chapter seven

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Rena opened her eyes slowly, feeling as if she went through a lawn moner and then crushed under a truck. As her eyes adjusted to the weak light she found herself looking into brown eyes.In fact she found herself looking at Richard's face but more rugged.He looked more masculine and harsher.His eyes were no longer gentle.This made her more scared. Serena slowly sat up,her head pounding even more."Richard?What are you doing here? What happened to me?"

"Lady,i dont know who you are talking about.My name is Sebstian Black.Duke worthing to you.And i should ask what you are doing here as this is my house,more specifically my room." He said in a deep cold voice that made shivers run up her spine." Nasty bruise you have there."

"Richard,really stop this prank.its not funny and i have a splitting headache."

"Look lady..I have no idea what you are talking about  and i have intension of talking to you until sun rise as i have important matters to take care of.Now go and we will continue this in the morning."

At once Serena snapped"Listen to me and listen well.Am not a servant to be ordered around.I will do as i like when i like." With that she left the room slamming the door behind her without even bothering to look around her.

It was only when she was out that she registered the changes that happened.She found herself standing in a thick carpeted hallway with candles lighting it up.The candles cast a gentle glow.

"Weird.Wonder what happened to electricity?" As she went she slowly registered the changes like how things had a regal touch to it,The silver that was scattered around the place and potraits instead of pictures.

"I feel like am walking in a dream.Reading and painting regency stuff must have affected my brain.But it just seems to real to be just a dream.Guess I should really be careful for what i wish for.I truely did get it."

Luckly for her,the house didn't change in its lay out.However her pyjamas made things a bit difficult in event of her running into someone, so she slowly made her way to one of the suites which she hoped to be empty.Except there was a nasty suprise waiting for her. She found the floor made up of entirely small rooms that were not so cheerful.

As she was slowly making her way to the end of the hallway she found her self in, a door suddenly slammed making her jump.

"excuse me,Miss..This is the servants wing." A masculine voice said. Serena took a deep breath while her mind was racing for plausable explaination for her modern attire, if the question of it arose.

"Iam sorry, i got lost. I was looking for someplace private."

"I dont think i have seen you before,Miss"

"You dont have the right to ask me that, Mister, but be assured iam not a theif." She silently thanked all the authors she worked for, for providing her with the vocublary needed for this time.

Suddenly the man gripped her upper arm.."I dont have the authority to ask who are you but i do know some one who does."

With that he pulled her back from where she came from,while all her pleas of letting her go fell on deaf ears.

A few moments later she found her self back infront of the room that she left, the one occupied by the duke. "Oh no!not again!i have to have another talk with that arrogant person again."

After a quick knock and a reply,Rena found her self  face to face with the duke.

"Sorry for disturbing you, my lord, but i found a trespasser inside the house.She claimes she is not a theif but she wouldnt give me her name." With that, she was thrust roughly to the ground.

"Hey watch it,you dolt!" Serena exclaimed to  her prisoner. The duke didnt even bother to look at her.

"What she claims is true, Alfred. I came across this woman unconcious infront of the manor. When she came to, she said she ran from an arranged marriage.However she will be leaving in a few days time."

" As you say so,My lord."

"Alfred,under no circumstance should the other staff members hear of her running away or i will have your hide.Please show her to the main guest room."

He turned without even a nod in her direction nor looking at her suprised expression.

Alfred, who happened to be the butler, ushered her out of the room down opposite hallway to a magnificent room furnished in cream and beige colours,that has a feminine touch.

Once Alfred had left the room,Serena plopped into the queen sized mahogny bed and admired the room from that angled.There was a thick persian carpet on the floor,beige chairs and beige table and curtains to match.The bright colours made the room seem bigger than it really is.

Thinking of the made up story and what it might implicate made Serena's head pound till she fell into a dreamless fitfull sleep.

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