Chapter Nine

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The room was silent.

The Paladins stood motionless as slow realization crept into their mind and soul.

Lance had been alive all that time.

Keith felt a wave of emotions crash over him. He wasn't even sure what to pin any of them as. Of course, he felt overwhelmingly happy. Lance, the boy he'd cared about most, was alive.

He wanted to run over and hug him, maybe yell and scold Lance for not coming back to him, but he felt something else. Something in his gut and chest were both screaming at him, and when he realized what that feeling was, he grew angery. Angery at himself for not getting Lance back.

Angery for not keeping his promise.

"I-" Allura cleared her throat, "could you please repeat that? Just to clarify?" She requested.

Keith almost laughed.

He wanted to tell her that this man, with auburn hair that Keith had spent many nights playing with, the man with the beautiful ocean blue eyes, the man with the same smug smile and confident attitude that drove Keith two types of crazy.

The man who was staring into Keith's very soul at that moment, was undoubtedly Lance. There was no denying that plain and simple fact

Lance quirked an eyebrow, but obliged with a nod. "My name is Lance McClain. First-Lieutenant of Alpha Squadron, and right hand to King Matsu of Terok." He announced again, this time bending forwards at the waist in a bow.

Keith heard Hunk choke, and watched Lance's face contort in confusion when he straightened as Hunk ran over and picked him up in a bone crushing hug.

Lance let out a struggled breath as he attempted to get out of Hunks hold. Hunk didn't seem to notice. "How is this possible? How did you get away? Why didn't you come back? We really, really missed you." Hunk continued to cry into Lance's chest.

Takar approached cautiously, head tilted in thought. He caught Lance's pleading look, but made no attempt to help, clearly wanting nothing to do with the hug. "You never told us you knew the Voltron Paladins?" He chided, smiling at the display.

To everyone's surprise, Hunk was thrown to the floor by Lance, having headbutted him and used his legs to fling himself away from him. Lance crouched on his hands and kness, then stood and gestured towards Hunk, who lay on the floor. "I don't." He stated, dusting the non-existent dirt from his thighs and chest.

Pidge seemed just as shocked as Hunk. "Don't what?" She asked, fearful of the answer.

Lance's face contorted in something akin to disgust as he gazed at Hunk, who had not moved from his shove to the floor. His eyes rose to the rest of team Voltron, eyeing them cautiously, as if sizing them up one by one.

When his eyes landed on Keith, the Red Paladin felt devastation crash over him as he was treated no different.

Being scrutinized and observed carefully.

Keith pleaded mentally for Lance to not say what he knew he was about to. Internally screaming for Lance to, at least, give him some sort of sign.

All Keith's hopes desolated into thin air as Lance returned Takar and Pidge's questions with an answer that made Keith want to scream.

"No. I don't know who you are." He stated simply, but with force. "As far as I know, I've never met any of you in my life." He remarked, straightening his holster belt and the fabric around his neck.

Keith felt his heart shatter.

Hunk was suddenly back on his feet again. "You're kidding, right buddy?" He tried for a mock smile, one that screamed if this is a joke, it's not funny.

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