Chapter 14: I Spy something shady with Mary

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Mary is shopping for clothes when her phone starts ringing, she look around before answering it quietly. What do you want? The person on the other side answer her in Russian making her freeze before she went to a changing room for more privacy. Look, I know it is taking me a while but I am this close to bring down the top mafia's, give me  more time before you send in replacements, you know it isn't easy for me because of their ties in the community, she says in a panic tone.

Okay you have a one more month to bring their rain to an end, but I am not sending a replacement, I am actually sending a side kick to help, so be prepared to fill him in, the person says then hangs up. Groaning Mary makes her way out of the changing room, went through the store then left.

Meanwhile Blair who is spying on Mary left the changing room and follow her. She heard the conversation and that only confirms that Mary is not to be trusted, but she needs more proof than a conversation. Watching her from a distance, Blair saw Mary in a Café on the phone again causing her to mutter curse words under her breath. Blair realize that she was too far and started to make her way to the Café when she notice a man she never thought she would see again.

Ducking behind a car she stare at him, then she take out her phone and starts to take pictures. It is all starting to make sense now, the sneaky conversations in different languages, how Mary knows so much, her being the daughter of Evan Dalton but there was no proof to say she is. Blair finally put the pieces together, she thought Mary is apart of a rival mafia, no, no, she is apart of the people who want to see Don Samuel and Don Mateo behind bars, Mary is a Federal Agent.

Turning around, Blair quickly made her way to her car and jump in. She knew Rose was in more trouble when Mary showed up, and this just confirm it. Mary is using Rose to bring down the Don, it is what other's tried to do in the past but what Mary doesn't know is that the man who she is meeting, is much more dangerous. He will not hesitate to get rid of anyone, more importantly, he is a dirty Federal Agent and he is also the one who killed her father.

Driving to the Mansion, Blair takes notice of a car park down the street, this could only be the one person who she dreaded her whole life. She remember when this man came to her home, she remember when he shot her father. He did not know she was their hiding from his view, she remain quiet and when he left, she made a run for it.

Walking up the stairs she enter her brother room, Niko is seated on his bed while using his phone. Can I ask you a question? She asks causing his head to snap up from his phone. He smiles saying, you already did but go ahead, she sits on his bed with her head hang. What happen to father, like what do you know about the night he pass? She ask staring at him waiting for an answer.

With a huff, Niko sits up then starts to talk, we found out we had traitors amongst us because the night before, we were ambushed when we was taking a shipment of drugs to the dealers and lost a few men. Samuel and Mateo started interviewing everyone either here or at their house, but when it was time to talk to father, the house exploded. I thought I had lost you but then you can me saying you were alright, around that same time rumors started going around about father being the traitor but with him dead, his name could not be cleared.

Turning her head away, Blair murmur an okay before she gets up, then she made her way out the room. Looking to her left she saw Mary enter Don Samuel's office, so she ease closer to the door. She sees Mary taking pictures of whatever is on the desk, then she puts the phone to her ears. Did you get it? Mary ask the person on the phone, noise that is making their way upstairs made Blair  sneak to her room.

She knew now who Mary really is and she knows that their is more to this story about the dangerous men after Rose. The story Mary told everyone could be a lie and wat scare Blair the most is that Rose is a pawn but the worst is Mary could be too and do not even know it. The man who kill her father use his sister to mess around and distract him and she was a pawn in his game. 

Blair climb on her bed thinking, if she wants to  protect the people she love, she must first find out what is the real plan that Mary has. She needs to be one step ahead of Mary at all times, falling asleep she thinks, watch out Mary you are going down along with you allies, payback is going to be a real bitch, then she is out like a light with revenge on her mind.  

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