Chapter Three

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It was only when Lance was smiling, kneeling on the ground in a rapidly growing pool of his own blood, that Keith realized he was a fool.

That smile had sent his heart into a frenzy so many times since he'd known the Cuban male, and he wondered if it would ever stop. Even back at the Garrison, where he had claimed not to even notice the boy, his smile, his laugh, his eyes. God, how Keith adored those ocean blue eyes. He's lost count of the times he'd gotten lost in them during a stare down, or even the small smile Lance had been sending his way recently.

That same smile that could turn him into a blushing mess if he thought about it too long, was what had Keith frozen in shock and terror as Lance fell to the floor, clutching his left side.

Keith almost couldn't comprehend it. One second he's yelling over his shoulder to watch out for the oncoming sentries, and the next...

Keith was by Lance within seconds, almost completely blocking out the shouts of the others through the coms. He slid next to him on his knees, removing Lance's helmet when he reached him. "Lance," he breathed, fear and anger welling up inside him, "Lance, can you hear me?"

Lance blinked twice before replying, "yeah," he panted, forcing out a pained smile, "could've sworn I heard a seagull, but I guess it's just you." He tried to stand, but crumbled into Keith's arms with a wince.

"Don't move!" Keith ordered, forcing Lance to sit. He took a quick look around before realizing there weren't anymore sentries in their area.


Keith wrapped one of Lance's arms around his neck, "we need to get to Red. Put your weight on me."

Lance let out a pained chuckle, "thought you just said not to move." He hissed at the sharp intake of air as he let Keith help him to his feet, the pain from the blaster wound becoming increasingly unbearable. "Merida." He winced, clutching his left side.

Keith mumbled an "I'm sorry" before radioing Shiro. "Sh-shiro? Do you read?"

The reply was instant, "Keith? Where are you two? Lance told us you hit a snag, are you okay?" Shiro's voice was almost frantic.

Before Keith could reply, Lance's weight suddenly increased, and he was soon slumped against a wall, looking incredibly pale. "Shit, shit. Lance!" Keith almost shouted, trying to add pressure to the wound. It reminded him of the one Shiro had gotten when they had gotten stranded not to long ago. He'd nearly died, but the one Lance had now was much larger. Lance's hand barley covered it, and it took both of Keith's just to add pressure. The blood kept flowing. "Shit! Stay awake Lance!"

Lance's head lolled back against the purple wall, eyes growing heavy from blood loss. He hissed as Keith pressed against his side harder. "It hurts." He breathed.

Keith nodded, trying to stay focused on keeping Lance's fluids where they belonged. "I know, just hold on." He ordered. "Shiro!" Keith shouted frantically into the comm, "we need help! Lance is hurt bad, and I can't get him out of here myself!"

Allura's voice sounded in his ear, "how badly?"

Keith could feel his eyes start to sting. "I'm not exactly sure. I didn't see that sentry with the plasma blaster. Lance took it out, but not before it shot him. God, I'm an idiot." He shook his head frantically, already feeling the prickling of tears in his eyes as he blinked.

Keith felt a hand on his arm. Then looked up to see Lance's half lidded eyes. Lance squeezed it weakly. "S not your fault," he slurred.

"Keith, where are you?" Pidge's voice rang out over comms.

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