Chapter Four

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Keith couldn't find the strength to stand after the pod docked inside the castle. He remained on the floor, hugging himself infront of the pod door, while the image of Lance being dragged away replayed in his head. He was trapped inside his head, numb from the world around him. How could you abandon him? He needed you, and you just left? He trusted you, and you left him to die.

Keith felt the bile build in his throat as Lance's bloody side stuck to the back of his eyelids. His blood oozing through Keith fingers. Feeling Lance's muscle move as he'd applied the eventually useless pressure. Being thrown into the pod by Lance's incredible shot on a brace, then being forced to watch as they dragged him off to god knows where. Keith thought he was going to be sick.

Scratch that, he did get sick.

Keith turned just off to the side of the door just in time for his stomach contents to hit the back of his throat and pour out his mouth. He heard the rush of at least three sets of footsteps head his way, then the sudden hiss of the pod door opening as he gaged. He felt a hand on his back, and turned slightly to see Shiro behind him, along with the other Paladins.

Hunk was the first to brake the silence. "Where's Lance?" He asked, fear edged into every word.

Keith wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sniffed once before responding, "hes-" he cut himself off, clearing his voice to speak clearly, "he's gone." He stated, voice cracking.

Shiro kept rubing circles into Keith's back as Pidge steped in, "what do mean gone? Gone where?"

Keith turned to look at them, then back to the wall infront of him. "They took him." He whispered, struggling to keep it together.

Keith felt Shiro's hand stall when Allura spoke next. "What exactly happened?" She remarked, "by Coran's calculations, both of you should've had time to reach the pod and get out. Did you really need to leave him?" It wasn't meant to be harsh, Keith knew, but it still stung.

"Princess," Coran cut in, "can we all just give Keith a dobash." He returned his attention to Keith, kneeling next to him, "are you okay? Are you hurt? Will you be needing a pod, lad?"

"And don't pull that "tough guy" crap." Shiro pointed a finger at him.

Keith shook his head, "I'm okay." The tears come back as he took in Allura's words. He lowered his head, "but Lance-" he chocked on a sob, "Lance was taken. I couldn't do anything to help him." He rubbed at his face forcefully, "I was completely useless when he needed me." He cried.

Shiro pulled him into an embrace, still rubbing his back, "it's okay," he shushed, "we'll get him back." He promised.

Hunk had joined in the hug, soon followed by the others. "I can't believe he got himself captured." He sobbed.

Keith shook his head, "he sacrificed himself to save me."


Shiro had taken Keith back to his room, saying he could explain what happened when he was ready, and promising they'd get Lance back. Keith sat in his room alone, already missing the feel of Lance's arms wrapped around him as they lay in one of their beds. Or how he'd play with his hair to help him calm down after he got upset. Or even just his scent.

Keith curled in on himself as he sat in his room, on his bed. Alone. He'd asked to be left alone, and the team had obliged, with Shiro telling him he was there when Keith was ready to talk. He didn't want to talk, but he knew the team deserved an explanation for their missing teammate, and Keith needed his Lance back.

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