Chapter 46

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Today is the day! We leave to get on the plane for L.A. in about an hour. Jess and I are running around our little make-shift apartment, gathering odds and ends. I go through my suit case one more time checking to make sure I brought enough of everything. They told us to pack for a month just in case. I think we packed enough for three. We're girls, we have to have options, and what if the weather changes suddenly and we need jeans and sweaters? I'm sure that the boys know exactly what to expect, Liam has brought along Sophia multiple times and Zayn has sisters.

"Rhenn, I grabbed your tooth brush." Jess says from behind me and throws it at my suit case.

"Thank you!"

I shift my body to face her. "What's wrong?"

She looks at me, worry spreads across her face. "I'm scared."

"About what?"

"Everything. Going to L.A. with them, the odds of being spotted out and about, the hate. Zayn not being attracted to me once I look like a planet, him running away scared again, having this baby, period. Like do you know how much pain I have to go through to get this beautiful human outside of me. She stares at the ceiling covering her face with her hands.

I laugh at her little panic attack. "Jess, you're going to be fine. We're going to be fine. Zayn isn't going anywhere. He already did that once. He kisses your god damn belly every five seconds. He's just as worried as you are. Your going to be young parents, but it's going to be the most amazing experience ever. You're going to have the life every girl dreams about. Shit you've gone through telling both my parents and yours. The pain will be nothing, compared to that anxiety. I'm scared too by the way.." I fiddle with my fingers. "Of the paps. I don't think either of us can handle anymore shit. I don't want hate. But you? You will be destroyed Jess. You're pregnant with Zayn Malik's baby. The fans will be incredibly pissed off. One because they don't know management is the one that MADE you guys a secret and two because you're a threat. I don't want that for you."

She looks at me and nods her head up and down, processing everything I just said.

"They're going to find out sooner or later. It's almost like fate."Her voice is faint.

"I know. But live for today. Think of how fun this is going to be! We're going on tour with these guys!" I squeal crumpling the fabric of my shirt between my fingers.

Her face lights up a little at my words. She exhales "I know! I'm so excited to be apart of that!"

We finish our little girly moment and prepare to load up our things in a taxi. We had to take a separate plane than the boys. Zayn texted Jess a couple hours ago telling her to text him when we are in the air. They will be picking us up from the airport when we arrive. This flight is about 14 hours total, including going to our connecting flights. I'm excited to go back to the states and also anxious.

I text Mikey telling him that we've just taken off and are headed to Paris. The boys are there already, they left a couple days before us. It's weird traveling from country to country. Time zones mess with your head. There is a 9 hour difference between here and L.A. We departed at 6 this morning. We travel for about 14 hours but we arrive in L.A. Around 12 in the afternoon. It's so complicating. Basically I sleep the whole time on the plane and read here and there. The last time I was on a plane we were coming to Vienna. We started an adventure here and our adventure continues. I wouldn't have changed anything about it so far. We wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for my parents. I text them and tell them that I love them and we are on our way to the states. I know we aren't allowed to text but I couldn't resist. Zayn and Michael paid for us to come and got us first class seats. I literally can't thank them enough. Jess is having some discomfort in her back. Little Roman picked the worst time to make her uncomfortable. Jess tells me its tolerable but she knows its there, like a throbbing pain. Soon, she finds a comfortable position and lays on the small pillow they provided her. I smile at my best friend and lean my pillow against the window and pull my legs up under me. My Dramamine kicks in and I'm out like a light, within minutes.

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