chapter twenty

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"George,take this letter to my brother and husband.You will find them in their usual clubs" Caroline handed  the footman a sealed envelope "and try to be descreet."

At once the footman left the house wondering why the secrecy.What made him worried was how Serena had the habit of suddenly dissapearing.One of the maids in charge of breakfast came back and said Rena was not in her room when she brought breakfast.The staff simply grew attached to their house guest and all wished her happines.

After delivering the letter,he startes his way back home.Barely a minute passed before two riser overtook him,leaving him in their dust,whom he identified as Hawk and Nick. Their pace made him even more worried and he picked up his pace in hopes of helping out at home.

Every single living member in Caroline's house hold was lined up and Caroline was ordering them around like a sergeant.Hawk and Nick were suprised when they saw the sight infront of them but quickly got over it.They knew caroline has a fiery spirit but they had no idea how fiery.

"Caroline what's wrong?" Hawk said.

"We can't find Serena any where. And we looked every where.Every nook and cranny of this house.None of the horses are missing."

"Maybe she went on foot?she seems to love central park."

"Serena is not stupid to carry out yesterday's mistake again.Besides She has a nasty bout of cold."

"Illness never stopped her been mischevious."

A heavy knock sounded at the door.They looked to see Sebstian.

"I recieved your missive caroline and heard what was said.We already know that there is a traitor dancing around.Maybe he wished to strike closer to home and Rena is a magnet for trouble."

"But we don't know who we are looking or where to look."Hawk said.

"Maybe we dont know whom to look for but we know where to look.Apparently the only way to smuggle goods without detection is by sea.And the nearest Sea port is the swanderson port.We position men there all day around for any suspicious couple.Serena will be with him,he won't risk letting her escape."

They all looked unconvinced at each other,but since they saw no other option they figured they might as well give it a try.With in ten minutes all the male staff had been rounded up and dressed into clothes to blend in with the public,as did Hawk,Sebstian and Nick.Also unknown to them,Caroline dressed up in the most rugged clothes she could find and waited for them to leave.Suddenly an idea struck her.She sneaked to the kitchen and quickly snatched a fruit knife which she tucked in a sash tied around her waist.

As soon as the men left,she went to the nearest post and rented a seat on a postchase that was going in the direction of the harbour,praying she will make in time.

Serena was binding her time looking for the golden opportunty to escape.She knew she couldn't rely on the normal method to escape,so knew she has to improvise.

An idea came to her mind when her guard came in to check up on her.She started gagging and bucking in her seat.The guard hurried over to her and quickly removed the gag.

"What's wrong?Are you alright?"

"Iam feeling thirsty and hungry.I haven't eaten in a long time."

"Just wait here.I think there is a place near by."

"Wait,before you go,can you please untie me?My hands are really numb.You can stand watch over me.After all iam just a woman and you are a big man."

At once the man's ego inflated to the bursting point.

"I can always depend on inflating men's ego" Rena thought to herself while struggling to subdue the grin that was threating to break across her face.

He quickly untied her and she meekly massaged her wrists. But before she could do anything,the door opened and in came Robert. The guard quickly sniviled beneath the glare that Robert was giving him and left.

"Damn it.Now what do i do?If i get tied again,God knows if i will ever get out of here."She thought.

"Do you know what's the best thing about modern times,Serena?It's the  modern things that i can bring back with me.You know like a pistol and chloroflorm."

Serena looked in horror into his eyes,trying to find that perfect man she went out with but she wasn't even able to find a glimmer.Two scenes played out in her head.One he kills her and the second he knocks her out and then god knows he does what and then kill her.

Acting quickly,she went and put her arms around Robert's neck and whispered Seductively in his ear,"Hey,sexy.Do you have an idea how confining it is to live in this century,especially if you are a woman?But both of us are not from here."

And kissed him passionately and wrapped a leg around around his waist.At once Robert put his hands around her waist and returned the kiss and pushed her to the ground."I have been waiting to do that for a very long time."He said in a husky voice.When they hit the ground,the pistol fell from his pocket. Allowing herself to be underneath him,she moaned.

"Yuck!That's gross!"She thought. She then sneaked her hands to the pistol and as soon as she grabbed the pistol,she wrenched herself from him and before he could process what was happening,she quickly shot him  in the shoulder .The curses that streamed from his mouth,made her ears blister.

"Never swear infront of a lady:a rule that is consistent through out time.I bet you never expected me to know how to shoot."

looking out of the window,She saw the guard is not there.In the distance she saw the sails of ships and knew she was near a harbour and knew she could catch something that will take her back home.

She quickly ran towards the  harbour in an effort to get a head start.Her constant excerise helpes her in gaining pace without breaking a sweat.

However it was not long before she heard the pound of steps behind her and knew that the guard was behind her,which made her run faster.

At the harbour,the men were searching for any woman who resembled Rena."But how do we even know he will bring her here?They could be anywhere."Hawk asked Sebstian.

"Smuggler's  have a habit of making their escape through the sea.It gives them a better chance of going unnoticed. Let's just say i have a feeling we will find what we are lookin for here."

Two minutes later,Nick came to them.

"one of the footmen saw a burly man running behind a woman.He said the woman looked like Serena.But even it's not her,she needs help."

At once the three men and Caroline  tiptoes behind them determined to help in any way if needed.

Rena was fed up of running for her life.She slowed down allowing the man to catch up with  her and suddenly   stooped and kicked the man on the shins hard making him loose his balance and fall hard. However she didnt consider that he will fall foward and pinned her effectively on the ground.

"damn it" she muttered.

"Now miss,get up slowly and don't try any funny business or i will be forced to shoot." He snarled,when he got to his feet waving the gun around.None noticed that they had an audience of three men in the distance who were following them discreetly.

"back to point zero" Rena muttered bitterly."Where the hell is Sebtain and the others!"

As soon they were back,Serena recieved a painful slap from robert.She at once slapped him back,twice.

"You really think am going to allow you to hit me around like a beach ball?"

At that moment the door slammes open.

"Okay,this big play is over.You should let her free."a voice said.The guard,Robert and Serena turned towards the voice.

"Sebstian!"Serena said happily.

"Robert?"Sebstian said shocked unable to believe his eyes.

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