CEO In LOVE |Namjin|

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Namjoon's POV

"Good Morning sir" my employees greeted me on my way to my cabin. I nodded my head in acknowledgement with a slight smile. They were shook to see me smiling, cause that's the last thing I would do.
Well what can I stay, today I'm in a super happy mood. And the reason being the love of my life, Kim Seokjin and also my personal secretary.
Over the years I really fell in love with Seokjin, when he first started working as my personal secretary.
His kind and loving personality made me fall for him even deeper if that's possible.
I was having an internal battle with myself a few days ago and my mum noticed it. She asked about my worries, I told her everything about my love for Seokjin and his reactions towards my advances, not that he every reacted or so, my mum being mum she told me that if I'm not going to tell him about my feelings then, how is he going to react/know about them. And also said that, he might think that I would just be toying with his feelings, taking in consideration of my previous playboy image.
Not that I'm the same Namjoom I was before. Seokjin changed me.
And today I'm going to tell him about my feelings, finally to him.
As I reached my cabin, Seokjin was no where to be seen, maybe he is running late, I should wait for him. It was already half past eleven and he still hasn't come. My mind kept running wild with irrational thoughts.
But much to my relief he came back before lunchtime.
"I'm sorry sir" was the first thing he said when he entered into the cabin. Seeing his beautiful face made my worries fade into the thin air. How could someone be so beautiful.
"No worries Seokjin, but next time when you are going to be late, inform me beforehand." "OK sir" he replied in a quiet voice.
"Oh and Seokjin before you go book a table for table in the most reserved part of the Hotel Mystic. "
"Meeting sir? " he asked being confused.
Who the hell goes for meeting in the most schedule space of the restaurant Seokjin, I wanted to tell him, but instead I said, "It's a DATE" I emphasized the word Date. He muttered a "Oh" and headed back to work.
I couldn't wait for this...
As said Seokjin arranged a table for two at the hotel. He was done for the day and ready to head home. Once out he saw his boss smiling lovingly at his phone.
Must be looking at his lovers photo.
He was happy that his boss finally found someone or maybe not. Seokjin always thought that maybe just maybe his boss likes him or even more but soon the thoughts were throw out when he came to know about Namjoon's playboy ways.
No matter what his heart wants he cannot break the promise he made to his parents years ago.
Namjoon was always sweet towards the other and would lift his mood when he felt down.
But today when Namjoon said it's a Date, something green growed within Seokjin's heart. The thought of him being with someone else did not settle well for him.
He went home sadly. Imprecating his life.
If only he could have what he wanted.
Seokjin laid wide awake in his bed,thinking about the promise he made to his parents and the possibilities if he did not.
Would his life have been better? Would he be happy? Would he ever get true love?
His thoughts were interrupted when his phone buzzed indicating a message from his boss, telling him to quickly come to the hotel.
Why is he messaging me? Is he not enjoying his date? Seokjin thought bitterly.
Not having time to get ready he pulled some sweatpants and a hoodie.
"How may I help you sir." the receptionist asked Seokjin.
"May o know where my bos- I mean Mr. Kim Namjoon is?"
"Follow me Sir."
Once Seokjin reached the scheduled place, he couldn't help but be in awe of the place. He precisely rendered booking a normal table for two at the restaurant.
Beautiful flower chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling, white silk was draped along the columns, scented candles where placed everywhere, and at the center beautifully decorated round table was placed. Seokjin was so lost in the beauty of the place that he didn't notice when Namjoon sat on one knee in front of him. "What at doing sir? Why are yo-" His questions where left hanging mid air when Namjoon put a finger on Seokjin's lips to shush him.
"I don't know how and when it all happened Jin, like how the hell did a fucked up person like me for whom nothing but parties, clubs and meaningless one night stands mattered to completely hating them at the present or when the fuck did I started smiling so such that even my employees think i'am a creep, heck even my mum thought so.
But I knew one thing Jin that the moment you walked in my cabin wearing black slacks and white shirt, looking all flustered and innocent, my life was going to change.
Over the years I fell in love with you, heck I even made so many advances on you Jin, how could you be do dense not knowing what I really wanted to say. It was like you were completely oblivious towards my love for you. I really wanted to tell you about my feelings, but being the coward I was, could never do so."
Namjoon took Seokjin's hand in his and placed it on his heart.
"This, can you feel it Jin, it only beats for you, I know I might not be the nicest person who you did meet, might fail at times but I promise to love you forever till eternity."
"Say something Jin."
*after a long pregnant pause*
"I cannot "Seokjin choked
"What I can't hear you."
"I can't be with you"
"Because what Jin? I basically put my heart out for you, why are you doing this to me, do you love someone else? Is he more richer than me? Is he more handsome than me? What is it Jin? Answer me dammit! For now Namjoon's anger was at its highest peak, he couldn't think clearly being rejected by the other. "Because of this" Seokjin said gesturing his hand in front of Namjoon.
" Your anger issues, all these years I was the one tolerating you and your stupid lame ass."
"You're nothing but a pathetic bastard."
"How did you thought that I would love someone as fucked up as you." Lies
"Now do me a favor and leave me the hell alone."
Seokjin was a lie.
Love was a lie.
Life is a lie.
Everything is a lie.

The sweet person Namjoon thought Jin was nothing but a beautiful lie, who brutally crushed Namjoon's heart and left him broken once again.
"Why can't he love me for I am?"
Was the only thought on Namjoon's mind till Jin completely disappeared from his sight.
But little did Namjoon knew that Seokjin loved him with all his heart and the things he said earlier were nothing but white lies. The other was afraid of letting his feelings come in the way of promise he made to his parents...

'The world is a complex, and Namjoon was looking for love.
But unfortunately he found none'

Dedicated to:
For being the first vote/ coment/ follow. Thank you ♥♥♥
Am so happy to finally have a job that I always dreamed of. Wanted to upload this chapter a while ago but got so caught up in the job that forget to do so. Anyways don't mind me, but if you like this chapter then please


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