Sinful LOVE |Taejinkook|

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Taehyung's POV

Enough is enough, I can't watch these two getting close again. Jin is mine and only mine. I can't let my older brother steal him again from me.

If it wasn't for our fathers promise, Jin would have been my husband and also, I would have never plot my brother's murder.
I never wanted to kill him, how can I when he was my only true family other than dad.
I even told him to leave Seokjin and expressed my undeniable love to him but that bastard denied to leave him, and said me to stay away from his husband. His husband my foot.

Jin is mine and only mine...

Today was the perfect day, I decide to once again express my love to Jin and have him back in my life. After all, I have tried to be like my elder brother in these past years hoping that Jin would see, am I not the bad guy anymore and would come running back to me.
But that bastard of my brother had to woke up from his coma and even had the balls to hire my Jin as his employee,oh fuck scratch that his personal secretary. Saying that he pity the poor man.
All my plan went down the drain when I saw them kissing in my brother's cabin, as if nothing happened between them. As if Jungkook remembers Jin.
When I offered Jin a ride to fetch Jisoo it was all a plan to take Jin with me forever.
I was just looking for a right time to do so. But today when I saw them together I finally decided not to waste any further time.
If he gives in willingly or not, I would still make him mine.

But something in Jungkook's eye told me that I should not mess with him, like he remembers everything.
But I wipe that thought away from my mind and took Jin with me. And if brother really remembers everything then, I shall not waste my time in marking my Jin.
"Taehyung I think you forgot the way to Jisoo's school, it's on the left."
"I'm going the right way Jin."
"No Taehyung that's the wrong way." Jin argued but I didn't reply.
He kept on arguing and started to panic.
"Will you shut up." I roared and he finally became quiet. Once we reached my private mansion, I order Jin to"Get out." As expected he did not.
"I said get out Jin."
"No, I won't." He stubbornly replied.

Oh well then, I am gonna enjoy claiming his stubborn ass.

I effortlessly picked Jin bridal style, even though he was fighting back.
Once we reached my bedroom I throwed him over my bed and he instantly rolled at the far end.

"Aww baby, do remember how I used to make love, almost every night. Your soft moans were a music to my ears. Your whimpers, I miss them Jin, Your touch, it would send a jolt of electricity through my body baby, Our morning kisses, I miss every single thing about you." I said while striping myself of the clothes.

"Taehyung please don't come near me" he said and started sobbing.
"Aww baby don't cry daddy's not going to hurt you, he's just gonna make love to you as we did before."
I said while inching closer to him.

"In the name of god Taehyung please don't do this, I am your brother's husband an- "Husband who's, Jungkook's? He does not even remembers you let alone knowing you guys have a daughter together."
"Don't forget Jin, before getting married to him you were my boyfriend, and I was your first in everything then how did you forgot about me so easily, was my love not enough for you or I am not rich as my brother, huh? Answer me Jin? I shouted / yelled at him.

"Tae, I- really loved you and will always, but not the way I used to." He said will caressing my cheeks, when I did not interrupted he continued.
"B-but when I married your brother, I knew what really love means, it is not just fucking each other, rather it is keeping the loved one before yourself, waking up to them every morning, sharing a kiss, looking out for each other, caring, and most importantly knowing what the other wants, which you never did. You never understood what I wanted, you only came to me when you wanted to quench your thirst. You were my first in everything Taehyung and I still loved you despite your flaws and was ready for the settlement you were offering me.
But you know what made me change my decision, your infidelity, you fucking cheated on me Taehyung and I also knew the reason why you went to the states." I gave him a confused look, nonetheless he carried while gripping my shoulders harshly and looking dead in my eyes.

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