Chapter Eight

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Keith's eyes widened in astonishment as he followed Blue through a stone gate with two statues of what looked like double headed dragons guarding the entrance. Keith jumped back when the dragons turned their heads to look at the group. Blue chuckled.

The path was open, trails of different colored flowers on either side, and crystals that grew straight from the ground.

"It's even more beautiful then I remember." Allura gasped, stooping to look at a row of pink flowers with red crystals in the center.

Blue turned his head slightly to glance at her, "wait till you see the actual hall." He informed.

Kal smiled brightly at the Princess, "you're welcome to pick one if you wish. I'm sure it would look dazzling in your hair, m'lady." He suggested.

Blue stopped walking abruptly, looking directly into Kal's face, his own void of emotion. Kal halted in front of him, trying his hardest not to start laughing. Blue held his gaze, "please tell me you didn't?" He sighed.

Kal laughed, looking from the Princess then back at Blue. He shrugged nonchalantly, smug smile in place. "Whhhaaaatt? Just some harmless flirting? 'S not every day we meet beautiful Princesses." He winked at Allura, who frowned and looked at Shiro.

Blue facepalmed before looking at Kal and turned around. "I'm gonna stab him. I'm sure of it." He mumbled to himself before continuing on.

The team gave eachother looks of confusion before following after their tour guide.

Kal and Blue ended up getting into an argument that the Paladins couldn't understand, due to it being in that same strange language from earlier. Blue gestured between Kal and Allura multiple times, while Kal looked to be defending himself, but failing.

By the time they'd reached the hall where the meeting was to be held, Blue had won the argument and Kal didn't seem happy about it, arms crossed over his chest and small pout in place. Keith smiled sadly as he remembered how he and Lance used to get like that. Only, Keith was the one who'd usually won, mostly because Lance's flirting never went anywhere.

Kal had begun explaining what was going on and how things had improved over the past years. Keith looked up, to at least look like he was paying attention, when he realized Blue had been staring at him. The two made eye contact, Keith feeling mildly uncomfortable, before Blue just looked away.

Weird. Keith thought.

"Here we are!" Announced Kal, "well, this is where we part ways. We've got some people to meet up with, but I hope to see you around, Princess Allura." He bowed.

Blue scoffed, "yeah. I don't blame you if you never talk to us again." Blue shook his head, "I hope your meeting goes well. Good luck to you." He grabbed Kal's shoulder, "let's go, Romeo."

He then proceeded to drag Kal away. Blue shoved him a head a little, causing laughter to rise from Kal once again, and Blue threw a hand up over his shoulder, signaling a farewell to the group.

Keith watched as the two joined up with some other aliens in similar armor, not blue like Blue's, but the same style. Keith turned back to his own team, following the Princess inside the metal building.


"Ah! Princess Allura of Altea and the Paladins of Voltron! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" A grey skinned alien with baige horns, probably King Matsu Keith thought, walked towards them with open arms, two soldiers in armor following him.

"And you as well, King Matsu. It's an honor." Allura informed, bending over in a bow.

Matsu waved a dismissive hand, tuting, "now, now. Let's skip formalities for now. We have important matters to discuss. Please, take a seat." He smiled and walked over to his seat at a rather large table.

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