Chapter 39

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The next morning I wake up to my phone vibrating on the coffee table.  I reach for it with my eyes closed and a scowl on my face. I refuse to wake up.

"Rhenn.... make it stop." Sophia groans.

I laugh at her and sit up to answer it. I try and focus my sleepy eyes on the bright screen but fail miserably. I see a '<3' the only heart I have like that, is Mikey's name. I slide it and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I croak. Fuck I'm losing my voice.

"Rhennie? What's wrong with your voice."

"It's early and I'm losing it I think."

I can hear him laugh and I scowl at him through the phone.

"Why are you calling me so early!?" I snap at him.

"I'm calling to tell you that in the interview, they're going to ask if any of us are taken and I have to say no. I have to tell them I'm single."

I don't say anything. I feel my heart drop.

"Babe, don't. Say something? I have to keep you a secret, and I'm sorry. If it was up to me I would tell the whole world about you." He sighs.

"I understand. I just won't watch it.." My voice shakes but my cracking voice disguises it.

"Good, I didn't want it to be a surprise, if you did watch it. Just ignore it. Zayn will have to do the same thing. He also has to say he's not seeing anyone."

"Oh, we won't watch it then." I tell him a little more harshly than I should.

He groans in frustration. I can picture his face as he does it. "Okay, well I've got to go. I'll see you later." He's mad. I can tell by his tone

"Yep." I mimic his anger.

"Bye." He says and disconnects the call.

I throw my phone to the foot of the couch and growl, covering my face with my hands.

"Rhenn, was that Mikey?" Jess asks groggily.

"Yes, they are doing an interview today. He called to warn us that, Zayn and him have to say they're single to keep us out of the media."

"Ohh..." She whispers. I know it hurt her just as much as it hurt me. I know it's hard for them. But, I feel like it's harder for us. Not that anyone asks us out or anything, but if they did would we have to say yes? Would we have to go on the date just to uphold the single image? Or even reverse, would they have to go on dates and be spotted with girls? I swallow the bile in my throat and look at Jess.

"Hey, How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. Hungry, but alright."

Sophia stirs in her sleep and sits up. Her hair is sticking up all around her face.

"I'm starving." She says through a stretch.

I sit up and throw the blankets off of me. "Let's go make breakfast."

They get off the couch and follow me up the stairs. All of our joints popping as we stretch our limbs. I grab pancake mix out of the pantry when we enter the kitchen. Jess is on her phone and Sophia has her head on the counter. I dig the skillet out of the cupboard and let it heat up. I pull my phone from my waist band and check my messages.

Nothing, no texts, no calls, no nothing. I let out a breath and shut it off.

I turn around and pour the mix onto the skillet, preparing our pancakes.


When we are done eating we head downstairs to get ready. I hop in the shower first, while Jess and Sophia clean up the mess from last night.

When I'm done Jess gets in leaving Sophia and I in our room.

I sit down on my closet floor and ponder what to wear. I spot my 'sarcasm' crop top with a yin yang symbol on it. I pull it off the hanger and grab my black leggings, leather jacket, and Dr. Martin combat boots out. I set them on my bed and sit on the floor in front of my mirror.

"Does this look okay?" Sophia asks me.

I look into the mirror to see that she is holding up a white baggy sweater, leggings, black socks with two white stripes and she's pairing them with black boots. Her hair is in a ponytail and slightly curled at the ends. She accents it with a mint bow.

"Aw Soph, you look adorable!" I compliment

"Thank you." She smiles and looks at her phone to text.

I'm finish my make up, happy that I decided on dark colors. My hair is somewhat dry when I take it out of the towel. I'm going to straighten it today. I walk into the bathroom and grab the blow dryer and turn it on. Jess is sitting on the counter applying her make up.  My hair whips around me as the air surrounds the strands.

Jess leaves the bathroom with her hair still wet. I'm straightening my hair in the mirror when she walks in looking at her stomach in her reflection. She's wearing black skinny jeans, and a gray shirt with the sleeves cut off. She pulls on her green military jacket and brown knee-high boots. 

She looks at my through the mirror with a worried look. "Can y-you tell?"

I look down at her stomach expecting to see a baby bump, I don't though. Her shirt is baggy enough that you can't see any shape of her figure.

"No, you look cute though." I grin at her and she smiles back. I can tell it's a real smile this time. A wave of relief washes over me knowing that she is still able to smile through the pain. I reach out and hug her.

"You will not be alone through this, Jess. I will be there for you. Family forever."

"Thank you Rhenn." Her voice breaks while she hugs me back.

"Don't cry. You'll ruin your make-up." I giggle and wipe under her eyes.

"Ugh I know. I'm so sick of crying, I cry over everything!"

Sophia walks into the bathroom with a look of concern.

"Uhm, the boys are in town." She says.

Jess stiffens and looks at me with nervous eyes. I squeeze her hand hoping to reassure her.

"You can do this. It's okay." I softly speak and pull my black beanie on my head.

I turn my phone back on and text Mikey telling him that Sophia and I are going to come see him and Liam at Zayn's flat.

Zayn and Jess have plans tonight. He's coming here to pick her up. That's when she will sit him down and tell him the news.

Mikey texts back with a confirmation and I hug Jess goodbye.

"Call either one of us if things go down hill. Don't even hesitate. We will be here in a heart beat." I tell her before I shut the door behind me and follow Sophia up the stairs.

I wrap my infinity scarf around my neck. "Well, this could go one of two ways" I sigh and glance at Sophia. "One: Things will go just fine and he will be surprised, but happy. Two: He will be pissed and leave her."

"Number one would be the ideal choice. But, it,s not all rainbows and butterflies in real life."

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