Chapter Ten

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The two teams sat in the Dinning Hall as Hunk set out the many dishes he'd prepared. Originally, the plan was for each team to sit on opposite sides of the table, facing eachother.

To Lance's surprise, the two groups had gotten incredibly comfortable with eachother, and when he finally reached the Dinning Hall after wandering the castle halls for a bit, he found the two teams completely scrambled around the table.

Takar and Pidge sitting were beside eachother, already in a deep conversation about the destruction and reconstruction of various materials. Across from them sat Cleora, Allura, and Kal. The three were engaged in a debate over whether a rifle could be sparkly and scary. Lance shook his head, a grin slowly splitting his face.

He noticed Shiro speaking with Matsu across the room, but Keith was nowhere in sight. Lance furrowed his brow slightly. Then he shook his head to snap him away from his thoughts.

He made his way to the table as Hunk called everyone over. Lance took a seat beside Hunk, with an empty one to his left.

Hunk smiled to the group. "Alright, dig in and tell me what you think." He beamed, slightly nervous.

Everyone picked up their utensils and began eating the strangely coloured bowled and plated food. Lance took a moment just to appreciate how carefully set and good everything looked. It had been weeks since he got the chance to sit down to a decent meal.

Before he could start, however, something felt off. He glanced out of the courner of his eye, and noticed Hunk watching him entently. Lance felt something inside him stir. A feeling of deja vu that had no business being here. Instead of dewelling on it, he decided to ignore it and try some of the food.

He filled his spoon with the orange liguid, with some kind of blue plant sprinkled in, and brought the spoon to his mouth. As Lance let the substance roll around on his toung, he tasted something formilular, yet new. Like something he'd had before, but he was pretty sure he'd never tasted whatever this was before.

Regardless, it was so fucking good.

Lance made a weird, and possibly inappropriate, noise after he swallowed. Out of the courner or his eye, he noticed his teams' heads all snap to his direction at once, but he ignored them. He took another spoonful, and this time accidentally moaned after swallowing.

Kal bursted out laughing. "What the-pfft" his laughter cut his own sentence short.

Lance ignored him again, and looked over at Hunk, who was regarding him with a shocked, wide-eyed and confused half smile.

"Holy. Fuck." Lance groaned, pausing between each word for emphasis. "This," he gestured to the orange substance, "is the best thing I've eaten in weeks." He applauded honestly, half groaning.

Hunk beamed. "Thank you. I can't take all the credit. Kal helped too." He pointed to Kal, who shook his head in response.

"All I did was hand you the materials, dude. This gift was created by you entirely." He informed, hands up and palms out in mock surrender.

Lance took one more spoonful, before speaking again. "Well," he swallowed, "whoever did it. It is amazing." He exclaimed, making the perfect sign with his fingers before eating another spoonful.

Shiro spoke up. "Hunk's our resident supreme chef. Before he graced us with his cooking, we spent a lot of time throwing food goo around. Keith definitely got into those bonding moments." He chuckled, recalling each meal and the long showers that were usually required later.

Lance cleared his throat. "Speaking of mullet boy Red," he said, grabbing everyone's attention.

Hunk almost spat across the table, his hand barely coming up in time to stop it.

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