Chapter 19: I always known about you, Torres!

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Rose, you are the type of girl that always and I mean always get caught, are you sure we are going to meet the real Torres? ask Blair. Yes I am positive, he has always been around me and my family, I just never figured it out until now, she replies. I don't see how you figured it out, we just heard about him being hospitalized like yesterday, so how can you know the real Torres without his picture? ask Mary.

After hacking into the CIA, they decided to follow Rose to where she believe the real Torres is. Pulling up to a small shack in the middle of no where, they dismounted out of the vehicle. Shivering from the cold, Blair speaks to the rest saying, I am seriously reconsidering this, I mean we are in the middle of no where, in the front of a dirty place that looks like it hold illegal possessions here. I agree! If I die, I am coming back to hunt Rose until she goes insane, am talking major poltergeist powers, says Gregory.

No offensive, I agree with Gregory but that's not going to happen, Mary says as she rounded from the back of the van with a shotgun. Are you messing with me, where the hell is our guns, ask Gregory who sounds irritated. I am an Agent, I have a license to carry a weapon, but you guys can't. Not to mention if crap goes down I want to be able to take the blame, this is my assignment after all, Mary ends her sentence  with a smile at the end.

Walking up to the porch they knock on the door, then waited for someone to answer. After minutes of no one answering, everyone starts to walk away except for Rose. Knocking harder, Rose began to speak saying listen, I know you're in there and I know you are hiding, so please answer the door because we need to talk. Look I know you are in there Torres and you are afraid of D'Angelo but, she pause for a second looking at her crew before continuing, we need your help.

After hearing nothing she walks away then stop when she hears the door being open. Kid, you're not suppose to be here, better yet you weren't suppose to be caught up in the mess at all. I guess Fiona's parents didn't keep quiet. I am curious to know though, how did you know who I was? Did Fiona tell you? Turning around Rose look him in his face, I always knew who you were Torres she says smiling. I did not know your real name but I know you from when you came around, especially how you use to show at certain events and milestones in my life. For a long time I even thought you were my father but I now I know that you aren't because of Samuel.

Smiling he move out of the doorway and motion for them to come in, you can put the safety back on Agent Mary, I am completely harmless and if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it the moment you showed up. You kids weren't exactly quiet when you were approaching, so it could have given me time to either run or kill you. Good point! Mary says while putting the safety back on and walking to the door.

Once they were inside, they were led to a cozy looking living room. I have a question, how did you know who I was? You call me Agent Mary. You don't think I knew all about you kids, we planned it out perfectly. Okay, I am confuse, we planned it out perfectly, explain? Blair says with her head turn to the side. Let me start off from the beginning, Torres says holding up his hands. I am Vladimir's half brother, my mother was a maid that work for my father, he use to bring in Spanish maids to clean his mansion and during that time, my mother and father had an affair, therefore conceiving me.

Vladimir who was older than me by six years, hated me from the moment I was born because in his eyes, me being born was the end of his mother and father marriage. Not to mention, because of the stress his mother went through with finding out that her husband and their maid was having an affair cause her to lose her baby girl in the process. Some said my mother poison his mother but in truth, my mother was a victim because it was his mother who tried to kill mines but the tables turn when the plates got mixed up.

Anyway, back on track, Vladimir meant a young man by the name of D'Angelo who was known to be a contract killer. When he brought him to our home, everyone thought he was just a good man and a good friend of Vladimir's because he had never had much friends, but we were all wrong. He was actually there to kill our father so that Vladimir can inherit everything that father had left for him. What he did not know was that our father split the inheritance between us giving me the four companies, the three vacation homes, two yachts, and the mansion in Italy that is close to the Bartolomeo's estate along with his private bank accounts.

When Vladimir learn of this he went ballistic and came to me to have a chat. After I told him I already accepted my inheritance he left promising me that the next time we meet will be my last. I had to take action because it would not have been the first time my brother tried to rid the earth of me so I went to set up a meeting with the Renaldi's but did not make it because a truck ran into my can. That is when I meant Fiona Appleton, she was walking home at that hour and saw the accident which made her spring into to action to save me.

When she got me out, she took me to her place and tended to my wounds. That night we talk, that's how I learn about her family and how they made a deal that she was suppose to marry into the Renaldi's but that never happen because she rebel and started dating Don Bartolomeo. Few weeks later, I was approached by and Agent whose last name was Stone, he was trying to bring down the Vladimir's and Renaldi's because his sister was a victim of their human trafficking trade but she was killed when she contacted him.

After Stone and I realize that the stakes were getting high, we had a few others come on board which was people who were affected by them. Fiona Appleton who was being force to marry into that lifestyle, Evan Dalton who was being targeted for bringing down some of the biggest mafia groups so that the Bartolomeo's can stay on top, and a few others. My brother would not let his hatred of me go, so he send D'Angelo in to do his dirty work and that is kill me. That's how I ended up in the hospital and that's how I learned that I had to go ghost, especially how D'Angelo kept on coming back to kill me.

Fiona who was pregnant at the time help me get out by changing the charts making it seem that I was being air lifted out when really I was escaping an Assassin. She also went on the run because she was threaten by the Renaldi's who also discovered the truth about her being pregnant with Samuel's child, she was suppose to lose it but Fiona is the type of woman to protect what's hers so she ran away after helping me. I heard about Stone passing and D'Angelo taking my name to infiltrate the CIA, so I contacted Evan Dalton who came up with the idea to transfer his daughter into the Agency by cooking the books a little, then had them give her a case to find a well known hacker who was bringing down big companies that was actually a cover up for illegal activities, which was where she met Gregory.

As for Blair and Rose we were trying to let them meet at a Café, but they are both stubborn as a fox so they met at their own time without any of our help. Evan make sure that his daughter knew half the truth about what was going on and in return hoped and prayed that she would protect Rose if they had gotten to him. He tried his best at protecting Rose because it was a  promise he made to the Appleton's. There is a bigger war coming though, one that Dalton nor I could prevent, this involves the Agency and all the mafia groups, the only question he says leaning forward, are you ready to fight and possibly go down with it? Whether it is life imprisonment or death.

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