Chapter 6: Buongiorno Antonio

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 As she made her way into the diner at 6 am, Rose got to work taking orders and  handing out food. She was use to the busy morning and did not mind because bills had to be paid that included her necesites and food, she would work at the diners in the morning at 6 for two hours and a half, classes started at 9: 30 am, then at nights she would hit the club as a stripper. Eventhough she does not like stripper the pay is great to her and she loves to dance, then she works at the run down motel on weekends at night while she volunteer at the hospital in the mornings on Saturday.

The door chime indicating someone had walk in the diner so she fix herself and made her way to the table. Hello am Rose and I will be your waiter for today what can I start you off with Sir, coffee my love black, one teaspoon of sugar and if you don't mind Rose I will like to talk to you about your father the man said. Rose gasp and looked up into green eyes, she turn her head to the side curiously, who are you? He grab her hand and said Antonio then place a kiss on it, Rose remove her hand, I will get you that coffee but whatever it is about my father you can save it, I don't give a crap so it's better if we keep our distance.

She walked away leaving Antonio staring at her, he did not notice that was Rose because she looked different from when she showed up looking for Samuel her father. He had felt sorry for her when Samuel had told her to f**k off then one of Samuel brought her bag to him where they found a letter from Fiona who wrote telling him everything about Rose and how she did not want to trouble him, it was for the best because he would never believe her.

When Samuel and his father Mateo investigated the story it was true, there was even a hairbrush of Rose own that was use for the DNA from her backpack she left. Samuel was distraught to hear Fiona, Ophelia and Roberto had pass leaving Rose alone but then what ache him the most was how he told his own daughter to f**k off sending his men out to look for her but they could not find her.

Now she is here serving him coffee in a diner, he watch her approach the table and asked her to have breakfast with him, he needed to get to know her and he did when she  agreed. When he went to get her number she had already left. Antonio left the dinner making a call to the Don letting know he saw his daughter , Samuel told him when he saw her again contact him immediately  and stall her until he arrived.

Rose got to class on time but could not stop thinking about Antonio, his eyes were green and he looked like he worked out, not to mention he have nice lips. His hair look soft and his clothes hug his body nice, she would not mind having him hold her at night but knowing what her father do she can assume he is in the same work and Jack was enough for her to find a boy that does not have a bad reputation.

When she got home from school she told Blair about the Antonio and in return got an earful saying he might be the one for Rose and a step up from Jack. Oh my gosh Blair I don't want to date the guy, I just think he's cute but his bad boy reputation is a no, Jack was enough said Rose. Blair rolled her eyes knowing full well that Jack was using Rose but pretended to be a good guy.

Hey I have to go to the store, we out of milk and I need it to help me sleep at night Rose spoke getting the keys, she left the building and started walking down the sidewalk to the store. Arriving  she got and pay for her milk then headed out only to stop when she heard a crying in the alleyway only to discover a man pointing a gun at a little boy head. Thinking quickly she grab a brick and slam it into the man head knocking him out.

Are you okay she bend down asking the boy who looked to be a teenager, no I went for a walk and the men grab me, then this guy put a gun to my head, I want my mommy the boy cry while tapping. Rose notice the signs this boy has down syndrome, hey she said in a soft voice handing out her hand she help him up then started walking away. Do you know where you live? Yes he said then told her, you are very smart, what is your name she asked and he replied Gabriel but you can call me Gab, She smile and told him to call her Rose.

As they talk they arrived to Gabriels address by Taxi who waited because Rose ask, she walk to the door and knock. A woman answered with red eyes but when she notice Gabriel standing next to Rose she hollered grabbing him, my baby she kept mumbling in italian then looked at Rose, who are you? Momma this the woman who save me tonight and brought me home. She looked at Rose, thank you, how can I repay you, wait let me write you a check but was stop when Rose told her she did not want money, she was happy to know Gabriel is home safely, that is the biggest payment.

When she arrive home she told Blair about what happen and was scolded for doing something so dangerous they headed to bed because they both had a long day tomorrow especially Rose who had two jobs and classes to attend for test. She went to bed smiling that she save someone and did not fear but she wondered if the man in the Alley regain consciousness.

The next morning she went to work noticing Antonio sitting with a few men watching her work. She went up to him Buongiorno Antonio who in return smile. Taking their orders she went to have their food made then left for her classes after telling Antonio it was nice seeing him. He reminded her that her father wants to see her or he could drag her to him but she told him to give her time she was afraid to see her father after what happen two years ago, he nodded in understanding.

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