Chapter 7: Father forgive me but am not sorry for stripping

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Making her way through the clubs she went to the back to get ready for her time on stage. Rose did not like to strip but she had to do it because beside the Diner and run down Hotel she was not making alot of money. Her love for dance help her with stripping and when she gets on stage she basically do not look at the crowd or she would coward out. Rose the bouncer came in the back where she was changing but he knew not to come behind the curtain, your up in twenty he yelled then left after hearing her say okay.

Meanwhile Samuel, his sons, his bestfriend and business partner Mateo, Antonio and the bodyguards enter the clubs they just got after the owner could not pay him the money he owe. The club brought in good income but the bastard spend it causing him to lose ownership but he did let him keep the manager position. They were there to clean house, see who was worth staying and who had to leave.

Sitting down in the lounge area they could see everything including the stripper who capture Leonardo one of Samuel's son attention, he watch as she work the pole like a professional not caring that men was admiring her body. He ask one of their server about her only to learn her name is Blair Rossi, she is twenty two and single. He smirk thinking not for long. He watch as she left the stage waving everybody goodbye.

Rose time was next and she made sure she was prepared, her act was a cowgirl where she was wearing a mini plaid skirt with a small jeans vest that covered her chest only with a hat. She had on her underwear set for when she remove the top close, then she heard I will like you to welcome on stage delicious candy he said. Rose got on stage and started to move around, grabbing the pole she made her way up then twirl down gracefully.

 Antonio watch as the woman on stage move like she was a professional, her body was speaking to him and the men around, he could not help but notice she look familiar. He could not see her face but judging but the beauty of her body the face could do no wrong. The bodyguards kept saying they won't mind having a girl like that for the night, he hated the way they were talking about her like she was an object but he continue to admire her.

 She could hear the men going wild but did not pay attention to them, she back flip then go down in a split, when she was back on she take off her top then do a side flip going on the pole with her legs. She pull off her skirt while hanging from the pole them flip off, for her final act she twerk in her underwear then did a death drop, getting up and turning around she raise her leg and did one last  split before throwing her cowgirl hat off into the crowd.

 Feeling eyes on her she looked all the way behind the crowd to see her father and his men sitting there watching her with a look of horror on their faces, the color drain out of his face before he jump up his men in tow as he made his way on stage angrily throwing his jacket on her and pulling her off the stage to the back. Hey what are you doing? she ask him only to get a glare in return. 

 Samuel is there a problem am sure candy did not mean to offend you in anyway, she is a sweet girl. Samuel marched over to the manager, her name is Rose and she is my daughter. She is never going to work here again with a bunch of horny men, if I hear that you let her back in this bar get ready to meet your maker. Wait what, no way this is my job I make my money here, you cannot demand that I never work her.

  Agostino the eldest sons of Samuel pulled his sister out of the place holding onto her tightly as their father dealt with the manager. Sitting in the car Agostino watch his sister fall asleep, he had to admit that when he discovered she was really his sister he send his men out but they came up short, then to see her her getting practically naked in front of those disgusting pigs his only thought was to get her and keep her safe.

 As the manager shiver under the angry gazes of Samuel, his sons, Mateo, Antonio and the bodyguards he could not help but feel fear. Hey boss you call, the manager spoke telling him about Rose, the bouncer said damn and I was going to have that hot body under me screaming my name even if she played hard to get. The manager face drain of color and his mouth ajar, oh really Samuel said with clench teeth, the bouncer laugh, yeah I heard she never spread her legs for her boyfriend but with a little bit of drugs in her drink I can pop that cherry.

Growls started around the room, you are disgusting this is why I do not want my daughter to work here men like him will cause me run out of hail Mary's and rosary's as I kill bastards like him. The man tried to run after hearing Samuel's words but was shot by one of his men. Clean this up I have to check on my little girl, when they arrive to the car he notice Rose asleep and smile at how innocent she looked, he drive home and carried her to a spare bedroom then asked Mateo to research everyting on her from when she arrived in Italy.

They continued to talk about what actions to take when she awakens, Samuel was not making the same mistake he made two years ago. Mateo told him he would have information on her as soon as tomorrow while the brother's sleep in her room.

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