Chapter 5: Meeting Mary

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 Two years later

Blair hurry I have to get to class and you have to meet your future baby daddy, Rose shouted. Not funny, am dumping that bastard just like how you dump Jerry Blair replied. Rose rolled her eyes and said his name was Jack, Blair turn to look at her, Oh yeah I knew it was close to Jacka**, why I do not remember is beyond me. Rose laugh and grab the keys to headed out with Blair following, dropping her off at college Blair bid Rose a goodbye then headed to meet her soon to be ex. Knocking on his door she heard shuffling inside, the door open and she comes face to face with Rose ex Jack. What are you doing here, is Rose with you he ask looking over her shoulder, no came Blair blunt response, she is off living her life and forgetting what a cheating, lying  scum you are, now where is Chuck?

Jack looked at something behind him before he said that Chuck is not home. You know if your going to lie at least be convincing she said as she push him inside and came across two girls on the couch with Chuck. Jack baby you brought another girl to have fun with us, you naughty boy and here you are saying that you needed to forget about a girl name Rose who would not give it up to you, what a shame. Blair glared at everyone in the room before looking at Chuck, we are over you bastard do not call, text, or come around me and you she said looking at Jack, never come around Rose, this is the reason why she dump you disgusting bastard she said then walk out slamming the door.

 As Rose got through her classes, a buzzing sound was being felt in her pocket. Taking out her phone out she read a message from an unknown number,

We need to talk meet me at  the Italian Restaurant next to your campus.

                                                                                                                  --- M

Rose was curious to know who would have her number, she had changed it after Jack got her into his mess with his drug problems. He had owe the dealer who had taken her to his base causing Blair to pay with their finances while he was getting it on with some prostitute. After that she cut him out of her life and forgot he existed, she was glad she saw his true colors and never fell hard but she have to admit the boy was persistent, he wanted her back even threatening her. Blair had to beat him with a bat when he tried to jump her one night in the apartment. 

Class could not finish quick as she hurried to meet this M person, walking into the restaurant a woman wave her over. Walking up to the table she sat and ask who are you? Wow after all these years you are still the seem as you were, forward and to he point, the lady chuckled. Rose turned her head to the side, um thanks I guess. Rose my name is Mary Dalton, am Evan Dalton's daughter, hearing that Rose smile how is your father doing? I tried calling but it will go to voicemail. Mary smile was gone and was replace with a serious look, my dad is dead, the Russian's killed him.

Rose mouth open and close as she tried to comprehend what was being said to her. How she asked. He was protecting you, there were many mistakes made by my parents and your grandparents so that is why am here to warm you that they are coming for you, Mary said bluntly. Why me? Rose spoke with her eyes wide open, Mary grab Rose hand, do you remember Sara Ross? Rose answered, Of course she was my bestfriend but we drift apart after an arguement we had, then she went missing and the word on the street was she pissed off the wrong set of people, why are you bringing this up? Mary smile and said, because the people Sara manage to piss off was the Russian's, do you remember a little boy Sara babysat, I believe his name was Boris.

Rose looked at Mary, oh my gosh I remembered him, Sara took that job because she needed extra cash but always called on me for help, well actually to dump him on me as she went hang with the others. One night I caught her stealing and when I ask her to put it back she would always yelled at me telling me am a too goody shoe. Then I remembered when she told me she was sleeping with Boris father, she bragged about it to everyone and rubbed it in my face but I did not care until one night she accidently left Boris in the house that she mistakenly lit in fire when she left scented candles in the room, thank God I went to give her the class notes that night.

Mary nodded, I know all about what Sara did especially when everything she did was caught on camera. What? Rose gasped she went on to say something but Mary held her hand up stopping her. My boyfriend was security there before he left them after I told him who they really were but he manage to tell me about a girl who use to go to my school being beaten and he mention something about if she wants to go to bed with his men then the job he had for her will be great. I saw the video with her leaving the child with you then I saw how she forgot to feed the child but you did, also how the child almost choke on his toy you too saved him and when he got sick you took him to the hospital right away. I saw the men she brought to that man house leaving the child on the seat if you did not stop by he would have died from falling but mostly the night of the fire is what cause Vladimir to investigate.

Rose came to a realization, that means he saw me helping Sara with Boris and judging by the name Vladimir he is apart of the Russian's that are after me. Mary nodded, he's not just apart of the Russian's, he is the head of the Russian mafia. Rose take a deep breath then sink in her seat, am so dead am I? Not really, I heard he wants you because he feels you are his chosen, he already knows your Ophelia's granddaughter but here me when I say that won't stop him from forcefully taking you to hell with him, try to stay hidden from him I do not know if he has pin point where you are located, Rose got up and left after reassuring her that she will be safe.

When Rose got home she told Blair about everything that transpired today and from since then Blair has been protective over Rose because to her Rose is like a little sister. The next week they were preparing for a big night at the club but what Rose was not expecting was who is there to see her performance.

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