chapter ten

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Serena was so angry at Sebstian and Hawk that she didnt even bother think about her destination as she exited the room.She soon found her legs carrying her to the front door into the small garden.

Looking at the shrubbery and bushes scattered around,a plan formed in her head and she smiled mischeviously.  She looked around until she saw a few cans in the trash and with the tips of her  fingers she picked them up and went to the nearest bush.

Rena started digging for a while until she saw a few worms.

"Yuck!i dont believe iam doing this.Its so disgusting."

She proceede to pick up the worms with the tip a stick and threw them in the cans  until one was almost half full.

She slowly sneaked in the house and when steadily continued steathly to Sebstian's room.She found a pair of boots that were laid out,clearly for use and without further hesitation she dumpted  the worms in the boot."Pay back is a bitch" she thought to herself and quietly sneacked back out after making sure nothing was disturbed and thanking her gender that will protect her from flogging in this century.

Barely ten minutes passed before a furious masculine roar filled the hall.

"Where is that She devil?Iam going to wring her neck,woman or no woman" Sebstian roared at the top of his lungs.

At once Serena made her self scarce hidden behind a chair.Then as Sebstian passed by, She stuck her foot out,tripping him resulting in a pearl of laughter at the shock written all over his face.But this soon turned into rage and Seb's face turned crimison.

Reading the signs correctly,Serena fleed to the garden and climbed up a tree after making sure no one was around and hitching her dress up to her knees.She thanked her linday for teaching her how to climb during her childhood.

"Serena!you get down here at once!" ordered Sebstian when he caught up with her.

"No i wont.And you dont have any  right to order me around as if you are my dad."

"I do since you are tresspassing on my property."

"So do something about it."She retored.Suddenly something caught her eye behind Seb.When he noticed it,he too looked behind to see all the servants from the butler to the scullery maid looking at them and gaping in shock at the woman who is up in a tree.At once he ordered them back to their duties which they obeyed at once without a protest.

"Get down,Serena,before you fall down and break a bone." Seb ordered in a voice so very like a sergeant

"No i wont.Iam not a child or a servant for you to order around."

"Okay then dont!Stay there till dinner time.And i just had a brilliant idea!Iam staying here too.After all this is my favourite tree and the weather is beautiful.And iam cancelling all my appointments.Now lets see how u can escape."

"Okay,i dont really care.Stay there..after all none of us have something to do.And i spent all my chiodhood climbing trees so you can call pocohantus."

He erases the smug smile that was in his face at her reply and proceeded to carry out his suggestion,lying in a way where he can face her.

"What's pocohuntus" he asked curiously.

"Its a childhood story of a native american girl living in the forest.One day if we dont kill each other may be i can tell it to you as a bed time story."She smirked.

However her sassy reply had a totally different effect on him.He imagined her in his bed snuggled comfortably between the sheets with her hair fanned out on the pillow with fire in her eyes and passion written all over her.

He mentally slapped him self to walk up from the dream he crawled in.

"Your accent is strange.You didnt tell me from where you came from."

"I dont think you will believe me.You might think iam crazy so iam not telling you."

Knowing persistance won't get him any where he tried another route..trying to forge some kind of friend ship. "What do you like to do in your free time?"

"painting and reading"

For the next two hours they talked about themselves and their goals until they became hungry. Seb was the first to notice their hunger and commented on it.Looking around they noticed it was almost evening and that they quiet alot of time just talking.

"Serena,lets go inside now to eat.I dont know about you but iam starving." Seb said in a friendly tone that suprised Serena and unknowly shift her weight,which was a big mistake.At once the branch broke making Rena scream in alaram and sebstian stand underneath her in a blink of an eye bracing himself to catch her.

The force of Serena landing in his arms made Seb shift his weight and slip on a piece of wood that rolled from underneath his boot.He suddenly found himself on his back with Rena ontop of him.

It was as if it was the first time he sees the color of her eyes.They both kept looking in each other's eyes with out moving a muscle and sparks filling the air.

"No,you are no child.You are a woman!"

Without any warning,he pushed her head down capturing her lips in a kiss that made her gasp and make her loose all coherent thoughts that might have strayed in her head.

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