Beneath the Surface Chapter 1

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It was a chilly September night when the world as we know it started it's slow descent that would only end in catastrophe. There was only one person who could stop this from happening, believe it or not. A baby girl.

"Did you bring it?" A woman with gray-streaked black hair asked to the empty street.

Then, a man appeared out of the shadows, carrying a small bundle in his arms.

"Yes, I have her," the man said, putting emphasis on the word her, "she's not an item." He was quite young, in his late twenties. He had startling blue eyes and brown hair. He seemed anxious, scared, even.

"Jonathan, this is for the best." The woman said.

The man, Jonathan, nodded, his blue eyes darting nervously around the street, his eyes landing on every single house. His gaze lingered the longest, however, on the house at the end of the dead end road. The orphanage.

"I know what you're coming from, Perscilla, but do you really think that this is the last resort?" He asked her, his voice strained.

"It's the only option. She will be safest this way." Perscilla said.

"Safe," he said with a half-hearted laugh, "yeah, safe to grow up believing that she wasn't wanted. Safe to grow up never knowing who she really is." He said, his voice raised slightly in anger.

"She will see you again. You and Angela." Perscilla said, her eyes sad.

"That may be so, but who knows if she'll even want to look at us when she finds out." Jonathan said miserably, looking down at the bundle in his arms.

"We must. They're already looking for her. We need to get back and help." Perscilla said, nervously looking at her surroundings, as if someone were to attack right then and there.

"Do you have the paper?" Jonathan asked with a sigh.

Perscilla nodded and pulled out a slip of paper.

The two walked together, slowly, stopping at the door of the orphanage, both faces solemn and sad.

Jonathan placed the bundle down gently at the foot of the door, leaving the slip of paper tucked in

"We will come back." Jonathan whispered to the baby girl wrapped in the blanket, kissing her forehead.

Perscilla rang the doorbell and the two quickly left, disappearing around the corner. The baby began crying.

The door opened and a young woman emerged. The was only in her early twenties, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her name was Olivia.

She looked down at the crying baby and gasped, before picking her up and carrying her inside, placing her in one of the older cribs, that was used by a baby that had just been adopted.

Olivia pulled out the slip of paper and read what was on it,

Her name is Alexandria Grace, she is two days old.

"Well Alexandria, I guess I'm going to be your mom until we can find you a new one." Olivia said, down to the baby girl who opened her eyes for the first time.

They were a bright shade of green. A shade that no one could ever forget. Ever.

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