Chapter Twelve

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When Lance opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the cold.

The air was damp and sent sharp, unpleasant shocks down Lance's spine. His eyes shifted to look around the pitch black room. There was nothing. Literally, nothing. Almost as if the walls themselves weren't actually there. Nothing would focus no matter how hard he squinted.

The second thing Lance noticed was his inability to move. He couldn't lift his head, or his arm, or his leg. He couldn't so much as wiggle his toes. He was completely paralysed, only able to move his eyes, and even then the room, or wherever he was, was too dark for him to see anything anyway.

A raspy voice pierced the back of his mind. "Don't worry, Champion. I will fix you. I can make you stronger. Let me take what I need, and I will show you a power you have never known." It hissed.

Lance felt needles pierce into his brain, scratching and tearing. It was agonising, but there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. He couldn't even speak or cry out. The owner of the voice kept ripping at his brain.

"You have nothing to fear from me, Champion. Open your mind to me. Relax. Let me work." The voice ordered.

An electric shock was jolted straight through Lance's entire being. Finally, he found his voice and screamed in agony, fingers twitching, buts that's all he could do. The rest of his body remained numb, and unable to move. Lance closed his eyes tight.

When he opened them again, the scene around him had changed, and the pain had evaporated. He panted, wheezing at the end of every breath. At first, Lance had no idea where he was, but as his eyes adjusted and his breathing began to even out, Lance's heart dropped to the very pit of his stomach when he realized where he was.

The Galra prisoner ship.

Haggar was off to the side, talking to one of the Druids, when she turned, sending the Druid away, and floating to Lance's side. She stared down at him through her long white hair. She lifted her hand and Lance tried to flinch away when she combed her fingers through his hair. She continued this gesture as she spoke. "How do you feel, Salvatore?" She asked, head tilted slightly to one side.

Lance stared at her for a moment. When he replied, it didn't even feel or sound like he was the one speaking. "I feel fine, my Lady. My head feels strange, but nothing besides." He reported formally.

Lance watched Haggar smile, and what he saw shocked him. It was small, but not crule, not evil looking, and it wasn't sadistic. No. This small smile was almost.... compassionate. "I'm glad to hear it." She replied, sounding honest. "The Prince has requested you be taken care of, but I doubt he sees just how valuable you truly are." She tilted her head the other way. The hand that hand been smoothing out his hair stopped. She stared into Lance eyes, and for a moment, he felt calm. At peace almost.

Lance wasn't sure if he should savor this long forgotten feeling, or be utterly terrified of the unknown. He remained silent, no longer able to move or speak.

"I do." Haggar continued. "I can see it. With you here, we will finally destroy Voltron. I can finally know I did my part. And if you stand beside me, follow my orders, I will make you invincible. You will wish for nothing, and feel no pain."

Lance felt a searing pain atop his head, now realizing her nails were sending electric shocks back into his brain again. He didn't cry out this time. He couldn't.

Haggar's smile fell slowly, almost as if she didn't want to do this, but she continued. Lance's head felt like goo. He couldn't think. He felt his eyes drift close. Just before he slipped into the darkness, he heard a small, rasped whisper. "Please, let this work."

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