Chapter 8: Family, ex, what else is crazy?

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Snapping her eyes open Rose look at the clock to see 5:45 am, she jump out of bed and realize that she is not in her room neither is she in her apartment then last night came back to her with her father. Rushing down the stairs she bolted out the house, no scratch that it was a mansion to her but she could not admire it she was already late for work. 

Walking into the diner ten minutes late Rose got to work immediately, taking orders and cleaning she was exhausted by 7:30. Hearing the door chime she gather her strength to go to the customers that just came in. Looking at her notepad she said hello my name is Rose what can I start you off with today. I will have a coffee with cream no sugar and when you have the time I want to know why the hell you left before notifying people that you leave, are you trying to give me a heart attack?

Rose eyes look up at her father who was sitting in the seat with her brothers, Mateo and Antonio along with bodyguards. Her mouth drop open then close before she shook her head and take everyone else order.  Mateo's wife walk in and without warning Rose felt someone hug her waist, looking down she notice Gabriel the boy she save that night while going to buy milk. Hello Gab how are you doing today she ask with a smile, Gab grinned saying he is fine and he was glad to see her again.

What can I get you she ask him and he replied hot chocolate, Rose laugh and said she will make him the best. Turning around she headed into the Kitchen. Son, how do you know Rose Mateo ask and in return he told his father that Rose is his guardian Angel that save him from the bad man. Mateo and Samuel looked at each other with an angry look because not only Gabriel was in danger but Rose as well. 

As Rose made her way back and forward serving them when she heard a voice that she did not want to hear after she broke up with him. Rose baby can I talk to you a drunk Jack walk to the door slurring but Rose did not give him the time of day. Rose did you hear me I need to talk to you about us, I need you baby please talk to me, you know their is no one better than me.

Rose turn around and raise her eyebrow at him, I wish I can agree but their are many people greater than you. Didn't I tell you I never want to see you again and if I do you will not get the satisfaction of my attention, you are what Blair call a dead beat Jacka** who use me to take care of your problems, if you do not mind me asking who did you owe now?

Her family watch the interaction between her and her ex with a serious face. They new that she dated the drug addict and was angry because Jack had a reputation for having his girlfriends pay off his debts whether if it was with money or their body. Samuel could not stand the fact the between the time he kick her out to now she had made bad decisions in her life, his only mission now was to keep her safely in his care especially since she lived on the bad side of town.

 Checking the time she grab her things and headed to her classes leaving Jack in his drunken mess, her father got up and made his way to her saying he will take her where she needs to go, he left no room for argument. As he pull she thank him and jump out of the car running to her first class which was business, good morning class we have guest here today please welcome Samuel Bartolomeo and his sons with his Business partners. Rose was frozen to her seat as she stare at the front of her class, Samuel smile seeing his daughter their, he could not help but feel the pride inside at her being a student at least she was doing some good in her life.

 After the presentation the teacher handed out the results for the last  test and Rose could not help but smile at her score, full marks. The teacher congratulated her on doing good in her class and how she could not wait to see her final project will be. She told Rose to think outside the box a little more causing her family who was listening to smile hearing her progress in classes. It's not good to ease drop she looked at her brothers and got in return shrug.

Making her way out of the classroom she notice Agosto following her, why are you following me? Agosto looked at her with a raise eyebrow, do you really want me to answer why I am following my own sister? She stop and turn around to look at him, do you really want me to answer that for you, I mean why are you and everybody following me when they wanted nothing to do with me. Because I saw the letter address to me from your mother inside the backpack you left at the club, Samuel came up behind her saying.

Rose I know I treated you bad in the past but I just want you to know that I am deeply sorry, Fiona and I was messed up lovers but that gave me no reason to talk to you the way I did. Tears came to her eyes because all she wanted was her father to accept her into his life, she could not believe he was standing her trying to get her forgiveness. As he pulled her into him she cried harder than ever as he mumble it's okay, he drove her to her apartment so she can get home safely.

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