Chapter Thirteen

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Over the next two days, the two teams had already bonded closely.

Hunk and Pidge had welcomed Takar's vast intellect and used it on many of their projects. At first, the blue skinned alien had been nervous about the whole ordeal, but after a brief conversation with Lance, one which no one had understood, Takar agreed, and found he enjoyed working with the duo.

Kal enjoyed working with, and conversing with Coran. The two had gotten closer after many repairs and old tales and adventures from each aliens past.

Cleora had gotten closer with both Allura and Keith. The two females each enjoyed playing with the mice that roamed the halls, as well as looking for sparkly things and developing well balanced training exercises.

Keith also liked Cleora for her fighting capability. The two had gone head to head multiple times already, even more so since the reptilian found out that Keith had been training with Lance. She'd walked in on them after a brief duo sequence, and claimed Lance had betrayed her, and challenged Keith to a battle. To see who would be Lance's student.

Lance had found the whole ordeal rediculous, and rather amusing, to say the least. He'd then explained that, while the arrangement had nothing to do with him and the two could proceed once he was clear, he wasn't anywhere near a level where he could teach anyone anything.

Cleora was adamant about the fight, which Keith had agreed to. The two had battled it out for nearly an hour before Cleora finally knocked Keith's sword from his hand.

Needless to say though, the two became friends over their shared love for blades, and competition.

Lance hadn't really tried to get to know any of the Paladins. Sure, he talked to Keith and Shiro, and ghosted around, popping in now and then to see what each group was up to, but he never really stuck around long, and consiquently, missed many disappointed looks and glances from each of the Paladins.

Lance remained in the control room for the most part. He was flying them to Terok since the King had already taken his team's ship there himself. They would be there within the next couple vargas.

Lance sighed as he took in the view from the control room window. Nothing but a black void with light specks filling it. He couldn't wait to get home. To see some form of colour besides blacks, greys, and blue.

The hiss of the door startled Lance from his daze. He turned and watched as Shiro made his way over. He gave him a smile. "What's up, Black?" He greeted.

Shiro returned his smile. "Just walking around. Your team seems to be adjusting well, I take?" He noticed.

Lance nodded, facing the window again. "They've never been good when dealing with strangers. I'm surprised Cleora hasn't slaughtered Keith yet." He pursed his lips. "Then again, she has put up with Kal way longer." He shrugged.

Shiro laughed, and gazed out at the neverending blackness. "Kal's not so bad. I used to know a guy just like him." He paused, a small, sad smile taking place. "Kid was always trying to flirt with someone. He made everyone else feel better, no matter how bad the situation. Even if he wasn't feeling the best himself." His eyes drifted to the male to his left. "He always put others before himself. No matter the circumstance." He finished.

Lance nodded, but kept his gaze to the window. "He sounds like a great guy." He stated simply.

Shiro nodded, facing the window once again. They past an asteroid belt as he spoke. "He was the best. Even if he didn't realize it himself, we wouldn't have been able to save half the planets we did without him." Shiro paused. "I just wish I'd given him the credit he deserved." He sighed regretfully.

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