Chapter Five

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Lance had grown numb to any pain Hagger inflicted on him. He had no idea how long he'd been there, but he did know he was wearing thin. He was in his cell, blood dripping down his face from having it punched in. As far as he knew, he hadn't given them anything. In fact, he wasn't sure if he'd said much of anything.

Lance closed his eyes, trying his hardest to think clearly. Those druids had been messing with his head recently and he'd been having to focus extra hard to keep his head on straight. This was actually one of the only moments of peace he'd gotten since he'd been here. Wherever here was.

"Okay, McClain," he whispered to himself, "just stay focused. The guys are on their way. Just hold out a little longer."

Yeah, sure. He thought. If they were coming, wouldn't they be here by now?

He shook his head, mentally scolding himself. No, they're coming. Don't think like that. That's what they want.

"Still holding faith in your team? My, aren't you strong willed. Or just naïve."

He opened his eyes, frowning. The hell was that?

"Don't be afraid, Blue Paladin. I'm here to liberate you." The voice explained.

Lance suddenly felt an excruciating amount of pain inside his head, and he cried out.

"Your mind is weak. I can make it stronger." The voice of Hagger insisted.

The pain intensified as he felt memories being pulled from his subconscious. "No," he whimpered, trying to fight her off, "get out!" He screamed.

He grabbed his head, the pain almost becoming to much, before it suddenly stopped. Lance curled in on himself, holding his head and gasping for air. The hell was that?

He didn't have long to thing about it, before a druid and two sentries appeared at the door of his cell. "Goddamn it." He whispered angerly.


Keith slashed as the Gladiator attacked again, blocking his strike like usual. He was growing more and more frustrated as he battled the bot. Five weeks. Five goddamn weeks, and still nothing. He grunted as their swords clashed together. He had been spending most of his time here since Lance had been taken.

The team had been covering every angle they came across. They had already infiltrated multiple ships and liberated three planets, and Lance hadn't been on any of them. The only evidence they got was that he'd been moved off the ship he'd been originally captured on, and was being held on one of Zarkon's main ships, but they had no idea which.

Keith continued to battle his fourth Gladiator, before the training sequence suddenly ended. He turned and spotted Shiro by the entrance. In a huff, he made his way over to his stuff and sat down as Shiro came over. He pulled out his water packet.

Shiro sat down beside him, "how you doing?"

Keith said nothing as he continued to drink his water.

Shiro rubbed his neck, "Keith, I know these past couple weeks have been rough for you. Do you need to-"

"If you're gonna give me a lecture on keeping things to myself, don't. I'm fine." He remarked forcefully.

Shiro shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I don't believe you." He put a hand on Keith's shoulder, "Keith, I know you're hurting, and I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but I'm here for you. We all are. And," he pauses, looking to make sure nobody had walked in, "I know about you and Lance."

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