Chapter Seven

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"Great job out there, Team!" Shiro exclaimed, causing a chorus of high fives to ring around the room.

"Indeed!" Allura announced happily while claping her hands once, "yet another one of Zarkon's allied ships that will cause harm no more."

Keith stretched his arms over his head, his back and shoulders cracking in the process. It hadn't really been that big a fleet. It was one of the only easy missions they'd been on since they took out Zarkon. Lotor was running the Empire, and he wasn't making it easy on them.

"I think you should catch up on some well deserved rest. We'll call you when dinner's ready." Coran announced happily.

Keith groaned, "please let it be Hunk's cooking. No offense Coran, but food goo isn't sounding to good right now."

Hunk laughed, "of course. I'm gonna need some help though. Think you can lend a hand?"

Keith shrugged, "I mean, that's more Shiro's job, but sure." He smirked at the older male as he made his escape.


Keith laughed, like actually laughed, "not at your age, old timer!"

He took off down the hallway before Shiro could make it to the door. Keith continued to laugh as he ran, hearing distant footsteps race after him. He tried to quiet himself as to not give away his position, knowing Shiro would definitely find him then.

Keith stopped completely, however, when he came to an all to formilular bedroom door.

Lance's room.

Keith stood infront of the door for several minutes, forgetting about the older male that was hunting him down. Three years. He thought, how has it been three years already?

Keith was so lost in thought, he didn't hear Shiro shout his name from around the courner, or hear the stopping of footsteps when he appeared next to him.

Keith nearly tackled Shiro from the unexpected hand that was placed on his shoulder. "Easy buddy," Shiro soothed, hands up in surrender. "Are you okay?"

Keith opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again when he looked back to the door. Shiro nodded, "I know you still miss him, Keith. We all do. I won't compare any of our pain to yours, I mean," he chuckled, "you loved the guy. And I know he made you happy-"

"Shiro," Keith tried.

"- but you know better then any of us he wouldn't want-"

"Shiro," he stated louder, "can you cool it with the 'big brother' speeches for a second?" Keith laughed softly.

Shiro shut his mouth. "Sorry," he shrugged, "old habits."

Keith huffed through his nose, "it's fine." He stated honestly, "I won't say I'm okay, because I don't know if I'll ever be totally okay. But, it's been three years, and if Lance were here now, he'd probably yell at me for getting upset over the past."

Shiro huffed a laugh, "yeah. He definitely seemed to be the type of guy to live in the moment." He smiled softly.

Keith nodded, "he used to say that life was to short to spend worrying about what could, or even, will happen." Keith huffed a sad laugh, "I just can't help but miss him." He wiped at his eyes.

Shiro immediately warpped Keith in a hug tightly. "I know, buddy. I know."

Keith pulled back, "I'm okay. Seriously. I just," he paused turning to look at the door, "I just miss him." He reached up and ran his fingers over the cool metal of the door.

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