Chapter 32

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Let Me Go

Learn My Lesson

Start of Something Good

 A 20 minute drive to the meeting spot and we are finally there. My heart is racing as I stare out the window. Zayn and Jess are beside me. I turn my head and look at Jess, worry crosses every feature I have. She grasps my hand and squeezes it giving me reassurance. I'm sick to my stomach. I feel like I'm going to throw up at any second. I have never been this nervous in my whole entire life.

The car steadily comes to a stop. I can see some of the boys standing outside talking and laughing. Harry stares at me as I get out of the car. He nods and grins at me. Louis comes off the tour bus and shyly smiles then walks back in telling Harry to follow.

I look straight ahead to the other tour bus. Jess hugs me one last time. "You can do this. He's a dumb ass if he doesn't hear you out."

I nod and Zayn grabs my shoulder. I turn back and look at him. "He's hurt remember that. So, don't get frustrated with him when he doesn't just give in right away. Give him time."

I let out a breath "Okay. I understand that. I know how I'd feel if it was the other way around. He has to know it doesn't mean anything."

He turns me around and gives me a little push. I walk towards the bus and go up the stairs. The bus was quiet considering the rest of the boys were outside playing footie. I'm sure they knew exactly what is going on.

I reach the top step and I see him. I see Michael in black jeans, a blue jumper with a white T-shirt, and a blue beanie.  He looks at me, His eyes watery and filled with anger and hurt. His skin pale, more than normal. His lips are parted slightly like he wants to scream until his lungs give out. I've never seen him so upset. I did this. I made him feel like this. Knowing this was all my fault sent tears into my eyes. I blink them away.

"Hi" I finally spoke.

He doesn't say anything. So I decide to continue on. Maybe it's best if he doesn't talk. I can tell his voice would be shaking and that in it self would send me over the edge.

"Uhm Michael, I know that you're leaving in a while. I wanted to explain myself about last night."

He stares blankly at me. No emotion in his features. Except his eyes. His eyes say it all. He flinched at the word 'last night'. But quickly composed himself.

"I-" my voice cracks. I close my eyes and clear my throat. I compile all my thoughts together.

"That kiss meant nothing to me at all. No fireworks, no blazing hot passion, nothing. I only went up there with him because I was pissed off."

His face still void. I at least expected some emotion. This is not going the way I want it. But, what did I expect. Him to run up and hug me? Telling me everything was alright? No. This wasn't a fairy tale.

"I was completely shocked last night. Both at myself and at what others were telling me." My voice is starting to shake. "I realized my feelings for you Mikey."

"Don't call me that." Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Sorry... Uhm Michael. I realized that you were the one that was there for me through everything. When I say that kiss meant nothing, I mean it. You sent goosebumps on my skin just by calling me 'babe'. Why I didn't realize this before, I have no clue. You're too good for me Mik-Michael. This proves just that. I ruined not only our friendship but any chance of moving forward." Tears were now streaming down my cheeks, knowing this was the last time I could ever tell him this. Knowing that while in the state he's in he will listen. I'm about to give up. I look pathetic. He needs to know I'm being sincere. That I want him and only him. "I ruined the chance to ever be your Princess Peach."

Tears fall out of his eyes and he looks away shutting them. He also realizes what I've done.

"I think I should go now. I just wanted you to know how I felt and that it was you. It has always been you Michael." I'm now sobbing uncontrollably. I move forward slowly. I put my hands on his shoulders. His head is still turned away from me. Tears glisten on his cheeks. I kiss him there tenderly, savoring the last time my lips would be on his skin.

"I'm so sorry Michael." I turn and walk back down the steps.

I look back at him. He watches me carefully. "I just wanted you to know that, I love you. You will always have that place in my heart."

He lets out a sob and turns away from me. I wobbily walk off the bus with my face in my hands trying to stifle the sobs leaving my mouth. So, this is what a broken heart feels like. I can hear Jess running towards me "Oh God, Oh no. Rhennie Let's go. Let's get you away from this place." I nod my head unable to form words.

"Wait, Wait, Wait!" I hear and I stop dead in my tracks. That was Micheal's voice.

I turn around slowly to face him. His tear stained cheeks are now dry and He runs towards me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He reaches me and holds my face in his hands. He wipes away the tears that are uncontrollably falling from my eyes, with his thumbs. "Rhenn look at me."  I shake my head. "I-I can't."

"Please, please look at me." He begs me. I look up to meet his gorgeous blue-green eyes. Tears spill down my cheeks while we're making eye contact.

"I believe you ." He says


"I believe you when you say that kiss meant nothing. I can't believe you're here right now in front of me saying what I've been longing to hear for months. You came here to tell me that you love me."

"I came here to tell you my true feelings Michael. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that. I only aknowldedge it when I lost you."

"I wish it didn't happen in that way, but I'm glad it did. I wouldn't be standing here trying to tell you, That I love you too."

My eyes widen in surprise and he leans in and closes his eyes. I don't waste anytime at all. Soon my lips are on his. The kiss is gentle and passionate. Our lips move in sync and a fire has egnited throughout my body. All the butterflies erupt through my stomach. I've never felt like this while kissing someone. That's because I'm in love with this man standing right in front of me. I love him with my entire being.

His hands still cupping my face as he's kissing me. I move my hands up to his waist. 

I hear everyone around me applauding and shouting "FINALLY."

We break the kiss and I laugh at them. He pulls me into a hug and I grip him like I never want to let him go. I don't want to actually. I want to be with him as long as he wants to be with me. This feeling, this connection we have is like none other. You read stories about a girl having fireworks when kissing her lover. I now know what that feels like. Its un-explainable and relieving.

Jess has tears in her eyes, hearing every word we just exchanged. "God, fuck you guys." She says laughing and wiping her tears away.

"Yay! Fucking finally!" Ashton yells enveloping us both into a hug.

"Alright mate hands off. I still have a question for her."

Oh fuck. Please don't ruin this moment. He pulls away from the hug tilting my head back to look at him. "Rhennie will you be my girlfriend?"

I'm stunned, a grin grows onto my face and I whisper "Yes, of course I would!"

He pecks me on the lips "I'm never letting my Princess Peach go. You're mine, as long as you'll have me."

"I couldn't be anymore, okay with that." I hug him tightly.

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