chapter ninteen

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"I should have known something fish is going on.After all you dont see two identical people and simply dismiss it."Rena thought to her self later that day as she was still processing the new information that Hawk told her.

Restless,she went out to the garden at the back of the house for a few hours of sunbathing-a notion that will make caroline hyper ventilate if Serena ever suggested to her.According to Caroline women should either stay indoors or when outside use a small umberella,the perfect way to get pasty skin in Rena's mind.

She soon found a nice shady tree to cozy under  and did so with  great happiness.

Thinking back to all that happened made her heave a huge sigh.She could hardly believe that almost a month passes since came here.

"I truely am a magnet for dramatics.Wonder what linday will think of all this if i ever told her?"

Before she even knew she was dozing,the sun rays warming her face.

Afer a while something blocked the warmth of the sun from her face and Rena opened a single eye to find someone standing over her.When she saw it was Sebstian,she non verbally dismissed him by once again closing her eyes without even acknowloging him.

"Hello,Serena." he said "Long time no see"

That sentence made her snap her eyes wide open.

"Oh my god!its you,Robert.!"

"Where you expecting someone else?" He said as he sat next to her.However the limited space made her uncomfortable and she instinctively moves.The action didn't escape him.

"Am I crazy or am i just dreaming?How is possible we are in the 1810?"

"And you ask me that question?I really dont know."

"How did you know i was here?"

"Well when you came here,I was some how pulled withyou.That night i came back to ask you out on another date,but i suddenly found my self here.And i didnt show my self because i didnt want to make problems.You see people here thought am dead.Seeing me alive will just complicate things."

"Does that mean that the story Hawk told me is true?Are you Sebstian's brother?"

"Yes,am his older twin brother.Any ways lets go back home before its too late.After two days,if you dont get back home you will be stuck here for ever."


"No buts,Serena.Lets go!" With that he forcefully scooped her to her feet. and dragged her to the main street,while she was struggling and protesting.

At last,Robert snapped "Serena,you are going to do what i say and you will do it now!".Shocked,she went limb making Robert loose his balance due to the wasted effort of pushing her.He looked back to see Rena staring at his back.


"You have never screamed at me,never.And now you are acting like a maniac.Sometimes you are just like Sebstian." she commented. But it was the wrong thing to say.A dangerous gleam entered his eyes,scaring Serena.

"Let me go.I dont even know who are you anymore.Maybe i never did."

Running out of patience,he carried serena over his shoulder,her face facing his back.This infuriated her even more.But before she could kick him,he clamed her feet together hindering any movement.At once she startes screaming and he retaliated by giving her a sharp slap on her buttom.

"One more scream and i will have to knock you out." he snapped. This put an stop to all resistance. "Thought you will see it my way."he chuckled.

"I dont see what's funny.After all iam the one who is kidnapped by an insane person.Iam going to sue you."

"Sure go ahead.But what are you going to say.I mean you cant exactly go to the police in the future and tell them you were kidnapped in 1810 and here you cant tell them you are from the future.Both ways you will end up in an asylum."

She merely fumed at his answer.She didnt wish to admit it but he did have a point.

Barely a second later he dumpted her inside a carriage that was airless and it looked it will fall apart at any moment. It was apparent somone knew of his scheme when he climbed in  and the coach started to move.

"You will have to excuse our transportation method,but let's just say my money is in safe keeping.With my dear brother."

Rena at once understood everything. "So you hate your brother because he inherites everything."She stated.

"It's more than that.He was my best friend and when i dissapeared he didnt even bother to look for me!instead he took my rightful place!" Robert spat bitterly.

"You are wrong.Seb became anti social because of your dissapearance."

"And how did you know that?Dear Hawk told you.ofcourse that's what he will say.Hawk and seb are insepartable.Now if you will excuse me you wouldnt like what am going to do."

He snappes a huge duct tape across her mouth and then bound her hands together behind her back.

"We have a bright future waiting for us,my love.Ofcourse after i deliver a few things to my french friends.You know they love weapons."

She remembered Hawk and Sebstian talking about someone smuggling weapons to the french.It made her sick to  know it was robert behind this.

"Oh guessed right.I came here everymonth stay for sometime.The booty i recieve from the french brings a considerable fortune in the future.After all i sell them historical artifacts.Ofcourse in the process i dont give any information that might change what's to come."

Rena interupted angrily.

"Why am i telling you all this?Easy.You after all will be my future wife.I didnt expect to love you,but iam only a human.And by marring you,my brother's heart will be broken and at the same time I once again get back my house.Maybe not fortune but i already have that.And i have no need for a title in the future.The perfect plan." He cackled,making Rena's neck hair stand on end and looking terrified at her fate.

"I love the look of terror on your face. And here we are."The carriage stopped and he stepped down the carried her out.

They were standing  infront of a run down cottage that had seen better days.Inside it was sparsly furnished with just a moth eaten sofa,a wooden chair and table on which a plate and chipped cup were resting.

"And to think kidnapping was something only in the movies.I swear my life has turned into a dramatic soap opera recently."Rena thought to her self as she walked to the sofa.As soon as she sat down,Robert  warned her "Am not tieing your feet.But if you step out of here you will find a  big muscly guy guarding you.Believe you don't want to cross him because then he will make me look tame."

Suddenly he pulled the duct tape from her mouth,making her eyes tear from the pain.Befor she could react,Robert  stooped and kissed her agressively and she in return bit him breaking contact.

"How could i ever think you are like your brother?He is twice the man you are you sniveling coward."

At that moment Robert restuck the tape, shutting her up and then slapped her.

"That's for insulting me. you will do well to remember not to anger me,wife."

He then left the cottage,leaving Serena looking for a way out of her situation.

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