Chapter Eleven

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Author's Note:
The picture above is a reference to a detail later. Leave a comment if you wish. Vote if you liked this. Also, feel free to give me feedback. I want to make this as good as I possibly can. Let me know what you think. I love reading your comments. ❤
Anyways, hope you enjoy.
Stay Classy 😎

The rest of the evening went smoothly. King Matsu had returned to the ship, having to make arrangements to bring the Paladins to Tarok. Lance had wanted to go with him, but Matsu had been adamant about the Alpha's staying with the Paladins to "bond".

The two teams had agreed to bunk together in the lounge. Hunk and Pidge had gotten incredibly excited, and even convinced everyone to build a blanket and pillow fort. Takar wasn't to sure what was going on, but tried his best to help anyway. Strangely enough, Cleora knew exactly what she was doing. Keith asked her how she knew had to do it.

"It's something I used to do with my younger brothers and sisters when we were younger, back before the Galra tried to take over." She'd stated simply.

And that's where they were. The two teams had set up camp in the lounge, ready for a nights rest after the long day. Hunk had taken the liberty of preparing snacks for the evening, and Pidge had set up a little home theater system for everyone.

The only ones not in the room were Kal, Lance, and Shiro, who had gone to see Matsu off safely to his ship.

Everyone had been seated comfortably in their casual sleep wear, talking about past missions and experiences, when a sudden loud growl emitted from the door, a whoosh signaling the door had opened, and then Lance sprinting full force into the room.

The remaining Alpha's and Paladins sprung to their feet immediately, worry evident on each of their faces, and watched as a large, six legged creature barreled into the room, tackling Lance to the ground with a snarle.

Lance half through the thing off him with a grunt, before getting low and waving his arms out in front of him. Probably a scare tactic, Keith decided. The thing growled back, lowering it's front with four paws spread out in front of it, ass in the air, and double tail swaying. Lance made a noise and the things ears perked up. It beared it's teeth and jumped at Lance again, this time pinning him to the ground. Lance let out a sharp cry, one arm still free.

Keith grabbed his Bayard without hesitation and ran towards the alien creature, before he realized Lance's crys were laughs, and the monster was licking and nuzzling Lance, not attacking.

Keith loward his arm, beyond confused. Shiro and Kal came in just seconds later, both smiling widely. Lance continued to wail with laughter, the thing now purring with its head planted on Lance's chest. Lance smiled brightly, petting it's head with his one free hand.

Keith threw his arms up. "The hell is that?" He demanded, gesturing towards the display before them.

Lance just smiled at him. "This," he scrubbed the creature's head, "is Blue! Rescued her a while back. She's gotten big since then though. Haven't ya, beautiful?" He beamed happily.

Blue was a about twice the size of a lion, with six paws total, two strong back legs and four in front. It had the face shape of an oversized panther, and a double tail. It's fur looked incredibly soft, and was a dark navy blue, with slightly lighter shades of blue blended throughout it's coat. On her shoulder blades, Keith could see two identical black scars, clearly visible up close. In Keith's opinion, she was beautiful.

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