Chapter 13

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With in two days,Serena was uprooted and planted in Caroline's household. Caroline was the true meaning of gentless,speaking in soft tone,laughing gently behind her hand,Rarely going out-and when she does she always has a footman to escort her and carring a small pelisse,always obeying her "dear" husband's orders.To Rena all this was just a way to squash caroline's personality and it made her irritated.

She almost wished going back to Sebstian, where her days were so full of things to do that she was almost always exhausted by the end of the day.

But a better idea came to her was time to show the women of this era that they have backbones!

So one day,after dinner,She and Caroline exchanged stories and Rena told her how she would always talk back to Seb.This shocked Caroline to no end.

"How can you talk back to a man?And a duke no less?"She gasped.

"Easy.I dont care if he is a man or a duke.Iam a woman and i dont allow men to stomp on me like a doormat.You should really try it."

"But we were brought up to be always quiet and obdient.No man like a loud voice rude woman."

"you dont need to stick to the rules.And if a man doesnt like you for been strong then he frankly doesnt deserve you.I was raised to think for my self,to be on one footing with a man..not be in his shadow and to support each other.I think that's the true meaning of having a relation ship with a man.Really try it one day."

Caroline just kept quiet thinking of all that Rena told her and quietly decided to give Rena's  suggestion a try.

Seeing the wheels turn in Caroline's head and then click made Rena feel satsified at having caused some change in the too quiet household.

"Now time for phase B...make some positive changes with in the staff.And i know just to do it."

Later at night, Rena ordered two cups of hot choclate to be brought up to her room with her maid.

When lissette,the maid came up with the choclate to help Rena with her nightly duties,she was suprised to find her already dressed into her night gown and her hair already plaited.

"Please remove that look of suprise from your face.Iam not a helpless child that i cant even do my own things.Here please put the chocalte on the table."

"Should i call the mistress or take the other cup to her."Lissett asked politly.

"Neither.The other cup is for you."

The girl gasped at this.

"Me?Why?" She asked carefully after putting the tray on the small table.

"Because I wish to know you.I dont like the rigid relation ship between us "

The girl smiled hugely and had a look in her eyes that could be translated into"Iam worshipping you."

They stayed up for two more hours just talking and laughing with each other.

When she was going to bed,Rena was sure that this little chitchat will be news by tommorow morning.

It was just as she predicted...the next morning the kitchen was abuzz with the news that the house guest wants to befriend the staff.

When Rena entered the kitchen,the place went deathly quiet. Instead of acknowlding this she at once donned on an apron and started exploring the kitchen.She found it easy to know and at once took out the ingriedients of a cake and started making it...something that made cook's Jaw almost hit the ground. She then told everyone to get back to their chores.

Knowing that one cake will not be enough,she made two.After it was completely finished,She called all the staff to her,who came running within a blink of an eye.After leaving two pieces for Caroline and her husband,She gave each of the staff a piece and took one for herself and plopped herself on the table.

"Okay people.Lets get to know each other."She commented.At once all the staff brought chairs and sat around her as if they were her children.Since it was still early morning,and Caroline was still asleep,She gave permission for the staff to do their chores later.

They spent the cake eating session by introducing themselves and saying something about their lives.Soon they moved to funny stories.

Rena laughed till her stomach hurt.She was in a peal of laughter when noticed that the place became quiet and the staff was at the doorway.

Looking in their direction she saw Sebstian,Hawk,Caroline and Nick-Caroline's husband-standing looking at her with gaping mouths and identical astonished expressions on their faces.

"Uh uh" was all she said

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