Chapter Fourteen

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Heh,that song was just for funsies, lol

The Paladins and Alphas walked side-by-side through the crowd of cheering aliens. Finally having composed themselves, the Paladins beamed proudly at the large swarm of aliens that had come to welcome them. Keith waved to the smaller aliens that wore clothing that reflected their different armors. One even wore a blue jacket the resembled Lance's old armor. Keith stopped walking.

Even three years later, younger aliens still considered the Blue Paladin as part of Voltron. Keith didn't think people even remembered the old Blue Paladin, let alone still honored him by wearing his colour. Keith smiled.

Keith felt a warm hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Lance standing beside him. He leaned down to Keith's ear. "Are you okay? You seemed a little out of it." He whispered.

Keith shook his head. "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting....all this." He gestured to the crowd.

Lance chuckled in his throat, and nudged Keith to get him moving. "I get that. Sorry." He stated as they walked. "I should've asked for better crowd control." He shrugged.

Keith shook his head. "It's fine. I just wasn't expecting it is all." He stated.

Lance sent Keith a small smile as they proceeded to the castle. Neither said a word to eachother, and simply followed their group. Keith glanced at Lance, and noticed a small, uneasy frown. Keith drew his bottom lip between his teeth, then looked back ahead. He sighed. "Hey, Lance?"

Lance hummed, signaling he was listening.

"About what you said earlier..." He paused, taking note to Lance's shoulders sagging. He sighed. "You don't have to say anything now, know you can talk to me right?" Keith turned his head to Lance.

The two teams now stood outside the palace, Kal talking to security to let them know the Alphas and Voltron had arrived. Lance sighed as the gate opened. "There are some things I'd like to keep in my past where they belong. It's not about me trusting you." He dropped his voice to a whisper so only Keith could hear as they entered the courtyard. "I know we haven't known eachother very long, but I just know I can trust you." He glanced to the other Paladins. "I just don't know how I feel about them yet." He explained.

Keith nodded. "I feel the same about you. I just want to know more about you." Keith's eyes widened at his own words. "I mean, you don't have to. We only met a couple days ago. You don't owe me anything." He said, crossing his arms.

Lance scratched the back of his neck. They continued into the castle, passing many soldiers that saluted both teams as try passed. Lance saluted back. "Keith," he sighed. His voice was small, but held force. "I want you to know that I do trust you. I don't know how or why, but somehow, I know I can."

Kal lead the two teams down a long, and large hall. Two large doors awaited them at the end of the hall. Kal was rambling a mile a minute, but Keith and Lance were to enthralled in their own conversation to pay any attention. The two were side-by-side, arms swaying at their sides. Lance looked away from Keith, unable to forget the images of Keith and himself that had flashed before his eyes.

Lance wanted answers. Answers to questions he didn't even know he had. Ever since he'd met Keith, Lance had not only been feeling a hell of a lot of deja vu, but he'd been having these strange reminiscences. He'd been having actual dreams, and not the god awful night terrors he got when he actually managed to fall asleep, but actual, pleasant dreams. Dreams filled with smiles, laugher, being able to look around a courner and not hear the agonising screams of every being he'd ever exterminated.

Since meeting Keith, something made Lance feel at peace, a feeling he'd known he'd never be able to feel again. Keith made him want to relax, made him want to be better. Lance wanted to spill everything to Keith. Wanted to tell him how much he hated being the monster they'd made him into. How he'd thought about how much easier it would've been for everyone had he just offed himself when he'd had the chance. Lance knew, however, that he couldn't tell Keith any of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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