed Seokjin into marring him. In these six months Taehyung had been distant with Seokjin, sure they spend the night together and had sex countless times.
Taehyung knows the other hates him from the very bottom and no matter what affection he shows the other still could not believe him.

So for the older sex seems the only option to make Seokjin knows how much he loves him, pretty complicated right.

At first the older kind of forced Seokjin to give in, even hurting him in the process, bruises, scratch marks, hickeys, dried tears and blood would litter around Seokjin's beautiful porcelain skin.
It was too painful for the younger, but he keep chanting one thing every time when Taehyung would thrust into his tight wet hole.

"Only for kookie, only for him."

Even Seokjin's tears and pleads would not stop from assaulting Seokjin's beautiful form, he wanted to mark each and every visible skin, to make them know Seokjin was his.

Past few days were very tiring for the younger as he feel fatigue taking over his body or every morning puking his guts out, couldn't even stand the smell of his favorite brew, coffee.
He knew something was wrong with his body, or may be he was having a stomach bug, but the realization dawn upon him remembering the last time when he was so badly craving for mango tamarind pickle, odd cravings.

"No it could not be, no
The older was angry at himself than Taehyung, why it had to be him.

"I don't want to carry that bastard's child."
"Why am I even assuming things, it could be stomach bug for all I know, and as for the cravings, I'm sad that's why right."
He spoke to himself as he rush to closest medical store to buy tablets for him and even the pregnancy kit, only prove himself that he is thinking overboard.

Seokjin sat on the bed taking deep breaths as he tried to assure himself, he is doing this only for confirmations. He went to bathroom and followed the instructions given on the kit.
After five minutes he took the stick in his hands as the ground beneath him started burning, dropping the stick in process.


"How, why?"

"Why do I've to carry his child, I don't want a monster to be my child's father, never."

Panic rose within him as he heard someone fumbling with the door handle, he quickly picked up the stick and hide it behind his back.


"What are you doing here Jin, I've been calling you for past twenty minutes."

"I was-
The shuttered as his husband spoke.

"Cut it and get ready we are already late for the party."

Seokjin took a deep sigh as Taehyung turned around to leave the bathroom, but stopped when he heard the sigh.
Taehyung face showed a questionable look as he look at Jin from head to toe, stopping where the younger held his hands behind his back.

"What are you hiding Jin?"

He asked and took a step closer to his husband.

"Nno-thhing Taehyung-ssi."

He spoke faking a smile, hiding the stick, but the older was quick as he took out that little thing from Jin's hands.
As Taehyung brought that thing up to inspect the color from Seokjin's faced drained.

"Thi-s, I, I mean you're-

No words were getting out of the older's mouth, expressing how much happy he was, so he did one thing to express so, he carried Seokjin bridal style and spined both of them happily showing Seokjin his infamous boxy smile.

"Baby, we're going to be parents, I'm so happy, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Taehyung said he showered Jin's face with kisses, but stopped when he felt the salty water on his lips.

"You're not happy."

"How can I be, when a monster like you is going to be my baby's father, I hate you Taehyung-ssi, I don't want someone like you to be my husband and my baby's father."
Seokjin spat as he hit Taehyung's chest repeatedly.
Taehyung brought Seokjin to bed and laid him gently tucking under the sheets as he turned around to make a call, ignoring Jin's hurtful words.

"Cancel all my appointments in the upcoming months and also clear my schedule for nine months and appoint a full time nursery for my husband, give a call to Dr. Namjoon, I need to talk to him, also tell my father that we won't be able to attend the party."

Seokjin looked at him, mouth wide open.
"Now I'm stuck with him."

And from that day as Taehyung promised he would take care of his husband until the child is born.
Every morning the older would get up to make breakfast for his husband, and help with his morning routines, rubbing his back whenever the younger would vomit and cleaning his mess afterwards. Taehyung could not speak to Seokjin unless necessary, but do the things before handed.
Knew Seokjin was a big cuddler, because after sex, Seokjin would still choose to sleep in Taehyung's arms after the assault on his body.
Taehyung would kiss Seokjin every night and morning, showing his affection and love.
Take him to his monthly appointments and run around the city at midnights to haunt Seokjin's cravings.

One day Seokjin was confused as he heard a commotion downstairs and went out putting a hand on his seven months round belly as he decended the stairs.

"Who are you all, and what are you doing here?"

He asked as he saw a group of men wearing same clothes showcasing their company logo going in and out of his house bring carton boxes inside.

"We're the movers Sir, Mr Kim send us to deliver this nursery boxes."

The man said smiling remembering Mr Kim's face, seeing how he was instructing them to carefully place the cartons in his baby's room.
So happy he looked.
It was finally the time, when Seokjin was going to give birth as the nurses placed him on the stretcher, him holding Taehyung's hand cursing him every given opportunity.

"You fucker."

"Don't you dare stick that thing into mine, again."

"I swear I will kill you with my bare hands."

"Kim fucking Taehyung, I fucking hate you. "
And so on.

He kept fidgeting with his fingers, when the woman sitting in front of him gave a look to him for bitting his nails. 
"Congratulations Mr Kim, it's a boy."
Dr. Namjoon delivered the good news.

"Can I go see them?"
The newly found father spoke holding back his tears.

"Of course"

Once inside Taehyung stood beside the baby's crib, holding the bundle of his joy in his arms.
"Dada loves you a lot baby, and dada promises that he'll always keep you safe and happy."

He kissed his baby's forehead, forming a smile on sleepy baby's face, as if telling his dada he loves him too.
Taehyung placed the baby carefully his crib as he now sat besides his husband's bed, caressing his hair, pecking his lips as tears stroll down his eyes, whispering-

"Thank you"

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