Chapter One

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The Red Paladin wore his regular clothes as he watched the Cuban in stasis. His face was no longer cut up and the bleeding in his chest had ceased, but his vitals were still extremely weak, or so Coran had told him. The others weren't with him, and it irritated him. The Blue Paladin had nearly died for their mission, and they couldn't come by for even a minute?

Keith gripped his arms tighter around himself, the scene replaying in his head. Lance being shot. Smiling at him. Collapsing to the ground. Then telling him to leave him. How could Lance even say that? Keith thought. Did Lance truly believe he'd leave him? What would make him think such a stupid thought? Keith could never imagine leaving one of his friends behind. Never. Least of all Lance.

Keith hung he's head low as he sat down next to the pod. How could he've even considered it? Sure, Lance had nearly commanded him to leave him, but Lance was his teammate. Keith closed his eyes.

Teammate. The word felt weird to him. It wasn't wrong, of course. Yes, Lance was his teammate. The sharpshooter of the group, but to Keith, he was so much more than that. Lance had been the only one out of all of them to accept him when he revealed he was Galra. He smiled at the memory.

Even after nearly being turned on by everyone, Shiro included, Lance had stood up for him, saying he was still Keith, and his heritage and DNA didn't change that. Lance had changed their minds, and now they even had an alliance with the Blades.

Then there were times were Keith would have terrifying nightmares. Ones that had him either waking up in a cold sweat, or crying out. Lance had heard him one night, woke him up, then stayed to comfort the black haired boy. Even spent the night in his room, and any other night that Keith asked him to.

Then came the night Keith had found Lance in the control room with the holographic universe opened up. Keith had walked in on him, heading to get some water, when he found him there, upset and alone. And it was after that, they both agreed to be the others comfort buddy. Keith couldn't help but let out a small huff at that.

He looked up when he heard the door to the chamber open. Shiro stood in the doorway, small smile on his face as he entered. "Hey," he said, walking over to Keith, "how's he doing?"

Keith shrugged, "there's been no change as far as I can tell. Coran says he's healing, but he's still really weak." He put his head back down and mumbled, "I just want him out of that stupid pod."

Keith felt a hand on his back, indicating Shiro had sat down next to him. "He's strong, Keith. He'll be out in no time. Don't worry."

Keith snorted, "don't worry? How can I not be worried? He almost died in my arms, Shiro. There was nothing I could do." He paused, throat closing over, "I was so scared." He whispered.

Shiro nodded, "I know you miss him, but you know he wouldn't want you to be stressing and worrying like this. He'll be out in no time, then you two will be at eachother's throats again and bam! Back to normal." He smiled, chuckling slightly.

Keith nodded, then said quietly, "I hope so." Maybe not exactly the same. He didn't add.

The whoosh of the pod snapped both men to attention. Keith was the first to his feet as Lance stumbled out of the pod. Keith caught him, but Lance still couldn't take his weight, and both boys nearly fell to the floor. "Lance!" Keith exclaimed happily, smiling at the boy in his arms.

Lance looked up at Keith, and gave him a classic McClain smile. "Hey, Mullet." He remarked, voice horse from lack of use. He turned his head at the sound of footsteps and noticed Shiro next to them. "Hey Shiro."

"How are you feeling?" Shiro replied, nealing down to their level.

Lance huffed a laugh, "like crap," he replied, then looked back to Keith when he added, "but I'll live. Thanks to you." He smiled.

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