Chapter 23: A New Revelation that completes the puzzle

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As Rose cooks everyone breakfast, she looks at the time on the wall then starts to set the table. Good morning Rosy Rose, how are you doing today? asks Terry causing  Rose to answer fine. Breakfast? she asks him holding a plate of eggs and sausage, laughing he answers no and tells her he have to do his rounds. So, are you and Niko going to be my guards today? Promise I will not run away this time, after all you are my bodyguard that I can really use. Me yes, Niko no, he has something important to do and as for you, I have instructions to take you to a secure, private place until this Renaldi's fiasco is over, says Terry. Alright then, I will go pack a few things, I trust you, after all my father does have good taste in loyal men.

That's correct, nothing means more to me than the a man who respects and honors  me, but his loyalty to this Organization means more than anything. It's the code that have ran through this family for years, says Samuel who enters the Dining Room with his members following. Good morning, I made breakfast, enjoy, I heard you all have a long night, Rose says. Smiling, everyone takes a seat and starts to eat, looking around Rose notices that some of her brothers have ot come down for breakfast, probably getting ready for the afternoon.

 Still observing, she notices a certain handsome man staring at her intently causing her to look away quickly. Damn, how did I not notice Antonio is back, she says in her mind then she looks back to see him talking to his little brother Gabriel. This is delicious Rose, says Gabriel in a loud voice making his mother tell him that he is a little loud. Laughing, Rose tells him thank you, then she gets up and cleans everybody plates. You know your father is rich enough to have maids, a deep voice with a thick accent tells her making her turn around a little too fast. Antonio! she says breathlessly and he walks up to her trapping her between the sink and him. Yes Bella, why is it I am just hearing about your little run around, if you were in trouble, why not come to me. I should be the one protecting you, he says.

It is my problem and the only reason I told my dad and everyone around him is to let them know that they are in danger, says Rose. So, I guess I am not valuable to you in any way, says Antonio, turning around he starts to walk away but stops when Rose grabs his arm and turns him around quickly. What... but before Antonio can finish his question, Rose brought her lips to his initiating a heated kiss between them.  Rose could not believe what she is doing, she is actually kissing Antonio without being shy, pulling away she looks in his eyes. I could get use to this, Rose says breathlessly whiles smiling at him which makes him laugh and say I agree.

I am sure Samuel will not agree to what you are doing with his daughter right now. Turning to the direction the voice came from, Terry is standing there with his arms cross, looking at Antonio with a piss off look. How long have you been standing  there watching us like a creep? asks Antonio with venom. A while to know that whatever this is, he motion between them, Don Samuel will not approve, Terry says then puts his pointing finger on his chin, am pretty sure to protect his daughter from men like you, he will send you far away, Terry ends his sentence smirking.

Son of a.... Antonio says walking up to him to attack causing Rose to run in the front of Antonio to stop him. I never did trust you, the only reason why I put up with you is for the Don, other than that you have been shady ever since you came here. I will not let you anywhere around Rose, as a matter of fact, I will be watching Rose, you can leave and go kill yourself. Is there a problem here? asks Samuel walking into the kitchen. Terry who had a piss off facial expression change to look neutral, I am telling Antonio that he can not stay with Rose to protect her, that is my duty, besides, he has some mess to clean up in Dubai right? He can't be making out with the boss daughter, I mean it can ruin your reputation because we all know Antonio switches up woman. Rose can be just a means to get what he wants from you Don Samuel, you and I both know, he doesn't know how to choose wisely, after all, he was the cause of your older brother death.

How dare you bastard? says Antonio ready to attack Terry but is stop by Samuel who yells, ENOUGH! I will not listen to this, Terry go make sure everything is secure and ready for Rose, Antonio in my Office, now. Rose watches as everyone goes their own way leaving her alone, she sneaks into the Library room. Calling Gregory, he answers on the third ring, is everything ready because I have a feeling something will go wrong, if we don't play our cards right. Listening she answers him back then hangs up. Hearing footsteps, she opens the door to see Antonio walking furiously to his room, calling out to him she is answered to the door slamming.

Running to the door, she bangs onto the door in an angry manner, please open door she says in a weak voice. Hearing the lock click, the door is open and she walks in and closes the door behind her. Mind telling me why you are so angry and what that was about in which Terry was talking about in the Kitchen? Rose asks. Huffing, he sits down on the bed and pats next to him, following his lead she sits down next to him and asks, Well? It happened years ago, you had an Uncle that was older than Don Samuel and an Aunt you would have loved along with a teenage boy who was a little older than the both of us and a little girl who would be about two years older than you. They would have been your cousin but because of me they were kill.

Your Cousin and I plan a get together with other boys at our school and everything was find until Terry who was new at the time brought a few guys of his own. That night everyone was wasted after an hour and ended up passing out, whereas the most hottest girl in my year came by and we started talking. As the night went by, we went up to my room and that's when I heard it, gunshots went off, then an explosion followed. I woke up days later and nothing was the same because some of my friends, Samuel older brother and his family was gone, they had come in early and got caught in the explosion.

What happen to the girl that was with you? Rose asks and how can it be your fault? you did not know that people would attack you that night. Actually, the Don said one of the boys had a tattoo of a mafia group that was threating our Organization, if I didn't break the rule that clearly states no party, then I would not have been distracted. Also, it cause the police to watch us closely because Ambers parents found out that she at my house and did not make it, Antonio answers sadly. Amber? Rose says her name in a question. Getting up, Antonio goes into the draw and pulls out a picture that he show Rose. This is Amber? Rose asks with wide eyes and Antonio nods his head yes.

Antonio, I need you to do me a favor and stay beside me until this is over, Rose pleads. Shaking his head, Antonio answers, I can't, your father is sending me to Dubai before he goes to meet with the Renaldi's. Remember when you say that each men have a tracker on them in this Organization, give it to me and don't leave, not yet because something is about to go down and father is going to need all hands on deck, Rose says as she hold his face. There is more to what you find out on your little mission with Blair and Mary them, isn't there? Antonio asks making Rose reply with a kiss.

Running down the hallway of the college she attends, she bust through the door of the music classroom. We need to talk about the night when you allegedly died in my father's mansion, Dinah or should I say Amber, Rose says glaring at the girl who went pale to her words. This is where the puzzle will fall into place says Rose in her head. 

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