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After we landed in London I had to head straight to the hotel. The kids had decided that they weren't going to sleep one bit on the plane and I was honestly exhausted. I wanted them to sleep because the jet lag would eventually get to them. I also wanted to take Nadya and my mom out for dinner to see if we could hash out alk the drama between these two.

At dinner

Me, "okay so I called you two here because I know that you are both important to me and I just want everyone here to have a good time on this trip. Now I know that things haven't always been good between you two and I want to change that"

Momma Wright, "listen baby I know that your intentions are straight from the heart but sometimes people just don't get along. I can't push anyone on you and you shouldn't do the same with me"

Nadya, "but im not just anyone and you seem sure that im going to be gone tomorrow. If you ever honestly talked to your son about what his life plans are then you would know that im an important person in his life"

Me, "exactly mom. you've spent all this time trying to just get in the way but yiu haven't seen how happy Nadya makes me. I know that you are just worried about me because I never really brought anyone home to you hut I believe in what I have with Nadya.  it would be great if we had some support from you too"

momma Wright, "look I just don't think that we met on the right terms and nobody has come to me and asked me how I felt about this. I just want to know what the plans are, I need to be able to trust the people coming into our lives"

Me, "I honestly don't know what type of way you wanted to meet her. we didn't do anything wrong and the kids were basically taken in by nadya when you were sick. I think that Nadya is going to be with me until the day that I die. eventually I want her to be my wife and the mother of my kids but she's never going to be okay with the relationship that you two have currently. Like how do you think this makes me feel? I've finally met someone who I think can make me happy for the rest of my life and my mom is the one who doesn't't care for it"

Nadya, "listen I know that you may not be that find of me but fint fame it out in the kids and your children. They are so confused and got know so to talk to. I'm sorry if I didn't come on in a nice way but I think that we should honestly try and improve this relationship because I'm going to be around for a long time"

Momma Wright,  "but how are you so sure? I know the life that my son is and there are constantly flows of girls coming to see him. How do you know that you can handle that constantly? how do you know if he's going to want you around after traveling all over the world and seeing what the world has to offer him"

Me, "because I already made a lifelong commitment to her and I'm not foolish enough to just ignore the thing that I belive in. Why do you question that we will fail so much?"

Momma  Wright, "what did you two do they means duck a long commitment? I know yall didn't run of and get married without telling me? "

Nadya, "I wish,  my mom would kill me if I got married and didn't tell her. No if we got married we would want  all of of family to be there. I know that you are cautious of me but you need to know that j and I are devoted to family. we  both come from single parent homes and we've been raised to know that family is the most important thing.  everything I do is for my kids and family. I also wanted to thank you for all you've done with Zion,  because that's my kid and you've taken him in like he's one of your own"

Me,  "listen I just think that you need to get used to the idea that Nadya and I are in a serious relationship and we want to get something from you. I plan on spending the rest of my life with her and you have the option of agreeing with us and being in our lives as we get married and have kids or you can stay the way you are and lose out on all that you ever wanted"

Momma Wright, "Okay I'm willing to work things out but it's just going to take some getting used to. I've never not had you in my corner and it just feels like some girl has replaced me. And Nadya  understand that you two are serious but this is all new ground with me and I don't want him to get hurt. I'm obviously not trying to hurt anyone here but if my voice needs to be heard then someone is going to have to listen"

Me, "If you have any problems then you need to tell me instead of broadcasting it all over the family. I don't need the kids getting involved in these disputes because it's not fair on there parts"

Nadya, "Okay, now while we are talking about the kids I wanted to know what's going on with them after the trip, because Chantel sent me an email saying that the lease is going to be up and if they arent' going to be with us I don't think that we should live in such a big house"

Me, "well I've talked to the older ones and they arent' really pushing to head back home to Maryland and I'm never going to turn people away so if they want to stay with me then it's fine"

Momma Wright, "Okay I've actually been talking to Chris and Travis and they're also concerned about how the kids are going to handle it. I know some of the younger kids are already asking when they can go home and see daddy so that's okay. I think that we should give them the option to choose where they want to stay but I'm going to want some more information if they stay in Houston"

Me, "What are you talkin about?"

Momma Wright, "I can trust Nadya to care for the kids but if they are going to be staying with you permanently then I need them enrolled into the best schools, in at least 2 after-school programs and there needs to be some monitoring on the phones and internet. Plus I know how you are with money and I don't like how you handle the children"

Nadya, "Exactly, I'm constantly tellling him that he shouldn't give the kids loads of money to hang around. There is no reason why a kid should have 1,000 dollars in their wallet on a weekly basis. That just calls for more attention that's not needed. They need to enjoy their childhood"

Momma Wright, "Exactly and I don't think that you should have them highlighting their life all over social media. That's not a good look for young kids and I didn't do that with you guys"

Me, "Listen I made all that money and if they ask me for some shopping money or food money then I'm going to give it to them. I'm not going to let those kids suffer like I did when they don't have to"

Nadya, "They aren't suffering, you do realize that you pay tuition for them, that includes school food and the days that they don't want school food I send them food that I cooked. There is no reason that they should be carrying over 200 dollars on them. Plus we need to limit the shopping because I'm the one that ends up washing and putting these clothes away"

Me, "Well this looks liek it's been productive enough for me. I've got a show tomorrow and some sleep is needed"

Momma Wright, "Look I know that we haven't always been on stable ground but I'm going to work on things so that we can be. I know that one things families strive and need is stability"

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