Chapter 22: The secret Plan & A shocking Betrayal

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Running up to Rose room, Blair sneaks inside and shakes her to wake her up. Rose, you won't believe what I heard your dad saying. Groaning, Rose gets up and rubs her eyes, what is it Blair? I heard your Dad got invited to the Renaldi's secret meeting, Blair answers her jumping up and down. And? Rose asks her, making Blair give her an are you serious look. And? And? I heard that the Renaldi's meeting are so secretive that the initial address for the meeting is just a decoy  and they form alliances with the most trusted groups, people say some people don't make it out alive,answers Blair.

Do you know what this means? Rose asks jumping up from the bed, it means that the Renaldi's can be setting up my family and family friends are in danger, this can be a set up for them to be taken out. Your right! says Blair, we have to do something before they do something, my brother can be in danger and am not going to lose him like how I lost my father. Walking around the room, Rose stops at the door, pausing for a second she resume walking, then says, how about you and Mary dig dipper and find out what can be done, I on the other hand have to talk with the Dean at our college to see if she can get us in because I am not looking for a bad rep, and then I have to see if I can get a hold of Sara, maybe she can tell me what the Renaldi's plan is.

After Blair left the room, Rose snuck out of her room through the Window and run through the yard unnoticed. Getting on the road using her brothers motorcycle, she made her way to her destination where the person in all black is waiting for her. Glad you were able to get out without anyone seeing you, we have to be discreet, there is ears everywhere, the man in black says. I know Gregory, my father has a mole and they are watching and listening to our every move, Rose says.

Entering the small place that looks like a cottage,  they sat down on the nearest couch. When you email me to my private account telling me that someone was listening to your conversation with Blair, I pull up the security camera where I found out who the peeping Tom or in this case, a listening Tom, I found out who it is. Opening the laptop, Gregory showed Rose the video in which she is shock at who it is. I can't believe this, Blair's brother was the one listening, Niko was listening, well I can expect that he is just looking out for his sister, that's what being a big brother is all about.

I would've agree with that if I did not find out some interesting information before we came back, says Gregory. And what is that? asks Rose making Gregory type on his keyboard bringing up his findings. Looking at the screen, Rose sees a middle age man up on the screen, who is he? That right there my darling is Blairs dad who as you can see by the updated picture is alive and well, not to mention, he is also an old friend of Renaldi's Don. Wait! If Blair's dad is alive, does that mean he work for  my father for inside information? Rose asks. Wait! If Blair's dad is a betrayer, does that mean Niko is one too.

It is a possibility, Gregory answers Rose who looks to be still in thought. If Niko heard what I said to Blair about finding Sara, that means that he would have to eliminate Sara to stop her from talking. Rose, there is something else I need to tell you, the birth certificate for Blair is not real, along with Niko, I delve deep into their family because I thought Blair could be playing us too, says Gregory. Well, you are on to something, so we have to make our own plan, here's how it's going to go.

First we are going to get each of their DNA's to see what is what, then we are going to place trackers on my family to see where the private meeting is being held. Not cutting you off, but how? Am pretty sure the Renaldi's make sure that the people who receive invites does not compromise their meeting, say Gregory. Am going to make breakfast and make sure that the tracker gets into their stomach, hopefully it doesn't dissolve because of the acid. I just need someone to make sure I don't get catch on camera, Rose says. I got you, I will hack into the system tonight so by in the morning I can access the camera's unnoticed Gregory says.

Okay, I need you to do something else for me, this is private but I know this is not going to be easy and since the storm is here as my father says, I know there is going to be a fight and maybe betrayal but am going to make sure my family and friends is safe and nothing will stop me that is why am going to help someone I don't owe but they need my help a lot and a better life, will you help me Gregory? asks Rose. Whatever it is you need done, just know I got your back says Gregory.

The next day at 5:00 am in the morning, Sara is doing her daily morning routine. Jogging she arrives to her house she enters and closes the door behind her. Seconds later an explosion happens and Sara's house is engulfs in flames. Well would you look at that, you did well my son, getting Niko to tell you exactly what's going on was a great idea, he never could have keep his mouth shut. Him and his sister were always the ones who blabber when they trusted the wrong people, I suppose I should have raise them differently says Blair and Niko's father. That's because they are not your real children, whereas am your flesh and blood. You are right my son and now lets move on to plan B, my dear child, Terry.

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