Chapter Six

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Lance was strapped to a chair, sitting upright. He was blind folded, which wasn't knew, but still concerned the Cuban. He could hear movement in the room, but had no idea what was going on.

Suddenly, he heard a holoscreen go up, and voices he never thought he'd hear again. He heard Lotor speak, "Ah, Princess Allura," he boasted, sounding almost humble. "Looking as beautiful as ever, I see. And the new Paladins of Voltron. My oh my, isn't this a treat."

Lance would've scoffed if he had the strength. He could barley keep his head up, let alone much of anything else. He heard the voice of the Princess, and wanted nothing more then to call out to them, but he couldn't. Damn Druids.

"Prince Lotor? How are you alive?" She sounded surprised.

"Ah, have you missed me?" Lotor sounded amused.

"Of course not," Allura assured, "merely surprised. It's been ten thousand years, after all."

Lance heard Lotor hum, "yes. So it has. We've got so much to discuss. How have you been, my dear?" He asked, almost sounding sincere.

Lance heard Allura scoff. Me too. He thought.

"Cut to the chase, Lotor. Why did you make contact with us?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

Lotor huffed, "of course. Well, it seems to me, you've lost something. Or rather, someone."

Lance's heart nearly leapt from his chest when another voice rang out.

"What do you know about that?" Keith practically growled.

He heard Lotor chuckle, that sick feeling returning to his stomach. "Oh, I know a little. Enough, at least."

Lance felt his chair move forward, to weak to even attempt struggling. Stay strong, they're trying to use you. He told himself.

In one swift motion, his blindfold was ripped from his head, and a bright light invaded his vision, blinding him. When his eyes adjusted, he realized he was infront of a holoscreen, his team now staring at him wide eyed.

A druid was holding his head up by his hair, so he could see them. Lance assumed by their collective gasps he looked pretty bad. He could barely see out of his left eye, even though it had mostly healed. He remembered he wasn't wearing a shirt, so they could probably see the cuts and burns that had been put into his flesh. He knew he probably looked terrible, but the look on Keith's face made Lance wish they'd just killed him instead.

The druid released him and his chin hit his chest, too exhausted to hold it up on his own.

Keith could feel the tears burn his eyes as he took in the sight of his lover. Beaten, bloody, and broken. It made him want to cry, but he had to stay strong. God knew Lance was trying.

"What did you do to him?" Allura growled.

"Nothing he didn't need." Lotor insisted innocently. "He's getting better everyday, and I feel that soon enough, he'll make my father's Champion look like a space caterpillar."

Keith watched as Lotor grabbed Lance by his hair again, and yanked his head back, making it lean against the headrest, causing a short hiss to come from Lance. Keith clenched his fists, nails digging into his flesh. Keep your hands away from him. I'll tear you apart, I swear it. Keith thought, teeth grinding together.

"He's incredibly strong. Physically and mentally. He's lasted much longer then you did, Champion." Lotor sneered, smile plastered to his face.

"Return him to us at once." Allura ordered.

Lotor faked sadness, "of course. My apologies. I should never have taken him. Please forgive me." He remarked sarcastically, smile returning.

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