Chapter 4: Evan Dalton's last move

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Waking up to the sound of metal, Evan realize that he was strap to a chair and muttered curse words under his breath because his head was pounding probably from being hit in the head. The door was open followed by foot steps approaching him. Well, well, well, look who has decided to join us a sinister Russian accent said. Tell me Evan why did you betray my trust when you said the Appleton's only payment was their house and whatever valuable they own.

Evan hold his head up and looked at the man, he tilted his head to the side what are you talking about? the only thing the Appleton's had was their property. The man grab a chair and sat in front of Evan. Does that include their precious granddaughter, what's her name again he said rubbing his chin, oh yeah beautiful Rose. You guys thought you can hide her and give us damage goods such as that house and money and it will be over but from the research we did Rose will make a great payment because she is beautiful with a killer body, smart and I mention innocent. Evan looked away from the man, this is what we were worried about he said to himself, forgive me Ophelia I tried to hide Rose just pray to God that she is safe with her father, Samuel.

So Evan where is Rose? She needs to be located and brought to the Don. Evan gave the man a are you serious look. You think I would give Rose to animals like you well think again, she is only sixteen and has a life, her grandparents made the right decision to hide her so piss off. It happen so quick Evan did not have time to process the punch the man gave him, and then another one came. Evan spit up blood you bastards are going to rot in hell and I hope you never find her.

The man turn to the guard, torture him until I return do not go easy on him. The man nodded and got to his job. Looking up at him, Evan said do your worst but let me warn you am not easy to crack. The man smirk and replied, oh we'll see, balling his fist he began hitting Evan and then moved on to whips, knives and other sharp materials.

Opening his eyes again Evan found himself surrounded by the Russian's looking at him with serious faces. Hello Mr. Dalton we meet again, so tell me where can I find Rose Appleton because if you think that selling a run down house and giving me cash is going to pay off a debt I had to wait for, you must be joking. Evan clench his teeth then split out blood towards him, I made a promise that I intend on keeping so if you think am going to put that girl in danger you're wrong.

The man smile, your right you are devoted to your job and family so let me get you to talk, Bring her in he yell at the door. A man was pulling a woman by the hair and brought her to sit down in front of him, pulling her head up Evan gasp when he saw his wife who knew everything about the case he was working on. Baby his wife said crying, do not tell them anything, I will be fine just don't put that poor girl in danger. Shut up a man smacks Evan's wife in the face causing her head to turn to the side. I will hurt your daughter next if one of you don't start taking, Mary is how old? Good for our prostitution part.

Evan hung his head down, he know he is suppose to protect Rose but Mary is his own flesh and blood, he have to protect her more. Evan he heard his wife called his name, looking up at her tears came to Evans eyes then his wife said I vow to be with you through the good and the bad and Mary will be safe so please keep your promise to Ophelia and tell these bastards to f**k off.

Closing her eyes she knew what was coming and long after a bang was heard, Evan scream because his wife was shot execution style, the light that he love was no longer present. He looked up at the man to see him looking at something behind him, not long after their boss show up, Pity isn't it their boss spoke and to think  this would have work but do not worry Mr. Dalton I always find what I want, I am not stupid to not know that your daughter is hiding because she knows where Rose location is, after all she and Rose are close.

Evan glared but had a smirk on his face, you think I didn't know you will come after her and bring my wife into this, the only reason why she sacrifice herself was to pay the Appleton's back for her betrayal after all she was your father's distant cousin and she would be damn to be used by him again, this is my final move to protect Rose by writing a wrong. The man looked at his men then at Evan, reaching behind his back he pulled out a gun and shot Evan and got satisfaction seeing his head drop.

Meanwhile Mary sat in front of her computer looking at the news about her father and mother being found dead, she knew exactly what she is suppose to do. She knows about the skeletons her family kept and decided it will be best to distance herself. Mary had meant Rose when they were in school so she know if the Russian's got a hold of her it would be a disaster for her, she got up and started packing for she always knew she was her father Evan Dalton's last move.

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