Chapter 10: Moving in with my father

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Rose had just arrive to her father's mansion where her and Blair got settle in, so let me get this straight Blair spoke, after I told you to stay clear of Ezra you still decided to ignore my warnings thinking it will be best to work around him I should grab a belt and whip you, you are smarter than this Rose, would you like to visit me behind bars. Why would I visit you behind bars? Rose scrunch her eyebrows while asking, because I would buy a guy from the block and riddle it the Ezra's hideout if he had done something, thinking about it now makes me want to do it but thank God my mind is at ease because of the Don being there.

 Rose roll her eyes, do you even know how to use a gun? Yes my father taught me Blair responded. Can you teach me, Rose ask with excitement, absolutely not Samuel said while entering the room, I was just about to say that Blair whine, she went on to say listen Kid I already let you do weed and it kill me to see you became addicted, I want you to remain the way you are, a ray of sunshine amongst the bad weather so no to teaching you how to use a gun.

Samuel looked at Blair with anger in his eyes, you gave my daughter weed. Yes I did she needed something to take her mind off what all she has been through before she came to Italy not to mention being rejected by the man she had been dying to meet,you better be lucky some people would have given her something stronger that goes up your nose. She means cocaine Rose said causing her father to raise his voice, I know what she means and wish that I had think things through that night you would have been safe and never had to see the rough side of life especially at a young age.

Rose can see how distraught her father was so she decided to walk up to him and hug him. Samuel wrap his arms around his daughter and kiss the top of her head, he wish that two years ago they would embrace like this instead of how he made the decision to let his anger get the best of him. Pulling away he told Rose and Blair that dinner will be ready soon and that the whole family was waiting to meet them. As they had dinner Rose could not help feel happy about how things ended up, the only thing she was afraid of now was the Russian's who are searching for her.

Going to bed she receive a text from Mary asking her to meet at the café across from her college campus. She knew for Mary to call her she had to have found out information about the people after her, Rose knew that she had paid off her grandfather's debt and according to Mary she knew the Russian's wanted her for another reason. What scared her the most was the fact that according to her Grandma, Grandpa, Evan, and Mary, they were a dangerous set of people.

Waking up she notice a woman pulling the curtains apart in her room, excuse me who are you she ask the woman. The old lady smile, am the maid your father told me to wake you up for breakfast, then he has something to discuss with you. Nodding she got up and headed to the bathroom where she did her morning routine and made her way downstairs. She was greeted by her brothers, father, his bestfriend Mateo who had his sons Gabriel with him and Antonio their.

Antonio could not take his eyes off the beauty that stood before him, when their eyes meet he could not help but laugh when she blush and turn her head away. Sitting down Rose was serve French toast with omelets and orange juice, now that you are at the breakfast table we have much to discuss Samuel said while cutting the food on his plate, as of this day Terry and Niko will be your bodyguards. I don't need babysitters, I can protect myself Rose said causing Samuel to roll his eyes, am sure you can but it's my duty to look after you.

After finishing her breakfast Rose went to Blair's room where she discovered Niko and her arguing. What's going on she ask, nothing Ms. Appleton, my sister and I are discussing why the hell did she went on her own knowing damn well she could not take care of herself. Sister Rose ask in disbelief looking at Blair then at Niko, yeah after our father past Blair  took a downward spiral but am happy she is alright Niko said smiling at Blair.

Well I should go it looks like you two have a lot to talk about, so see you later. Nice try but it is my duty to look after you so don't use my situation with my sister to get out of this one, Niko said to Rose while pulling her by her hoodie. It was worth a try she shrug with her hands up. Blair laugh at the scene in front of her, knowing her brother and bestfriend will be at each others neck if he was going to be the one guarding her.

Walking out the door she told everyone she was headed out, Samuel gave Terry and Niko the signal to keep a close eye on her. He knew rumors were going around about the Don having a daughter and that people will try to get to him through her. He had to make sure that he fulfill the role as a father figure in Rose life, that's what Fiona would have wanted, he could not help but think about Fiona, she use to be clingy to the point that when they broke up the other woman complain about his ex who was none other than Fiona.

 They had an off and on relationship because even though she was clingy, she had this spark that you wanted around you, but he told himself that after his wife died he could not love anyone like how he use to. Fiona was different, adventurous and when he let her go eighteen years ago he thought she was going to be a crazy woman and haunt him and his family but she left and never return. Thinking back he remembered her saying that even though she did not have his love, she would have apart of him and it is the biggest blessing she can ask for. Now he know what she meant, Fiona kept this from him even in her letter she stated that she would never ruin his image and that she left so that she would stop being so crazy and clingy.

Samuel smile at the thought of Fiona, he wish that she was alive because she still hold a place in his heart for her. He would forever cherish the memory of them and he would hold onto their daughter and protect her because she is the last piece of Fiona. Picking up the picture of him and Fiona he wondered why she really kept this secret about his daughter, something told him someone had a hand in it, there was more to this story, yes she was maturing but in the letter  he sense danger behind her words. Whoever tried to bring harm to her will pay dearly.

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